Author Topic: Obedience to God  (Read 1859 times)

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Obedience to God
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:13:33 am »

All heaven is waiting to help those who will discover the will of God and do it.
J. Robert Ashcroft (1878–1958)

All my requests are lost in one,
“Father, thy will be done!”
Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Faith and obedience are bound up in the same bundle. He that obeys God, trusts God; and he that trusts God, obeys God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)

If for one whole day, quietly and determinedly, we were to give ourselves up to the ownership of Jesus and to obeying his orders, we should be amazed at its close to realize all he had packed into that one day.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

If God were to remove from us the possibility of disobedience there would be no value in our obedience, it would be a mechanical business.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

If you desire Christ for a perpetual guest, give him all the keys of your heart; let not one cabinet be locked up from him; give him the range of every room and the key of every chamber.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892)

 If you have received the Spirit and are obeying him, you find he brings your spirit into complete harmony with God, and the sound of your goings and the sound of God’s goings are one and the same.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

 It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn’t want our success; he wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; he demands our obedience.
It is only by obedience that we understand the teaching of God.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

Justice is the insurance we have on our lives, and obedience is the premium we pay for it.
William Penn (1644–1718)

Never think that Jesus commanded a trifle, nor dare to trifle with anything he has commanded.
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837–1899)

No bliss I seek, but to fulfill
In life, in death, thy lovely will;
No succour in my woes I want,
Except what thou art pleased to grant.
Our days are numbered—let us spare
Our anxious hearts a needless care;
’Tis thine to number out our days,
And ours to give them to thy praise.
Madame Jeanne Marie de La Mothe Guyon (1648–1717)

Obedience is not servitude of man to man, but submission to the will of God who governs through the medium of men.
Pope Leo xiii (1810–1903)

Obedience is the eye of the spirit. Failure to obey dims and dulls the spiritual understanding.
Samuel Dickey Gordon (1859–1936)

 Obedience is the key that unlocks the door to every profound spiritual experience.
Dorothy Kerin

Obedience is the key to every door.
George Macdonald (1824–1905)

Obedience leads to faith. Live faithfully by the little bit of light you now have, and you will be given more.
Louis Cassels (1922–1974)

 Obedience means marching right on whether we feel like it or not. Many times we go against our feelings. Faith is one thing, feeling is another.
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837–1899)

Obedience to God will mean that some time or other you enter into desolation.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

Obedience to Jesus Christ is essential, but not compulsory; he never insists on being Master. We feel that if only he would insist, we should obey him. But our Lord never enforces his “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots”; he never takes means to force us to do what he says. He never coerces. In certain moods we wish he would make us do the thing, but he will not; and in other moods we wish he would leave us alone altogether, but he will not. If we do not keep his commandments, he does not come and tell us we are wrong. We know it, we cannot get away from it.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

Obedience to revealed truth guarantees guidance in matters unrevealed.
Erwin W. Lutzer (1941– )

Obey . . . take up your cross . . . deny yourself . . . it all sounds very hard. It is hard. Anyone who tells you differently is peddling spiritual soothing syrup, not real Christianity. And yet, in a strangely paradoxical way, it is also easy. With every cross that we lift in obedience to Christ comes the strength to carry it. It is always a package deal.
Louis Cassels (1922–1974)

One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)

The really important thing in life is not the avoidance of mistakes, but the obedience of faith. By obedience, the man is led step by step to correct his errors, whereas nothing will ever happen to him if he doesn’t get going.
Paul Tournier (1898–1986)

The term obey would be better expressed by the word use. For instance, a scientist uses the laws of nature; that is, he more than obeys them, he causes them to fulfill their destiny in his work. That is exactly what happens in the saint’s life. He uses the commands of the Lord, and they fulfill God’s destiny in his life.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

Thirty years of our Lord’s life are hidden in these words of the gospel: “He was subject unto them.”
Jacques Bénigne Bossuet (1627–1704)

To be like Christ. That is our goal, plain and simple. It sounds like a peaceful, relaxing, easy objective. But stop and think. He learned obedience by the things he suffered. So must we. It is neither easy nor quick nor natural. It is impossible in the flesh, slow in coming, and supernatural in scope. Only Christ can accomplish it within us.
Charles R. Swindoll (1934– )

Understanding can wait, but obedience cannot.
Geoffrey Grogan

We are born subjects, and to obey God is perfect liberty. He that does this shall be free, safe, and happy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 4 b.c.–a.d. 65)

We learn more by five minutes’ obedience than by ten years’ study.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

Weighing the pros and cons for and against a statement of Jesus Christ’s means that for the time being I refuse to obey him.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

What we think of, what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do.
John Ruskin (1819–1900)

When we are obedient, God guides our steps and our stops.
Corrie ten Boom (1892–1983)


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 07:33:58 am »
Curious why you would quote so many men on obedience and not include one
quote from the Bible. Here are a few just to round things out.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Colossians 3: 22

Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. Hebrews 13: 17

This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Revelation 14: 12

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--  "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Ephesians 6: 1-3

You are my friends if you do what I command. John 15: 14

If you love me, you will obey what I command. John 14: 15


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2014, 08:25:19 am »

But I knew you already had those quotes. 👌


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2014, 06:23:59 pm »
          I appreciate your intuition as to my (and apparently everyone's) knowledge and reading of the Bible. I prefer to quote the Bible instead of men because I know that it can only lead people to study the Bible and not possibly influence them to follow potentially false prophets.
          Your first quote for instance was from Ashcroft, this could possibly lead people to study the works of Ashcroft instead of the word of God. Ashcroft is synonymous with the Assemblies of God Church which professes a spiritual baptism after which you will speak in tongues. I attended an AG revival and quite frankly it scared me. What I saw appeared to be more likely from Satan than from God. The young lady who invited me had what appeared to be some sort of possession take hold of her, she indeed loudly voiced utterances that may have been "speaking in tongues". The same day that same young woman approached me in a sexual nature, telling me it was the will of the Lord. I believe I will stick to the Bible and pray to God for understanding as opposed to listening to other men.


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2014, 06:33:28 pm »

Let me get this straight that you disagree with the statement, "All heaven is waiting to help those who will discover the will of God and do it"  because of who made it?

When you attend church are the only words spoken read out of the Bible without commentary?


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2014, 07:21:07 am »
Foundational things are wonderful but there are occasions when we speak of other things, speaking of inspired men of God who have gone before is one thing we discuss for we have a common faith.

Cult's keep their prisoners captive by not allowing their members the right to search outside of their publications and their bibles, JWs being a prime example. The weak eat vegetables and that is fine but reading the words of someone like Oswald Chambers or Spurgeon can be a revelation of just how alike we are to those saints of old


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 11:27:41 am »
Henry I agree with you when it comes to yoking ourselves with a cult like COR, LDS, JW, SDA and the rest. However when they have a goal that coincides with us, we should not turn our back on that goal, stopping abortion comes to mind. The Pope is in a legal battle with Obamacare, he is right and we should support that fight. Mark 9:38-40

Another point when dealing with the statements of cult leaders is the opportunity to use them against them in later apologetic debates.

BTW Oswald Chambers started out as a Baptist but got much of his inspiration from the Pentecostal. In fact after joining them he divided them and formed a new denomination over the controversy of the speaking in tongues test.


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2014, 12:04:41 pm »
Let me get this straight that you disagree with the statement, "All heaven is waiting to help those who will discover the will of God and do it"  because of who made it?When you attend church are the only words spoken read out of the Bible without commentary?
          I did not say that at all, where did you get that idea? I simply said I prefer to quote the Bible and related a personal experience that led to my unease with the AG church which Ashcroft followed.
          "This is a bible discussion board not a Hal Lindsay discussion board." Is this not a quote of what you said to Climber? Some ignorant people like myself might consider that a bit hypocritical.
          To your last question; I do not attend any church on a regular basis, every one that I have attended so far have been very blatant about going directly against how Christ taught us to pray. If you know of a church that actually follows bible teaching on prayer I would be very interested to attend, please advise.


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2014, 12:36:16 pm »
"This is a bible discussion board not a Hal Lindsay discussion board." Is this not a quote of what you said to Climber? Some ignorant people like myself might consider that a bit hypocritical.

This is not about predictions, as was your Hal Lindsay quote, but about a statement made by a man, that statement is TOTALY Biblical.

Quote from: Ashcroft
All heaven is waiting to help those who will discover the will of God and do it.

Churches that follows bible teaching on anything now a days are rare indeed. It's even hard to find a church that follows it's own creed. Good luck on your search.


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Re: Obedience to God
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2014, 12:54:36 pm »
Foundational things are wonderful but there are occasions when we speak of other things, speaking of inspired men of God who have gone before is one thing we discuss for we have a common faith.

Cult's keep their prisoners captive by not allowing their members the right to search outside of their publications and their bibles, JWs being a prime example. The weak eat vegetables and that is fine but reading the words of someone like Oswald Chambers or Spurgeon can be a revelation of just how alike we are to those saints of old

Well said.