Author Topic: Happy Thanksgiving  (Read 1582 times)

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Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:46:47 pm »
I would like to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving and that includes the unbelievers as well as believers. I do however have a hard time understanding who the unbelievers are thanking. I assume they must be thanking their parents, the government or some other entity that they believe has helped them to receive what they needed this year.

As for the Christians I like to remind you that we do not only thank our Lord for our daily provisions here on earth, but also for his free offer of salvation and eternal life. One other thing that we received on the day of our birth besides life itself, was the ability to love. Our Lord needed to give us the ability to love so that we could understand the gospel which is capsulated in John 316. Without ever understanding what the word love means we would never understand the sacrifice he made for our salvation.