I like to discuss a man named Francis Schaeffer, he was born in 1912 in Pennsylvania. He attended a liberal Presbyterian church and early in his life, in his teens, he decided that the church could not answer the questions about life that he had. He approached the ministers and they were unable to provide him with any Scripture that supported Christianity. Like many others like CS Lewis, he decided to study the Bible for the purpose showing it was flawed. However, upon reading the Bible from cover to cover he found but the Bible did in fact at the answers that he was seeking and not getting from the church. At the age of 17 he became a Christian and later on in life he attended seminary. As time went on he found that the church, as a whole, was lacking in the ability bring about fruits the Christianity should be producing for Christ. After doing some soul-searching, in 1955 he decided to start a faith ministry called it L'Abi (shelter). This was a place were people seeking the answers that he had been seeking could go to and find the answers. In his life he wrote a number of books and also with his son produced some movies. He became a worldwide known apologetic, he believed that a Christian should not be afraid to debate their faith good with an open mind and showing the unbeliever that he was willing to listen to their point of view in exchange for them listening to his point of view. He was very successful in his endeavors. He knew that while debating an unbeliever if he could get the unbeliever to open his mind and look at the Scriptures without a preconceived ideas, that God would always win the argument.
I believe the real moral of the story is Francis Schaeffer could not get his answers from his liberal church pastors so he went to the one real source of answers for a Christian, or unbeliever for that matter, and he found the truth. Sometimes we cannot depend upon the local church to be able to give us all the answers, that is why the Lord has sent us our helper and comforter, the Holy Ghost.