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JB Horn

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ABC explains the Mormon religion.
« on: August 23, 2012, 03:24:00 pm »
ABC news has found it necessary to address the police of the Mormon religion, because of the possibility that Mitt Romney, who is a Mormon, may become the president of the United States. ABC news was put in a bad position for a liberal news organization. On the one hand they had to remain politically correct and appear to be tolerant a minority religion, and at the same time they want to do what they can do to benefit Barack Obama and his reelection efforts. ABC news does not want to put itself in a position where they must come back and analyze the religion of Brock Obama as taught by the Rev. Wright. It also appears in the article that the author knew very little of the Mormon beliefs and possibly even the mainstream Christian beliefs. You can see the article at the following URL.

Here's a quote from the article that proves my point about them not understanding the doctrine of the Mormons.

"Latter-day saints love and adore the Holy Bible," Millet told ABC News.
"But we've announced it is not the end of the prophets. God still speaks."
This quote alone shows what little research ABC news did into the workings of the Mormon religion. First of all latter-day Saints do not love and adore the 66 books of the Holy Bible. In fact Brigham Young as stated that the virgin birth of Christ is nothing more than a fairy tale for children.

Most Christians will concede that God still speaks to mankind but they will also tell you that the Bible is clear in Deuteronomy that if any profit makes a prophecy that comes from the Lord, and that prophecy fails to come true, that prophet is a false prophet. It is well documented that the prophet of Mormons, Smith, made many prophecies that the state it came from God that were not fulfilled in the time frames it claimed that God had told him.

There were a few other things about the Mormon religion one should consider. First is they do not believe that God the father was always a supreme being of the universe. They believe that God is a man made out of flesh and blood. They also believe that human beings can become gods. Brigham Young taught that Adam was God and the father of Christ. Of course the first question a sane man would ask is do they believe in the book of Genesis? The answer would have to be no. There is no way that Adam could have been the creator of himself unless of course they believe that there is an unknown God out there somewhere that is responsible for the creation of the God we worship.

I would like to make it clear that looking at the two candidates for president I find Mitt Romney far superior a candidate and future hope for America than I do Barack Obama. Unfortunately I believe that in the afterlife both these people find themselves in the same place and they will know for sure of the hell Christ preached of. But then again there is always hope for even the worst of sinners and maybe, just maybe the Holy Spirit will be able work on both these men's soul, let that be our prayer.


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Re: ABC explains the Mormon religion.
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2012, 08:11:32 pm »
I sure would like to participate in an election where I don't have to hold my nose and vote.

JB Horn

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Re: ABC explains the Mormon religion.
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2012, 04:16:26 pm »
I sure would like to participate in an election where I don't have to hold my nose and vote.

I think our country is just too big and too diverse for two-party system. I believe someday we will see three or four parties in the mainstream, having to form coalitions to run the government. I can't think that I've ever heard one person say that he is totally satisfied with either of the two present parties.