Author Topic: The doctrine of the Trinity  (Read 33634 times)

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Zant Law

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Re: Re: God’s presence became human
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2015, 10:04:00 am »
When Jesus was in Jerusalem, 3,000 people were baptized. Jesus said to his father (YHWH),  “Let these be one with me, as I am one with you.”  Are those 3,000 also God? (Does "and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one." mean they are one flesh?)
You referred to the  JW bible in your last post. You should not assume I am a JW…I am not. I am a member of no religion. I believe in God the father, YHWH, his son, my Lord Jesus, Gods written word, and the scrolls the bible was taken from. (You made the assumption that I was referring to the NWT, I was referring to your bible, be it NWT or your translation of the scrolls, If you are referring to the JW mention in the cut and paste, it is a belief reference that you hold, is it not?)
Since the scrolls are what the bible is taken from, the two should match, word for word. I have examined copies of the scrolls…these scrolls are the apex of Gods word. When they found, and examined the dead sea scrolls (which are older than the scrolls they took the bible from) they  were over joyed the match was perfect. The only difference they found, is the bible did have some changes.
Have you read the scrolls?  You should read them.  Some 50 books were left out of the bible. Books that were used by Christians in Jesus day. One is the books of Enoch. Enoch is in the bible 3 times. He was the 7th from Adam, and the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch was loved by God. In his scrolls he tells  what took place before the flood, and who did what.
I am not trying to change how, or what you believe. I simply asked a question. What I posted is in the bible, and also in the scrolls. Somehow the scrolls do not match what religions are teaching. Thus I find I must follow what the scrolls say.

Read, and think on these again. Ask, "Why do they not match other scriptures I have read? What do the scrolls say?"

1) "The Father is greater than I." (Again He lowered Himself lower than angles)
2) "Why do you call me good? Only the Father is good." (I asked you this question first, is your savor NOT good?)
3) “Father, why have you forsaken me?” (This the pain God 'Father' felt from the sight of our sins - now never having to look at them again)
4) He prayed to his father all night. (Yes He did, He was man)
5) God said, “This is my beloved son.” (And He is)
6) Jesus was the first born of all creation…God was never born, or created. (read the last post)

1) Jesus is not saying, "I am greater than I."
2) Jesus is not saying, "Why do you call me good? Only I am good." (Is He saying that He is not good?)
3) Jesus is not saying, " Self, why have you forsaken yourself."
4) Jesus did not pry to himself.
5) God did not say, "This is my beloved me."
6) Jesus was created...the first born. God was not created, or born.

Yes Jesus was a God. The word God is a title, not a name. Satan is the God of this system of things. God has a name, YHWH.

Are you a polytheism?

The Jews at the time understood Christ claim that you deny.

Dom the real problem in your theology is the you have put limitations on your god.

Tell me can your god be in two places at once in two deterrent forms, say a burning bush or an man eating with Abraham? My God can.

Would your god lower himself to take the form of a man and offer himself a a blood sacrifice to cover your sins? My God did. As Christ said this is the highest form of love. And God loved me so much that He gave Himself for my eternal life.

My God is all powerful and almighty, there nothing He can't do except violate His own attributes of righteousness. He will never lie to me or break a promises.

What are the limitations that your god has?

Now Dom there is another tread that goes into this far more then we have and I am going to as Bob to move these post to that thread.




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Re: The doctrine of the Trinity
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2015, 12:21:14 pm »
Quote from: dominic
You should read them.  Some 50 books were left out of the bible. Books that were used by Christians in Jesus day. One is the books of Enoch. Enoch is in the bible 3 times. He was the 7th from Adam, and the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch was loved by God. In his scrolls he tells  what took place before the flood, and who did what.
I am not trying to change how, or what you believe. I simply asked a question. What I posted is in the bible, and also in the scrolls. Somehow the scrolls do not match what religions are teaching. Thus I find I must follow what the scrolls say.

There were many writings that were known by modern man before the scrolls were found, they are not scripture. There are writings that claim to be Acts of John, Acts of Andrew, Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles, Acts of Pilate, Ascension of Isaiah, Book of Thomas the Contender, Gospel of Thomas, Epistle of Barnabas and many many more.

If you read "Here's what we believe" you will see that that the bible is made up of 66 books not every writing that pertains to the time of Christ.

We study the Bible here.
Some 50 books were left out of the bible.