Hating your parents for giving you life is one way live. It's not the best way but we are free to choose what we think and many do have that view. Many don't!
Great analogy.
First of all, I don't hate your god. Lots of people think atheists hate god. No.
I reject the premise of his very existence as being unproven. But we can talk about him, in the same way I can talk about Luke Skywalker even while being confident that he is fiction. (more relevantly, we could talk Emperor Palpatine).
Secondly there's several reasons why your parents are not like gods and why this analogy is terrible. Your parents can be shown to exist or have existed in the past. Gods cannot. Most people's parents do everything they can to protect them from disease and injury. Your faith says disease and injury are the will of god. Most parents educate their children, show mercy, and show love. God keeps a little black book of everything we do wrong without ever stepping in to help us, and gives us an eternal judgement after it's too late to learn anything from what he decides. A parent that tells a young child not to do something, once, with no explanation, and then leaves them ample opportunity to do it anyway would be a complete idiot and a failure as a parent if they expected the child to obey their command forever without oversight or reinforcement.
I see 
Don't be disingenuous by misreading the flow of conversation.
Megalomania is a condition of man and it is a sin against God.
Well that clears up an earlier question that somebody asked, "is there such a thing as absolute morality?". Clearly you think there is not, with one rule for man and another for god. Something else that separates us from this supposed entity, we believe that justice must be blind and apply to all equally in order to be true justice.
You believe you are a collection of cosmic dust and I believe you are a work of God, only one of us is right.
You might want to take a look at Genesis 2:7.
The universe and all its rules being created by a god and proceeding from its own machinations to the present point where we may ask questions of it, is not mutually exclusive with the view that we are made of cosmic dust. One describes composition, the other describes process. However, it's equally likely that our universe was engineered by an alien species from another dimension, or that it is being simulated by a fantastically complex computer. It's easy to play "what if", but that just leaves us with a great collection of stories. We only accept something as true if it holds up under testing and observation. When somebody tells you they have a tree that grows money, you aren't going to accept this as your working model of reality unless you can examine it.