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Quotes on Religion
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:28:58 pm »

      A man may go to hell with baptismal water upon his face.
John Trapp

      A religion that is small enough for our understanding is not great enough for our need.
Arthur James Balfour (1848–1930)

     God is not interested in organized religion, Catholic or Protestant. He is interested only in what we are.
Richard Owen Roberts (1931– )

     I suspect that worse dishonesty and greater injustice are to be found among the champions, lay and cleric, of religious opinions than in any other class.
George Macdonald (1824–1905)

      It was religion that put Christ on the cross, religion without the indwelling Spirit. It is no use to deny that Christ was crucified by persons who would today be called Fundamentalists.
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

      Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.
G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936)

      Religion . . . is in essence the response of created personalities to the Creating Personality, God.
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

      Religion beats me. I’m amazed at folk drinking the gospel in and never scratching their heads for questions.
Siegfried Lorraine Sassoon (1886–1967)

      Religion is man’s quest for God; the gospel is the Savior God seeking lost men. Religion originates on earth; the gospel originated in heaven. Religion is man-made; the gospel is the gift of God. Religion is the story of what a sinful man tries to do for a holy God; the gospel is the story of what a holy God has done for sinful men. Religion is good views; the gospel is good news.
Roy Gustafson

      Religion that is merely ritual and ceremonial can never satisfy. Neither can we be satisfied by a religion that is merely humanitarian or serviceable to mankind. Man’s craving is for the spiritual.
Samuel M. Shoemaker (1893–1963)

      Religions are man’s search for God; the gospel is God’s search for man. There are many religions, but one gospel.
E. Stanley Jones (1884–1973)

     Religious contention is the devil’s harvest.
Charles Fontaine (1515–1590)

     The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic, who cares not whether there is a God or not.
Eric Hoffer (1902–1983)

      The true religion is built upon the Rock; the rest are tossed upon the waves of time.
Francis Bacon (1561–1626)

     There are only two religions that accept gloom as a fact (I mean by gloom, sin, anguish, and misery, the things that make people feel that life is not worth living) Buddhism and Christianity. Every other religion ignores it.
Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)

      We are allowing too many rivals of God. We actually have too many gods. We have too many irons in the fire. We have too much theology that we don’t understand. We have too much churchly institutionalism. We have too much religion. Actually, I guess we just have too much of too much!
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

      What religion is he of? Why, he is an Anythingarian.
Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)

     What we need in religion is not new light, but new sight; not new paths, but new strength to walk in the old ones; not new duties, but new strength from on high to fulfill those that are plain to us.
Tryon Edwards (1809–1894)