Author Topic: A Prayer By F. B. MEYER  (Read 852 times)

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A Prayer By F. B. MEYER
« on: October 09, 2018, 12:13:02 am »

Father, you have loved us; you love us now; you will love us forever. Your love passes knowledge. It is like a warm, sunlit ocean enfolding the tiny islet of my life; I swim in it, but can never reach its limits. I thank you for the depth and length of your love.
Let the fire of your love consume in me all sinful desires of the flesh and of the mind, that I may continually abide in Jesus Christ my Lord and seek the things of heaven, where he sits at your right hand.
I beseech you O Lord, to bless those whom I love. Minister to them as I would, could I be by their side, and better than I could because your thoughts and ways are so much more tender and helpful than mine could be. Keep them safe beneath your wing.


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Re: A Prayer By F. B. MEYER
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2018, 12:57:06 pm »