Author Topic: Duty as a witness for Christ  (Read 2349 times)

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Duty as a witness for Christ
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:32:55 pm »
“And ye shall be witnesses unto me.”
- Acts 1:8

In order to learn how to discharge your duty as a witness for Christ, look at his example. He is always witnessing: by the well of Samaria, or in the Temple of Jerusalem: by the lake of Gennesaret, or on the mountain’s brow. He is witnessing night and day; his mighty prayers are as vocal to God as his daily services. He witnesses under all circumstances; Scribes and Pharisees cannot shut his mouth; even before Pilate he witnesses a good confession. He witnesses so clearly, and distinctly that there is no mistake in him. Christian, make your life a clear testimony. Be you as the brook wherein you may see every stone at the bottom-not as the muddy creek, of which you only see the surface-but clear and transparent, so that your heart’s love to God and man may be visible to all. You need not say, “I am true:” be true. Boast not of integrity, but be upright. So shall your testimony be such that men cannot help seeing it. Never, for fear of feeble man, restrain your witness. Your lips have been warmed with a coal from off the altar; let them speak as like heaven-touched lips should do. “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand.” Watch not the clouds, consult not the wind-in season and out of season witness for the Saviour, and if it shall come to pass that for Christ’s sake and the gospel’s you shall endure suffering in any shape, shrink not, but rejoice in the honour thus conferred upon you, that you are counted worthy to suffer with your Lord; and joy also in this-that your sufferings, your losses, and persecutions shall make you a platform, from which the more vigorously and with greater power you shall witness for Christ Jesus. Study your great Exemplar, and be filled with his Spirit. Remember that you need much teaching, much upholding, much grace, and much humility, if your witnessing is to be to your Master’s glory.

Daily Readings
By Charles H. Spurgeon

Con el fin de aprender a descargar su deber como un testigo de Cristo, mirar su ejemplo. Él siempre está presenciando: el pozo de Samaria, o en el Templo de Jerusalén: el lago de Genesaret, o en la frente de la montaña. Él es testigo de la noche y el día; sus poderosas oraciones son como vocal a Dios como sus servicios diarios. Es testigo en todas las circunstancias; Escribas y fariseos no pueden cerrar la boca; incluso antes de Pilato es testigo de una buena confesión. Es testigo de tanta claridad, y claramente que no hay ningún error en él. Cristiana, a hacer su vida un testimonio claro. Sé que el arroyo en donde usted puede ver todas las piedras en la parte inferior, no como el Muddy Creek, de los cuales sólo se ve la superficie, pero clara y transparente, para que el amor de su corazón a Dios y el hombre puede ser visible para todos. Usted no tiene que decir: "Yo soy la verdadera:" ser verdad. No presumir de integridad, pero estar en posición vertical. Así será tu testimonio sea tal que los hombres no pueden dejar de ver que. Nunca, por temor al hombre débil, restringir a su testigo. Sus labios se han calentado con un carbón encendido del altar; dejar que ellos hablan como como labios celestiales tocado deben hacer. "Por la mañana siembra tu semilla, ya la tarde no dejes reposar tu mano." Mira no las nubes, consultar no el viento-a tiempo y fuera de testigo temporada para el Salvador, y si acontecerá que por el amor de Cristo y del evangelio lo soportáis el sufrimiento en cualquier forma, no se reducen, pero se regocijan en el honor conferido por lo tanto usted, que usted está tenidos por dignos de sufrir con su Señor; y la alegría también en esto: que sus sufrimientos, sus pérdidas, y las persecuciones que harán una plataforma, de la que la más enérgica y con mayor potencia que deberá testificar de Cristo Jesús. Estudio de su gran Ejemplo, y llenos de su Espíritu. Recuerde que usted necesita mucha enseñanza, mucho sostenimiento, mucha gracia, y mucha humildad, si su testimonio es ser para la gloria de su Maestro.


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Re: Duty as a witness for Christ
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2014, 09:23:29 am »
Witnessing is a duty and of great importance to the life of the Church, why else would they call it The Great Commission?

Luckily this duty is an act of love and not a chore. Why would anyone want to hide what they have found in Christ and not share it with everyone?


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Re: Duty as a witness for Christ
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 06:02:12 pm »
You have a point, why would anyone want to hide this free gift, but unfortunately some are uncomfortable with sharing it with others. Even in a Muslim country you would want those close to you to know the truth.


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Re: Duty as a witness for Christ
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2015, 03:18:15 pm »
You have a point, why would anyone want to hide this free gift, but unfortunately some are uncomfortable with sharing it with others. Even in a Muslim country you would want those close to you to know the truth.

What a terrifying thought, to be near someone who dies without hearing God's salvation message knowing that you could have given your testimony, but you were to uncomfortable to speak of your lord.  :'(


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Re: Duty as a witness for Christ
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2015, 11:39:21 pm »

What is sad is having a close friend on thier death bed and not want to hear or speak on the subject of salvation.

JB Horn

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Re: Duty as a witness for Christ
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 11:08:58 pm »
It's not the duty, it is a commandment.

John 14:15 NAS
 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.