I think that people,mankind tries to catagorize things ,for example jew or gentile ,but not just these but as an example, it is hard or difficult to think that there may be a bigger picture and that the sheep as they are called are still his sheep no matter if they are not in the same place or in the same group but his none the less and one day will be one. This may have referred to the gentiles being grafted in becoming adopted therefore being isreal. This may have been also trying to show that those who are his can be anywhere in any place . we do know that those whose names are written in the book of life when that time comes are his , and those who are not are not, but they can be anyone from anywhere and will be one and in the same fold. but we can be certain we
individually do not know who they are or may be and we cannot concern ourselves with something we could possibly not know nor does it depend upon us knowing or disagreeing about it, it is and we must accept that whoever GOD chooses whoever they are where ever they are ,praise GOD for it and blessed are they for recieving. amen.