Bible Talk > Sound doctrine

Infant baptism

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Infant Baptism Is Unbiblical - John MacArthur

Infant Baptism Is Unbiblical - John MacArthur

Theodore A. Jones:

--- Quote from: Hal on June 10, 2013, 11:46:59 pm ---Infant baptism is taught by both Catholics and Protestants denominations yet I can find not one case of infant baptism in the Bible.

How does your church handle infant baptism? How is this doctrine justified through the Scriptures?

Thanks Hal

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According to the encyclopedia of "Religion" infant baptism was a religious practice that originated in ancient Egypt.
According to the Bible God is recorded saying "Do not practice the customs of the Egyptians." Therefore it is my opinion that the scriptures have not justified this religious practice.

Was Simon the magician saved by water baptism?

Act 8

Alexander Winslow:
Just a brief note on infant Baptism in the churches of Christendom. This was completely unheard of until the Second World War when it was feared that babies and infants of Christin parents could be killed [as indeed some were] during the bombing raids by Germany.

Not understanding the real truth of the Bible and God's provision of the 'second chance' for 'all' mankind, it was therefore decided that all infants would be baptized at birth so that if they were killed; they would then go to heaven.

Even the word Amen was added to many things for the same reason.



--- Quote from: Dandi on June 15, 2013, 01:48:38 pm ---
Another interesting point is that I recall reading an article about how some adults who wanted to become baptized Catholics in France had to complete prebaptism classes.  One person who apparently coordinated such prebaptism classes said that preparation for adult baptism could take up to three years, and that just believing  in God was not enough, but they had to learn to live acceptably.  Strange, then, that it would be deemed necessary to put adults though a more strenuous process based on understanding and exercising faith before qualifying for baptism, yet infants who have no understanding or faith are also baptized as Catholics.

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Many protestant require that you attend classes and join the church before they will baptize you. I have never heard of lasting 3 years, more like 3 hours. NOT BIBLICAL!!!!


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