Does a theistic God exist?By Ed Hindson
What does the term a theistic God mean? A theistic God is a personal God who created the universe but is not part of the universe; this God is external, perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful, and above His creation, yet actively involved in His creative order and unchanging in His character. If a theistic God exists, not only are the miracles of Jesus possible, they should be expected because Jesus claimed to be God, John 8:58. The creator of space and time must be uncaused, timeless, and immaterial. This creator is infinite and unimaginably powerful because He created the entire universe out of nothing. He is supremely intelligent as affirmed by the incredible perception of the universes design. He must be personal because he chose to create the universe out of nothing interestingly, these are some of the same characteristics ascribed to the person known as Jesus of Nazareth. John 1:1-3; 8:58; Colossians 1:15-17.