Author Topic: Tenets of Atheism  (Read 4219 times)

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JB Horn

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Tenets of Atheism
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:17:33 pm »
Tenets of Atheism

Not all atheists believe the same when concerning subject like how the universe came into existence, evolution and other scientific matters.
They do all believe however, that the universe or the cosmos is all that exist, and there is no creator or spiritual entity.

Something that is very funny about atheists is that they affirm the existence of evil but still denied the existence of God. To me this belief seems a little bit inconsistent with reality, how could there be evil if there is no moral standards set by other than man?

When it comes to the human being atheists differ in some aspects. Some believe that the human being has a soul but that soul dies when the body dies. Others believe that there is no such thing as a soul and it conscious thought is only a chemical reaction within the mind.

Now when you get into the matter of ethics you run into problems with definition. Some believe that there is no moral absolutes, and some believe that moral absolutes have derived from trial and error. Some morals and ethics become a personal choice, what feels goods to me must be moral and ethical.

All atheists believe there is nothing after death. With this in mind they must make the best of the time they have alive. I don't know if they fill that they have any duty to improve society for the present and future generations after they have met their demise. If you think about it it would be hard to understand, if man is nothing but physical matter, he could ever have a duty of any kind.

One of the problems and believing in evolution and also believing there is no creator you have to contradict yourself. Atheists will argue correctly, that God could not create himself because to do this he would have to exist to make that creation. At the same time they claim that the universe is self-created, where nothing has become everything from nowhere to eternity. Leaving this a leave the argument that nothing cannot cause something.

The Usefulness Of Atheism To Christians

Christians should look at atheist as a way to help them in their studies of their religion and God. The atheist should be looked at as the loyal opposition to be treated respectively and without contempt. You get a chance to debate an atheist is wise to be armed with some basic principles of science because you will see that they have to abandon these principles to make their arguments for their own existence. But the more interesting debates you can have with atheist are those debates concerning ethics and morality. When it comes to ethnics and morality you will see that they do have a God who sets moral limits, and that God is man himself.

 With all respect to the loyal opposition, JB Horn


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Re: Tenets of Atheism
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 01:17:40 pm »
J. B.
There is nothing wrong with getting into a dialogue with an atheist. Problems do arise however when you allow them on a forum such as this, and you do not dispute lies or falsehoods that they post.

If you tell a lie enough times some people will assume it's the truth. When a lie that is surrounded by the truth is also very hard to detect. When we look back to Genesis and the fall of man, we see that the lie is the first weapon Satan used.

J. B. I am with you in that the debate is not only good for us but those that watch it. We should engage in these conversations with atheists but we should remember there is a line that can be crossed in the debate and it is no longer a  legitimate undertaking.

JB Horn

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Re: Tenets of Atheism
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 05:31:27 pm »
J. B.
There is nothing wrong with getting into a dialogue with an atheist. Problems do arise however when you allow them on a forum such as this, and you do not dispute lies or falsehoods that they post.

If you tell a lie enough times some people will assume it's the truth. When a lie that is surrounded by the truth is also very hard to detect. When we look back to Genesis and the fall of man, we see that the lie is the first weapon Satan used.

J. B. I am with you in that the debate is not only good for us but those that watch it. We should engage in these conversations with atheists but we should remember there is a line that can be crossed in the debate and it is no longer a  legitimate undertaking.

I really don't draw a line for atheist except when it comes to representing or attributing something coming from God when it actually is coming from man. When it comes to an atheist telling lies, it's what they do  ::)

You know in any kind of discussion you can't carry on something that has any meaning if one of the parties is lying. The trouble is these people really believe what they're saying. The other problem is our religion is based on faith and as Paul explains faith cannot be seen. " Hebrews 11:1-3

Atheists will argue that science trumps faith. Of course the only problem I run into is it takes much more faith to believe in their science that it does to believe in a Creator.


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Re: Tenets of Atheism
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2014, 11:45:04 pm »
Something that is very funny about atheists is that they affirm the existence of evil but still denied the existence of God. To me this belief seems a little bit inconsistent with reality, how could there be evil if there is no moral standards set by other than man?

That is a good point but they will redefine evil as anything that society disapproves of. But then you have them because you can't say that a society can not be evil. (Hitler's Germany)


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Re: Tenets of Atheism
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2014, 02:47:17 pm »
That is a good point but they will redefine evil as anything that society disapproves of. But then you have them because you can't say that a society can not be evil. (Hitler's Germany)

I have used that logic with them and they claim that it is not society but leaders like Hitler that violated the social norms.
You win the argument with these people by proving to observers the flu as in their logic .