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America’s Most Popular Pastor Doesn’t Know The Bible

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A Monday post to his verified Facebook page, Joel Osteen ministries, read: “God said in Numbers 11:23, ‘Moses, is there any limit to My power?’ He was saying, ‘Moses, you saw Me part the Red Sea, stop the sun for Joshua, keep three Hebrew teenagers safe in a fiery furnace, don’t you realize that I can bring water without rain?’ There’s no limit to God’s power.”

--- Quote ---Joel Osteen Ministries
Church/Religious Organization · 8,563,761 Likes · September 15 at 5:20am ·
God said in Numbers 11:23, “Moses, is there any limit to My power?” He was saying, “Moses, you saw Me part the Red Sea, stop the sun for Joshua, keep three Hebrew teenagers safe in a fiery furnace, don’t you realize that I can bring water without rain?" There’s no limit to God's power.

--- End quote ---

There’s just one problem: According to the Bible, Moses was dead before Joshua asked God to stop the setting of the sun, and long before the three Hebrew youths were burned in the furnace.

I don't see the problem?

The essence of what he was saying that God has no limits came through. The man gave a scripture in Numbers saying there is no limit to the power of God and then he gives the audience examples of of other occasions when God has shown his power. His mistake was in chronology but I'm sure he would apologize for the slip.

It is worth mentioning to him because he may genuinely have that opinion but I would not be pedantic about it, we all make mistakes

I totally agree with you in your logic, we all make mistakes and this one is miner. 

The problem?

Osteen is a prosperity preacher of the name it and claim it crowd. And like all of them he has two flaws. Prosperity teaches come from classical Arminianism  theology. But the Problem that this post points out is their use of scripture out of context to make it say what they what it to say. The paraphrasing of scripture will lead to mistakes, it happens even with the best preachers, but the best of them would never make a mistake like this. Would you have ever see this kind of mistake come from Spurgeon or today's John MacArthur?

But your correct we all make mistakes but the Holy Ghost does not.

and that is why we have the bible as a yardstick to measure the truth of a matter just like the Boreans did with Paul.

The Prosperity Gospel is a sham and prophets have no place within their den. However "profits" are highly esteemed and welcomed by all with open arms and deep pockets to stuff the do$h into

💰🙏💸 :)


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