Author Topic: Pain vs pleasure  (Read 1918 times)

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Pain vs pleasure
« on: April 02, 2012, 01:46:15 pm »
During my walk today I was listening to a sermon on my podcast by Dr. Zacharias. If you not aware of the gentleman he is very biblical-based apologetic even though, as most apologetics do, he uses very few scriptures during his sermons. In other words if you were to set listening to one of his sermons you wouldn't be going back and forth in her Bible jumping one burst another try to follow.

I wanted to say that because I wanted to give him credit for the thoughts I had and let you know that they weren't originally mine. His sermon was about pain and pleasure. His premise was that pleasure causes more destruction in a culture then does pain. I think that I have always felt this way as a Christian, I see the pain and suffering in Africa and in china and I see that their churches are much stronger and more biblically based and the churches in the free world were people have most everything. But to take it to the level of harm to all of our culture going beyond just the Christian culture is a level I never considered. In America there are many cultures and that's what makes America great. I don't know if the pain varies from one culture to another in America I don't really see that that's the case. That it may change from one level of economics to another level of economics. But I think what Dr. Zacharias was trying to get at is that the pleasures of the flesh turn you away from God and the opposite is with pain. As they say there is no atheists in a foxhole, and you always see people more willing to listen to the Gospel when they are feeling pain. An example is during 9/11 the church attendance skyrocketed across the country. But when things are good church attendance goes down. I've heard before the people say that the persecuted church is a stronger church and that's probably so like I say you look around the world that are in Africa and the some Middle East countries and China and you see that this is actually so those churches are much stronger more biblically based and the church is more dedicated to God than at a church you may find an America where it's just the thing of meeting place where people get together on Sunday and dress up and shake hands and have coffee and donuts.

Can we interchange the word culture with society or community in his presentation?

Zant Law

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Re: Pain vs pleasure
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 09:49:19 am »
I love Dr. Zach.

Can we interchange the word culture with society or community in his presentation?

The terms can me mutually inclusive or exclusive. Like you said, American has many cultures but some countries are not this way and only contain one culture.

It is true that sin follows pleasures of the flesh and history shows that to be true with cultures, societies, communities or whatever.



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Re: Pain vs pleasure
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 11:46:53 am »
Hold on there one minute cowboy.The definitions of pleasure and pain may also vary from culture to culture. I'm pretty sure that your find pleasure in the eyes of God's elect is a lot different than God's unelected. I think there is a mistake here of looking at these terms in a secular view.