Author Topic: United Methodist Church officially splits over gay ‘marriage,’ clergy  (Read 1930 times)

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The United Methodist Church (UMC) announced Friday it will be dealing with ongoing divisions over homosexuality by formally splitting, with the formation of a new denomination for Methodists who hold to a Biblical understanding of sex and marriage.

The church has been divided over the issues of same-sex “marriage” and homosexual clergy, with its General Conference voting in February against compromising its opposition. Tensions have continued since, however, and on Friday the church announced the formation of a new “traditional Methodist” denomination for more conservative Methodists, the New York Times reports.

The Washington Post adds that the agreement spares the church’s left-wing faction from facing sanctions that were originally slated to take effect, including suspension and/or expulsion for clergy who officiate same-sex “weddings.” By default, local churches will be members of the UMC, and would have to conduct votes in order to identify as “traditional Methodist.”


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Political correctness is a cancer in the Church.

Zant Law

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It will be interesting to see what those that profess to be followers of the bible (believing the scriptures are the accurate word of God) do. Will they stay with their gay preacher or move on with other Methodist who believe as themselves.
