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clark thompson

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Luke 7:28-30
« on: March 05, 2018, 02:19:06 am »
Luke 7:28-30 King James Version (KJV)
28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John.
30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

Luke 7:28-30 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

28 I tell you that among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than Yochanan the Immerser! Yet the one who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he!”
29 All the people who heard him, even the tax-collectors, by undergoing Yochanan’s immersion acknowledged that God was right; 30 but the P’rushim and the Torah-teachers, by not letting themselves be immersed by him, nullified for themselves God’s plan.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.

These are my thoughts, please share yours.

28 This is what Jesus said about John. This seems to mean that He is saying John is greater then Himself but the truth is that if Jesus was just a man then He wouldn’t have been great, Jesus is great because He is the Lord.

29 This doesn’t mean that they were baptized by John, it could mean that but it means they were baptized as John did.

30 The Pharisees had hard hearts and couldn’t accept the truth because of the pride they felt. Pride that they have many are kept from coming to God because of it.


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Re: Luke 7:28-30
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2018, 01:29:28 am »
Luke 7:28-30 King James Version (KJV)
28 For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
29 And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John.
30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.

Luke 7:28-30 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

28 I tell you that among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than Yochanan the Immerser! Yet the one who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he!”
29 All the people who heard him, even the tax-collectors, by undergoing Yochanan’s immersion acknowledged that God was right; 30 but the P’rushim and the Torah-teachers, by not letting themselves be immersed by him, nullified for themselves God’s plan.

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Copyright © 1998 by David H. Stern. All rights reserved.

These are my thoughts, please share yours.

28 This is what Jesus said about John. This seems to mean that He is saying John is greater then Himself but the truth is that if Jesus was just a man then He wouldn’t have been great, Jesus is great because He is the Lord.

Brethren, this is my thought, as how much we are taught through the 'All Scripture = HOLY BIBLE', by the anointing placed in us as man of GOD. As i would want to prophesy, for freely, freely i have received, therefore i am called to freely, freely give, as prophesying built up the church, as knowledge add/supplement partly to one's faith, thank you.

The truth in sound doctrine Scripture spiritual knowledge from above is that when JESUS CHRIST our LORD as a man, is also greater than John the Baptist. Let us not also miss out on what He said in the same verse 28, as well. He said whoever is the least in the Kingdom of GOD/Heaven is greater than John. Therefore if the least there is greater than John, then JESUS is even greater than John, since He is the LORD there from the beginning. And when the right time came for GOD the FATHER, from there JESUS the Word became man.

When our LORD from Heaven the Word became man, He was still representing fully the Kingdom of GOD/Heaven, here on earth as the servant of GOD. As the least important from there taking the place of man, (the least like the ministering spirits, angels from there sent here to minister to man, even in the form of man, if i may say and is the truth). And as a result, He is still greater than John, even to those who are born again not only of water but also of the HOLY SPIRIT and are spirit born from above. For theirs is the Kingdom of GOD/Heaven, beginning from the remnant chosen by grace from Israel, to the Gentiles.

Nevertheless, John the Baptist is greater than any Prophets of the Old Testament, born of a woman, even Moses; with all due respect to all of them because of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

29 This doesn’t mean that they were baptized by John, it could mean that but it means they were baptized as John did.

Oh my dear Mr Clark Thompson, please get this into your spirit, as add/supplement knowledge partly to one's faith. Verse 29, is very clear that John the Baptist preached and taught the people repentance and the Kingdom of GOD to come, who is CHRIST JESUS our LORD, from Heaven. As prophesied, 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the LORD; make His path straight.'. And when all the sinners heard him, who preach and teach, they acknowledge GOD was right while allowing John to baptize them by water.

John the Baptist held authority over the first stage of the Gospel over sinners for their repentance beginning from Israel, and from them to all nations. They confess all their past and present sins, to the Jews based on the Law of Moses. And the Gentiles naturally based on their conscience and conflicting thoughts, being all sinners one with the world. When JESUS came along the river Jordan, John prophesied, 'Here comes the lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world.'. Apostle Paul later in his given ministry and wisdom gave the church the revelation teaching in regards to water baptism of John, taken up by a believer and how significant to one's faith. They acknowledge and agree that GOD was right, through the preaching and teaching of John in regards to repentance, the confession of all sinner's past and present sins (i believe, 'future sins', is added by some denominations to one's advantage, blindly). Therefore believers accepting GOD was right, they immerse themselves into the water, as one is burying the former guilty man. And then they come out the water a new man, as one resurrected with CHRIST from the dead, who were dead in sin separated from the only true GOD the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Even though John the Baptist prepared by GOD and given the ministry and authority even to baptize people with water, but when came to the LORD in ranking, he felt himself unworthy to baptize the LORD from Heaven. That is why the Scripture say, 'John would have prevented the LORD.' That was in humble and humility and unworthiness John said, 'rather himself be baptized by the LORD'. who is worthy and in ranking the LORD of Heaven. But JESUS said to him, 'For now let us do what GOD wants,' that the LORD must be baptize by John as will by GOD the FATHER.

And water baptism was also performed by JESUS' disciples, where He did not participate, on the other side of the river from John and his disciples, based on again through the same preaching and teaching of John in regards to repentance. Then based on what John henceforth preached and taught about the one who comes after him and will baptize with HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, and an axe is in His hands ready to divide. Therefore JESUS onward from the sermon on the mount teaches these baptized people about the Kingdom GOD and baptize them with HOLY SPIRIT, and Fire on the day of Pentecost. 

30 The Pharisees had hard hearts and couldn’t accept the truth because of the pride they felt. Pride that they have many are kept from coming to God because of it.

Sorry, these are your own preception and opinion about them, and it is 'false'. How about perceiving that they resent 'heresy', as according to Law of Moses, if it is among their people, they are to put them to death, before it pollutes the community. And also where GOD HIMSELF 'blinded' and 'deafen' them from 'seeing' and 'hearing' the grace and truth brought by the LORD, thus revealed only to the remnant chosen by grace from them. So, as GOD will, that in their rejection then the Gospel shall go to the Gentiles. In Romans 11:25, Apostle Paul mentions the mystery of GOD revealed to him that, 'A 'partial blindness' has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles come in.'
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 01:55:32 am by fredjames »


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Re: Luke 7:28-30
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2018, 12:57:39 pm »
Quote from: fred
Sorry, these are your own preception and opinion about them, and it is 'false'. How about perceiving that they resent 'heresy', as according to Law of Moses, if it is among their people, they are to put them to death, before it pollutes the community. And also where GOD HIMSELF 'blinded' and 'deafen' them from 'seeing' and 'hearing' the grace and truth brought by the LORD, thus revealed only to the remnant chosen by grace from them. So, as GOD will, that in their rejection then the Gospel shall go to the Gentiles. In Romans 11:25, Apostle Paul mentions the mystery of GOD revealed to him that, 'A 'partial blindness' has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles come in.'

Even though the Pharisees were partially blinded they were still responsible for their lifestyle and the twisting of the Scriptures.

Matthew 23:13 KJV

13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Matthew 23:14 KJV

14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.#rl

Matthew 23:15 KJV

15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Matthew 23:23 KJV

23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Matthew 23:25 KJV

25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.

Matthew 23:27 KJV

27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Matthew 23:29 KJV

29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,

Luke 11:42 KJV

42 But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Luke 11:43 KJV

43 Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets.


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Re: Luke 7:28-30
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2018, 07:26:11 pm »
Even though the Pharisees were partially blinded they were still responsible for their lifestyle and the twisting of the Scriptures.

Well, well, brethren, who is 'twisting' now the Scriptures...?

We who have been taught the Scriptures, know JESUS didn't mention such thing as the Pharisees twisting the Scriptures. He only said in the same chapter, 'the Pharisees have the key to the knowledge. For they don't get in and they prevent others from getting in.' And JESUS also said to His disciples that, 'Learn from the Pharisees, but don't do what they do.'

And if they were twisting the Scriptures according to dear 'macuser', then why JESUS would beseech His disciples to learn from them....?

In regards to their lifestyle, in doing they are perverse, because JESUS said, 'they say one thing but they do another.' 'They burden the people with the Laws, but they never lift up their finger to help.' 'And they have become men pleasers more than GOD pleasers.'   

So are we as Gentiles who are also responsible to our lives, prior to Salvation, living according to the flesh's desires and passion and false gods. CHRIST rebuked and corrected the Pharisees as His beloved 'children', because they were supposedly the leaders, teachers and lawyers for the people of Israel, who apparently withhold 'justice', 'mercy' and 'faithfulness' from the people. And moreover during this period of time, the atonement for sins for them and the world have not been paid yet on the Cross. In the Gospel, the Jews were referred to as 'children', by JESUS to the Canaanite woman who came to Him for help. As the Jews differ according to their living precepts from Moses, and who sit on the table of the Kingdom of GOD, based on the Old Covenant GOD gave and made with them through Moses.

And the Gentiles were outcast from the common wealth of Israel, and who were referred to as 'dogs', by JESUS at the same time, as according to their fleshly living precepts and of false gods, prior, as ones without the only true GOD. And remember, we get to eat the 'crumbs' that falls from the children's table, as according to the faith of that same woman in response to CHRIST's refusal.

And too CHRIST later gave to Apostle Paul, when after the atonement have been paid on the Cross and Him seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High, the revelation and mystery in regards to the Jews. And he also said that the Law was Spiritual, but the Jews in the flesh were 'weak' to accomplish to it's requirements instead.

(WYC) Romans 9:

4. that be men of Israel [that be Israelites]; whose is the adoption of sons, and glory, and testament, and giving of the Law, and service, and promises;
5. whose be the fathers, and of which is CHRIST of the flesh, that GOD is above all things, blessed into worlds. Amen.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 01:09:10 am by fredjames »


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Re: Luke 7:28-30
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2018, 11:44:47 pm »
Well, well, brethren, who is 'twisting' now the Scriptures...?

We who have been taught the Scriptures, know JESUS didn't mention such thing as the Pharisees twisting the Scriptures. He only said in the same chapter, 'the Pharisees have the key to the knowledge. For they don't get in and they prevent others from getting in.' And JESUS also said to His disciples that, 'Learn from the Pharisees, but don't do what they do.'

And if they were twisting the Scriptures according to dear 'macuser', then why JESUS would beseech His disciples to learn from them....?

In regards to their lifestyle, in doing they are perverse, because JESUS said, 'they say one thing but they do another.' 'They burden the people with the Law, but they never lift up their hands to help.' 'And they have become men pleasers more than GOD pleasers.'   

So are we as Gentiles who are also responsible to our lives, prior to Salvation, living according to the flesh's desires and passion and false gods. CHRIST rebuked and corrected the Pharisees as His beloved 'children', because they were supposedly the leaders, teachers and lawyers for the people of Israel, who apparently withhold 'justice', 'mercy' and 'faithfulness' from the people. And moreover during this period of time, the atonement for sins for them and the world have not been paid yet on the Cross. In the Gospel, the Jews were referred to as 'children', by JESUS to the Canaanite woman who came to Him for help. As the Jews differ according to their living precepts from Moses, and who sit on the table of the Kingdom of GOD, based on the Old Covenant GOD gave and made with them through Moses.

And the Gentiles were outcast from the common wealth of Israel, and who were referred to as 'dogs', by JESUS at the same time, as according to their living precepts of false gods, prior, as ones without the only true GOD. And remember, we get to eat the 'crumbs' that falls from the children's table, as according to the faith of that same woman in response to CHRIST's refusal.

And too CHRIST later gave to Apostle Paul, when after the atonement have been paid on the Cross and Him seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High, the revelation and mystery in regards to the Jews. And he also said that the Law was Spiritual, but the Jews in the flesh were 'weak' to accomplish to it's requirements instead.

(WYC) Romans 9:

4. that be men of Israel [that be Israelites]; whose is the adoption of sons, and glory, and testament, and giving of the Law, and service, and promises;
5. whose be the fathers, and of which is CHRIST of the flesh, that GOD is above all things, blessed into worlds. Amen.

Just thought I would capture this and let it stand as it was originally written by Fred.  🦄



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Re: Luke 7:28-30
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2018, 02:33:25 am »
Well, well, brethren, who is 'twisting' now the Scriptures...?

We who have been taught the Scriptures, know JESUS didn't mention such thing as the Pharisees twisting the Scriptures. He only said in the same chapter, 'the Pharisees have the key to the knowledge. For they don't get in and they prevent others from getting in.' And JESUS also said to His disciples that, 'Learn from the Pharisees, but don't do what they do.'

And if they were twisting the Scriptures according to dear 'macuser', then why JESUS would beseech His disciples to learn from them....?

In regards to their lifestyle, in doing they are perverse, because JESUS said, 'they say one thing but they do another.' 'They burden the people with the Laws, but they never lift up their finger to help.' 'And they have become men pleasers more than GOD pleasers.'   

So are we as Gentiles who are also responsible to our lives, prior to Salvation, living according to the flesh's desires and passion and false gods. CHRIST rebuked and corrected the Pharisees as His beloved 'children', because they were supposedly the leaders, teachers and lawyers for the people of Israel, who apparently withhold 'justice', 'mercy' and 'faithfulness' from the people. And moreover during this period of time, the atonement for sins for them and the world have not been paid yet on the Cross. In the Gospel, the Jews were referred to as 'children', by JESUS to the Canaanite woman who came to Him for help. As the Jews differ according to their living precepts from Moses, and who sit on the table of the Kingdom of GOD, based on the Old Covenant GOD gave and made with them through Moses.

And the Gentiles were outcast from the common wealth of Israel, and who were referred to as 'dogs', by JESUS at the same time, as according to their fleshly living precepts and of false gods, prior, as ones without the only true GOD. And remember, we get to eat the 'crumbs' that falls from the children's table, as according to the faith of that same woman in response to CHRIST's refusal.

And too CHRIST later gave to Apostle Paul, when after the atonement have been paid on the Cross and Him seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High, the revelation and mystery in regards to the Jews. And he also said that the Law was Spiritual, but the Jews in the flesh were 'weak' to accomplish to it's requirements instead.

(WYC) Romans 9:

4. that be men of Israel [that be Israelites]; whose is the adoption of sons, and glory, and testament, and giving of the Law, and service, and promises;
5. whose be the fathers, and of which is CHRIST of the flesh, that GOD is above all things, blessed into worlds. Amen.

And another thing JESUS said in the Gospel in regards to the Pharisees generation after generation, where He was teaching about divorce. He called the Jews heartless men, who put away their wives without any cause in order to marry another. And this law they forced Moses to write it down as well, exclaims JESUS Himself. So the forefathers of Pharisees, even during the time of Moses, i suppose, have forced Moses to write down added laws, from what is already given. And that is why again, i suppose, JESUS' teaching in the New Covenant, exposes and contradicts even their added actions in regards to the Law, prior perhaps to the ones they have forced Moses to add.

Brethren, this is just a 'thought', and no condemnation to Israel for what is history for our lesson, GOD forbid. This is just for a 'thought' in lesson, that we as the church should not add nor subtract, nor twist to ones we have from CHRIST, the New Testament 'Law of CHRIST'. This is because in the Gospel, JESUS only mentioned about in the matter of divorce, the Jews have forced Moses to write 'added' laws to their favor. Perhaps once again, there may be other added ones to other matters, to the Law as well, for our correctional lesson today. And we have no other accounts mentioned in the New Testament in regards, for verification and justification to comment on further.

Therefore please take note, brethren, and thank you.

And in the New Testament also, Apostle Paul's given Gospel to the uncircumcised is an 'addition', compared to the initial Gospel given Apostle Peter by JESUS in the beginning. Since He chose, taught and commissioned the twelve, to make disciple of all nation, kindred and tongue, and to the circumcised exclaims Apostle Paul. And apparently 'both' differ on the surface, based on the opinions and preceptions of the 'babes in CHRIST' in church. But nevertheless, when put them together in whole as the New Testament context, they are sound for our faith, Jews and Gentiles alike in understanding. Since these thirteen Apostles were serving the same churches together, chosen by CHRIST to continue His work, they minister repeatedly together their given Gospels to them in 'built up', and taking turns. The churches which consist of born again Jews and Gentiles alike in one house, they are and have been woven together in the same 'both', of Peter and Paul's given Gospels. And even to their epistles circulating among these churches over and over again, as a reminder and a stir up of their memories to remain faithful in the same. And therefore abstaining themselves from the heresy and apostasy within the church circle. These imposters and counterfeits within teaching 'false', were with the chosen thirteen in the beginning, but since have gone ahead of them on their own.

As a result, in sound doctrine context, if the church incorporates 'both' Gospels, ones of Peter with the eleven and ones of Paul the thirteen, together they do in 'sound doctrine' spiritual knowledge, 'built up' the whole church, the Jews and Gentiles alike as Christians, who reside together in 'equality' and in 'oneness', as one body of CHRIST.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2018, 08:17:28 pm by fredjames »