Author Topic: The most appreciated pastors preach and teach the Word of God  (Read 1398 times)

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The most appreciated pastors preach and teach the Word of God
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:26:49 am »
By Bill Ellis

SCOTT DEPOT, WV (ANS) -- Approximately 40 years ago in the thriving city of Decatur, Illinois, students at Millikin University said to me, “Pastor, if you will preach the Word of God, as revealed in the Holy Bible, we will come to hear you preach.”

They warned, however, “We will not come if we hear lectures or your opinions on philosophy, politics, economics, science or anything else. We get enough of that in our college classes. At the beginning of every new week we need to hear the inspired Word of God.” I have never forgotten that admonition to a pastor to “deliver in sermons and classes a message that will change and transform life and bring forgiveness.”

The brilliantly educated and deeply committed man the world knows as St. Paul, wrote to the people of Rome and underscored it as being, “To all who are in Rome” and more specifically to the “beloved of God, called to be saints” (Romans 1:7). Read chapter one carefully and you might think he wrote it this week to Washington, London, Amsterdam. Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Sydney, Cairo or to Rome again, or some other leading city. Paul wrote nearly 2,000 years ago and yet it seems to be a careful assessment of our day and the way we live.

He offered hope and the possibility of positive change to those who really wanted it and the judgment that will come to those who refuse to change and he changed. Read on. It is all there. To pastors and preachers today he declared, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

The pastors who are genuinely appreciated are those who wisely, clearly and without fear preach the Word of God. There are those who substitute their opinions for the gospel of Christ, ultimately become a laughing stock, and betray their calling to preach God’s message.

Watching the evening news, reading the morning newspaper, listening to serious conversation, talking with teachers and students, it is easy to begin to imagine that many things are in a mess. Terry James titled his 2009 book, The American Apocalypse, by Harvest House Publishers.

His “invention” and “travel” time lines are more than interesting. Without question James is a baseball fan and quotes Dizzy Dean and Yogi Berra early in the book. That was enough during the current baseball play-offs to get my attention. When thinking about the present and future, there is no way a theologian, politician, baseball fan or any thinking person could ignore Yogi’s profound comment, “The future just ain’t what it used to be.” There is enough in the first 41 pages to wrap your mind around for a considerable time of serious thought.

What does your future look like?

This whole month has millions of people thinking about their pastor and how much that person is appreciated. For exactly what is the pastor appreciated? Most people appreciate a pastor who stands without compromise for proclaiming eternal truth. Consider:

1. The correct stand on personal and social issues in Romans 1:20-32.

2. Pastors reminding their listeners, as Marin Luther did, “The just shall live by faith.”

3. The faithful pastor who reminds his parishioners of “the wrath of God” . . . against all ungodliness and unrighteousness” (Romans 1:17-18).

4. That pastors also warn of God’s righteous judgments in Romans 2 and 3.

5. Appreciated pastors boldly defend the Word of God. They believe it and proclaim it.

Pastors who proclaim God’s Word are not the most popular clergypersons in the world. They are to be deeply appreciated and we can find many ways to express that appreciation as churches and individuals.

Bill Ellis is a syndicated columnist, and convention and conference speaker on every continent. He is the writer of more than 2,000 newspaper and magazine columns, articles and contributions to books. He is also a widely known motivational speaker and pulpit guest who utilizes enjoyment of life and just plain fun and laughter while speaking to high school, university and professional sports teams as well as to business and professional groups of all kinds. His keen understanding of human problems makes him a favorite speaker for youth, parent, and senior adult meetings. He is accompanied by Kitty, his wife, favorite singer, editor and publisher.

For information on becoming a subscriber to the Ellis Column for your newspaper or magazine, you may contact him at: BILL ELLIS, P.O.Box 345, Scott Depot, WV 25560 or by calling: 304-757-6089.