Author Topic: Luke 4:42-44  (Read 850 times)

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clark thompson

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Luke 4:42-44
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:13:36 am »
Luke 4:42-44 King James Version (KJV)
42 And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them.
43 And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.
44 And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.

Luke 4:42-44
ACV 42 And when it became day, having departed, he went to a desolate place. And the multitudes sought him, and they came to him, and were restraining him not depart from them. 43 But he said to them, I must preach the good-news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because I was sent for this. 44 And he was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.

These are my thoughts, please share yours.

42 The people wanted Jesus to stay and went to find Him, how often do we want Jesus but never look for Him or end up going our way hoping to find Him, they went to find Him going His way they found Him, we often times will never find Him continuing in our own path. Do we want to be with the Lord this much; they stopped what they were doing because they knew He was the most important.

43 He had to go, this was not easy for Him or them, they truly had a love and devotion for Jesus, but the word was to spread and Jesus had to share it. We sometimes have to say good bye to the ones we love because the Lord leads us else where.

44 He went to the synagogues to preach this shows He was reaching the Jews but later we see He did not neglect the Gentiles, He witnessed to the woman at the well.


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Re: Luke 4:42-44
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 01:04:20 pm »
 The Son of Man had to leave so that the son of God could return.

“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.”
John‬ 16:7‬ NASB‬‬