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The Papal Playbook: Bob to the Right, Move to the Left



Facing a storm of protests from the Catholic world in the aftermath of his atrocious stage-show at the Shamazon Synod, which was just a vehicle for smuggling married priests and lady “deacons” into the Church, Pope Francis has bobbed momentarily to the right in true Peronist fashion.

First of all, in his audience address of November 6, Francis characterized the positive idolatry of the “Pachamama” fertility goddess during the event as no more offensive than Saint Paul’s visit to the Aeropgagus, where he encountered a statue dedicated to “an Unknown God” and told those present that he was there to preach the Gospel of the God they did not know.


--- Quote ---positive idolatry
--- End quote ---

Who knew :'(

It must be biblical, maybe I have the wrong copy of the scripture.


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