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Christianity Isn’t dying, Cultural Christianity Is.
You’ve heard it suggested that the United States is simply Europe on a 50-year delay. Most churches will be museums before your grandchildren reach adulthood.
Though new numbers from Pew Research released this month point to a decline in American Protestants, no serious scholar believes that Christianity in America is on a trajectory of extinction. And, as a Ph.D. researcher and practicing evangelical Christian, I say to those who’ve read recent reports and come to that conclusion, “Not so fast.”
You see, many in the USA who identify as Christian do so only superficially. These “cultural Christians” use the term “Christian” but do not practice the faith.
Please read the story here:
I think this is not news to most of us. All that is being done here is a more accurate deffinition of the term Chriatian by making a new class the, “Cultural Christians”. Look in America 80% people claim to be Christian, all you have to do is look at the people being elected into office to know that this cannot be true.
--- Quote from: Fat on October 25, 2012, 12:26:44 pm ---I think this is not news to most of us. All that is being done here is a more accurate deffinition of the term Chriatian by making a new class the, “Cultural Christians”. Look in America 80% people claim to be Christian, all you have to do is look at the people being elected into office to know that this cannot be true.
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We know that the Church will be persecuted but it will come through the persecution. The cultural Cristian's will fall away and the real Church will become stronger. I have heard pastors that have estimated that only 10% of their congregation were saved. THAT'S SAD.
Do you think that the churches will become museums?
--- Quote from: macuser on October 25, 2012, 11:59:54 pm ---We know that the Church will be persecuted but it will come through the persecution. The cultural Cristian's will fall away and the real Church will become stronger. I have heard pastors that have estimated that only 10% of their congregation were saved. THAT'S SAD.
Do you think that the churches will become museums?
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No not at all I think they will always have congregations and there'll always be people there worshiping someone or something. You have many churches at the present that call himself Christian but it is very unlikely that you will find any Christian membership.
It is interesting how GOD has chosen to deal with man throughout the ages showing man the way to life or death, after the fall ,GOD tried being patient with us by telling us what we should and should not do ,and the option to offer a sacrifice in case we did sin,but simply asked us to obey.
after this christ was the ultimate sacrifice making a way to redeem us ,much simpler than the sacrfice of an animal , simply by believing and confessing and repenting. Later it will be an extreme measure, if you disbelieve you will live and recieve the mark,and if you believe you will die. The church of course is hidden during that time and they must be dragged out or exposed and the devil will persecute them . I take christ at his word there are not many ,and they are hard to find and may be in the midst of the so called christians or cultural christians but i do not think the church is a very large body in this time , although some may believe otherwise. when men believe they determine what the church is or is not then is it the church or what men made to be the church?
read the word of GOD believe what it says and worship GOD and keep the commandments , if GOD has chosen you so be it,if not so be it, do your best and hope for the best , in the end the lord will reveal all things.
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