How does the Christian influence this world?
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.When we talk about Christianity we say there are two kinds of people in the world those who believe and those who do not. The first of the two groups the believers understand the existence and the need of God to overcome the sin and sorrow in their lives. Jesus says that these people are the salt and the light. Matthew 5:13, 4. The reference to salt and light has some significance. Salt is used for processing meat to keep it from corrupting. Light allows us to see error by exposing it for what it is. Basically what is being said here is that the presence of the believer in society shows that society has corruption and sinful nature. Of course the unbelievers will attack, ridicule, and prosecute those that walk with Christ in his light. The unbeliever cannot understand how the Christian finds peace through his relationship with God, because the unbeliever searches for peace in the things of this world, and wealth and worldly goods.
The believer must continue to interact with this world of corruption and darkness so that he may exhibit the light and be the salt, giving the nonbeliever hope for the passage out of his prison. The unbeliever must see the path to the transformation that the soul must take for his salvation and this can only be done if the believer allows his light to push back the darkness that covers the eyes of those around him.