Hi , and what is not understood is 1 Cor 12:3 , showing that Saul was already Baptized by the Holy Spirit , in A cts 9:6 or BAPTIZO/PLACED into the Body of Christ .
BAPTIZO can be translated PLACED in 1 Cor 12:13 !!
Just for your information , there are 12 different kinds of Baptisms in the Old Testament .
Just ONE example , in 1 Cor 10:2 , " and were all BAPTIZO/PLACED unto Moses in the Cloud and in the Sea " , so where is the water ??
But in Acts 9:17 , Ananais lays his hands on SAUL and SAUL is BAPTIZO , IN VERSE 18 .
But verse 17 says what and how SAUL was Baptized with !!.
It says " be fiilled with Holy Spirit " !!!
Notice that in the Greek text , as it says in my KJV , " be filled with ( the ) Holy Spirit , is not correct !!
The correct Greek text has , " be filled with Holy Spirit " as the Greek article ( the ) is not in the Greek text !!
This means that is is not talking about the Inwelling or person of the Holy Spirit , but Saul is FILLED with the POWER of the Holy Spirit ,
I have a book with about, 100 verses where the Greek article shoild not be in the KJV , FOR THE GREEK aRTICLE POINTS TO A VERY " SPECIFIC " THING , AND WHAT i HAVE WRITTEN CAN BE CHECKED EASILY .
So , we see that SAUL was Baptized twice .
This means that Saul was BAPTIZO/PLACED into the Body of Christ as 1 Cor 12:13 says and then Baptized with the POWER of the Holy Spirit , which are 2 different things .
This happens to all that are saved today under the preaching of Grace , dan p