Bible Talk > Apologetics

Does God exist?

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If you're agnostic on this question, it means you're not sure. If you're gnostic, it means you're certain. Which are you, and why?

I'm actually an atheist, and my aim is to de-convert as many Christians as possible because belief in anything supernatural is harmful to an individual and society. Belief in gods cause rifts between family members, members and groups within society and entire nations. The divisiveness of religion has always led to hate, conflict, terror, war and death. Belief in the Christian God does provide comfort against the fear of death and oblivion, but it is almost certainly a false comfort and the cost for that benefit (based on falsehoods) is too high.

I don't expect anyone who reads this to suddenly see the logic and truth of what I say and instantly de-convert, but I do hope to plant seeds of doubt which may in the fullness of time lead people out of the errancy of their faith and join me in the real world. I've been here at before a few years ago, but lost regular access to the Internet and so became dormant. Since then, I notice you have a new anti-blaspheme policy which might get me at least shut down if not outright banned. If that happens, I will see it as an admission that believers cannot withstand challenges to their faith and that their faith must indeed be weak. I will not swear, or become abusive, but I will ask you to defend your beliefs and to do so with an open mind. There is so much wrong with the Bible and all supernatural religions and beliefs, it's literally tearing this world apart. I don't intend to sit idly by and let that happen without at least speaking up.

Yes, because, well let’s start off with the fact that you exist.

Welcome to our small corner of the internet.


How about the existence of hydrogen atom.
Even Einstein conceded that all matter was a product of intelligent design.

I can see that I won’t need my Bible for this thread.

If you are an atheist, why would you care about others? What does my family have anything to do with you? Do you consider that if you sway only one member of a family to UNCONVERT you may be bringing strife into that family that was once a congenial family unit?

Your O. P. is an attempt to cause Rift.

>>Fat: Not sure I understand you. Because I exist, therefore God? How does that work?

>>macuser: Yes, quoting the Bible to an atheist is like shoveling coal to into an electric car. Can you provide a reference backing up that Einstein quote? I'm pretty sure he never said any such thing.

>>Hal: I care about others because I am of the human race, evolved to be a social animal that has had empathy and a sense of fairness bred into me. No gods needed, as can easily be proven by the fact that our species would never have survived if it had to wait for Christianity to arrive in order to be moral. Humans understood morality well before Jesus allegedly came on the scene. And that's besides all the immoral edicts in the Bible.

But I did not create the rift. The rift already existed before I was even born. I'm just putting a bit of light on it.


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