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Lifting the Veil of Moses
« on: September 20, 2016, 07:13:15 pm »
While searching for a deeper understanding of current events in the Middle East, I turned to The Holy Bible for an answer to the seemingly eternal struggle between descendents of Ishmael* (Muslims believe Mohammad, their prophet, was descended from Ishmael) and the Jews** in the State of Israel. I reasoned that, even though I did not believe (at the time) in the veracity of the Bible, it was evident that the parties in question both believed in a kinship in the distant past that may have something to do with the territorial dispute of the present. So, I went in search of what I might discover about Ishmael and the Jews in the Book of Genesis.
*Ishmael, Abraham's actual first-born son was born to a servant and raised by her and subject to her foreign religious influence. As such, he could not be counted upon to keep his father's covenant with God. The Blessing of the Covenant went to Isaac instead.
**Something similar happened to Judah, when Jacob blessed Judah with right of the first-born because of his elder brothers' transgressions, and the Blessing of the Covenant went to Ephraim, the second son of Joseph.

On the quest for these answers, I stumbled upon something very peculiar. What caught my eye, began with something as simple as the repetition of a symbol within a series of individual blessings. When it happened a second time within a few verses, I stopped to diagram the names, symbols, and verb phrases.
I quickly recognized there was something important going on here. What I was looking at was certainly a deliberately crafted puzzle, yet no one had told me about this, and nothing I had read anywhere up to that point in my life had said a word about this. How could this be?
Then it dawned on me that I had rejected God and His Word based upon the words and actions of men. I had not truly studied the entire Bible myself. I had gone to Sunday school, read the New Testament over and over, dabbled in the Prophets, etc., but my understanding had been tainted with hearsay. I had come to a conclusion, that now seemed, well... in error.

So I prayed to our Father in Heaven, in the Name of His Son, Jesus, for the wisdom and understanding to unravel this mystery. In return, I promised to tell the world, and glorify His name. The mystery was bigger than I had ever imagined, and my mission is to fulfill my end of the bargain. I am in search of people interested in what lies behind the Veil of Moses... people interested in the United States in prophecy... people interested in who and what the Four Horsemen represent... people interested in what the Bible says about the Holocaust... These are just the tip of the iceberg. Or how about the Lost Tribes and how to follow them through history, using the Almanac of the Prophets... Yes, the Bible contains more than you might imagine, just beneath the surface.

It also contains a tutorial, and an answer sheet to check your work as you study. This is not a joke. It is amazing, but true.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 12:16:11 am »
The veil of Moses wore after receiving the Ten Commandments concealed the end of the law.

2 Corinthians 3:7 Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? 9 For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation, the ministry of righteousness must far exceed it in glory. 10 Indeed, in this case, what once had glory has come to have no glory at all, because of the glory that surpasses it. 11 For if what was being brought to an end came with glory, much more will what is permanent have glory.
12 Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end. 14 But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away. 15 Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. 16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2016, 09:36:48 pm »
It conceals much more than the law.

The scepter will not depart from Judah,
    nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
    and the obedience of the nations shall be his.
(GEN 49: 10)

Now, how can this be? Not only did Israel declare independence from Judah, taking nine other tribes with them, but the tribe of Judah themselves were subjected to the rule of others.

The answer is hidden by symbols and wordplay. Right there on the page, but hidden by the Veil of Moses.

By substituting names given for symbols in other verses of the all of Jacob's blessings, and recognizing a pair of double-entendres, you will find that he was to rule over Israel by a surrogate. Of course, that can't happen unless Israel no longer recognizes Judah as king.

Solving this riddle leads to other hidden prophecies, there in the Blessings of Jacob. In addition, there is other vital information that forms a subplot, just beneath the surface of the words. These hidden prophecies are fulfilled later in the canon as the story of Israel unfolds, thus confirming the deductions. It is like a tutorial with an answer sheet to check your work as you unravel the veil.

It is a puzzle, within the puzzle, showing you how to put things together so that everything fits. The entire Holy Bible is interconnected once you employ the techniques learned in the tutorial, to all of the Bible. You will come to know the four horsemen by name, rank, and responsibility, and how they represent repeating cycles of time... and so much more.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2016, 11:52:15 pm »
It is a puzzle, within the puzzle, showing you how to put things together so that everything fits. The entire Holy Bible is interconnected once you employ the techniques learned in the tutorial, to all of the Bible.

As Spurgeon said, you can find Christ in every chapter of the bible.

You sound like a Masonry with a secret hand shake, Excaliburst.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2016, 05:58:17 am »
More like a man who has rebuilt his temple upon the proper cornerstone, with the faith of a child, and the wisdom of a man.  ;)

A mason (small M) on a mission to remove all secrets, spreading the word.

In the Blessings of Jacob (Genesis, chapters 48 & 49), there is a curious use of symbols introduced into what turns out to be a series of inter-related prophecies. These prophecies are perpetual patterns that are like templates. This, my friends, is where we begin to find that the end was indeed written from the begining. This is the hidden tutorial, placed at the very beginning of the story of Israel, that has prevented us from looking through the veil. This is how to unlock all of The Holy Bible, not just the Torah.

In generic terms, this is an exercise of substituting meanings for symbols supplied in one part of the Bible for the same symbols in the rest of the Bible. The product it yields, is a secondary narrative with vital information that  augments the story on the surface and exposes hidden prophecies, while demonstrating how prophecies that we thought were broken and could never be fulfilled, actually were fulfilled, by adding missing information to the prophecy.

I will disect these Blessings by applying logic and reason to the written Word, while testing conventional literary devices. This will establish the clear existance of very specific (not generalized) prophecies, and demonstrate that they are later fulfilled in subsequent books within the canon, confirming the deduction. These Blessings are like a puzzle within the puzzle, with an answer sheet to check your work. Solving the puzzle is the first step in solving many other unanswered questions, and many yet to be asked.

For the modern reader, who is most likely generations removed from the land, and raising crops and livestock, most of the symbols are not as easily understood as they likely were in their day. Those symbols are no longer reflective of our general fields of knowledge.

This may be a blessing in disguise. With few preconceived notions, it should then be less difficult to allow the Scriptures to tell the reader what each symbol means.
To recognize and truly appreciate the wealth of information contained within Holy Bible, one must not overlook any of the clues that are given. These symbols are the keys to a higher level of understanding.

Rather than simply being generic and rudimentary characterizations of people and events, these symbolic references are in fact, a form of code that conceals some very astonishing information. Not only things that are yet to come, but why they must take place. Not only why we must do what we must do, but why we have done what we have already done. History will never look the same again.
First, the back-story, so that we are all on the same page:
God saw a righteuos man from a wicked city as a man after his own heart. So God made a covenant with him to bless his offspring with prosperity and expansion for as long as they continue in God's ways, and the consequences of failing to do so.

The blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were handed down through one son only, for the first two generations. Jacob had planned all along to bestow the blessings of the covenant upon Joseph, the firstborn son of his first, and only true-loved wife, Rachel. He prepared the others for this eventuality by giving Joseph two portions of whatever his brothers received.

Joseph’s older brothers sold him into slavery out of their jealousy, and his understanding of the symbolic nature of dreams is a significant component in what elevates him to prominence in the eyes of the Pharaoh. Jacob came to Egypt fearing he had lost both of Rachel’s sons, and discovered upon his arrival that they were not only both alive and well, but also, that Joseph had become two portions: Ephraim and Manasseh.

When Jacob adopts his newfound grandsons, he elevates them to equal stature with their uncles: as tribal patriarchs. Jacob tells Joseph that any children born to him after them, will be reckoned under the names of their brothers, and this is the charter for the 13 tribes of Israel:

5 “Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 6 Any children born to you after them will be yours; in the territory they inherit they will be reckoned under the names of their brothers.
(NIV Gen. 48:5-6).

The “Tribe of Joseph” listed in Revelation is not another tribe along side of the tribes Ephraim and Manasseh. The rest of his children live among Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob gives these boys his name (Israel). It is Ephraim who receives the greater portion of the blessings of God’s covenant with Abraham, even though Manasseh was the elder.

Later on in the Scriptures we will find that this name, Ephraim, is given as interchangeable with that of Israel, (NIV Jeremiah 31: 9)”because I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son.”  Ephraim is not listed with all the tribes, by name, in the blessings of chapter Genesis 49, nor in the book of Revelation, yet this is the tribe that received the name Israel, and the greatest blessings of the Covenant. Note that the adoption, and the charter for the tribes, both take place before the other sons of Jacob are called together to be blessed.

This is significant because 11 of the sons of Jacob did not know that there were to be 13 tribes. Since Manasseh and Ephraim were not yet fathers themselves, the scribe who documents this historic occasion counts only 12 tribes. Joseph, as the only other adult witness to all of his father’s blessings, is the only one besides Jacob himself, who might have a clue as to what is really going on.

The facts speak for themselves, though: When they settled the land, it was divided into 12 territories, with two portions for Joseph, (NIV Joshua 14:4) ”for the sons of Joseph had become two tribes--Manasseh and Ephraim.” The Levites, who did not receive a territory of their own, were given towns in each territory.

Do not be confused by the term: ”half-tribe of Manasseh”. It is utilized to distinguish the half of the tribe of Manasseh that settled east of the Jordan (where there wasn’t enough room for them all), from the half of the tribe of Manasseh that ended up west of the Jordan.
Ephraim, by virtue of his prosperity, had the best equipped, best fed, and best trained soldiers. Born amid abundance, he was not known for frugality. Together with the tribes of Manasseh and Benjamin (all of Rachel’s descendents), they made up the most formidable division of the Army of Israel. It was the tribe that produced Joshua, who was appointed Supreme Commander of all the armies of Israel.

Inviting Ephraim’s military aid ensured one of victory, when they accepted; and having a relative not call on them, was to them, a stain on their reputation that caused a strain in relations. Yet some of the Israelites would rather have risked the loss of their battles than to call on Ephraim. Pride and honor dictated that they would rather risk being plundered of what little they had, than to share the spoils of war with the one’s whose gleanings were finer than their own vintage. (Judges 8:1-3) (Modern vernacular: What Ephraim leaves on the vine, or in the field, after harvest, is still greater than the yield of the entire harvest of others.)

Jacob then blesses his natural sons (Gen. Ch.49). He divides up the birthright and the blessings among his heirs, and this is the cast of characters, and the symbols that will represent them throughout the Scriptures. This is also the script they will follow from that day forward, throughout history, as they repeatedly act out the tragedy of the dysfunctional family of Israel.

Judah is the central figure in the hidden intrigue, so let’s begin there.  Gen. 49:9 tells us Judah is the lion, and verse 10 says that he is the rightful king over God’s chosen people Israel. (The birthright of leadership that belongs to the firstborn has been forfeit by his elder brothers for their transgressions) Verse 11 is where the plot thickens...

(NIV Genesis 49: 11) “He will tether his Donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch.”  Verse 14 names Issachar as the donkey, and verse 22 reveals that Joseph is the vine. Verse 22 also includes the word branch, confirming for us that choicest branch is indeed part of the vine. When we insert these identities given for the symbols into verse 11, we find that: Judah will tether Issachar to Joseph, his colt to the choicest (part of Joseph). Ephraim received the greater blessing, so he is the choicest branch.

The fruitful vine can also be translated as a wild colt (see footnote in NIV). This is a deliberate double entendre, confirming that the singular blessing of Joseph, applies to both portions of Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh, the choicest branch and the colt. With all of the proper identities in place, v.11 should now read: Judah will tether Issachar to Joseph, Manasseh to Ephraim.

Verse 14 says Issachar is “lying down between two saddlebags (or campfires)”(see footnote in NIV). This is another double entendre, and again, both renderings apply.  Saddlebags symbolize possessions, and campfires are councils, so these are established territorial possessions, under separate ownership, not his own. The two double entendres are brackets around this relationship (each one pointing to the other), concealing the resting-place of Issachar.  Manasseh and Ephraim are the two possessions that he will lie down between.

Verse 15 says, “When he sees how good is his resting place and how pleasant is his land…” The use of a conjunction (and) to link these two statements to the remainder of the sentence, thus separates their subjects. The secondary statement is not an elaboration on the primary, as it could be without the word “and”; but refers to another place. He has a resting-place that is not his homeland. (This distinction between resting place and homeland comes up again and again, later on in the Bible) So without forsaking, (or moving) his homeland, he will take a job “out of state” somewhere between Ephraim & Manasseh, and do what?

Verse 15 describes Issachar’s job as “forced labor”, but to find out what that is, we need only look to his master. The one who put him there to do that work is Judah, the king. What purpose could this action serve him? The king’s duty is to rule. Issachar (the stubborn, reluctant, but also obedient donkey) was Judah’s right hand man, and he knows there is no one better for the job, and he doesn’t like the direction the country is headed. So even though he wasn’t asking for the job, he is “forced” to rule over Israel, upon Judah’s authority, while Judah pulls the strings (he reigns, by tying and pulling reins) from behind the scenes.

On the surface, it appears that Issachar is to be a lowly beast of burden, but through the symbols, we find the explanation for the kings and dynasties that issued from him. The name Issachar, can be translated as, “there is a reward”, and there certainly was!

As we read further into the Old Testament, we see that after the death of King Solomon, Jeroboam of Ephraim (the rightful owner of the name Israel), breaks free from Judah, and divides the nation into two kingdoms: Israel and Judah. The Tribe of Ephraim’s blessing of prosperity brought with it political persuasion rivaling that of the king. The other tribes are given a choice between the king & priests, who are due taxes and tithes; or the tribe of Ephraim, whose prosperity trickled down unto all whom associated with them. The Israelites voted with their wallets, so to speak. Absent the Wisdom of Solomon, the nation, (still in its infancy) is cut in two. On the surface, it appears that Jacob was wrong, but…

When Jeroboam’s heir begins to rule Israel, Baasha marches down from the territory of Issachar (immediately north of Manasseh) to the city of  Shechem, in the territory of Ephraim (immediately south of Manasseh). There, he kills Nadab and all of Jeroboam’s blood relatives, then declares himself king, and retreats to, and rules from, the city of  Tirzah, in the border country of Manasseh, next to Ephraim. (1 Kings 15 : 27-34)

After several more kings from Issachar rule from Tirzah, Omri buys a hill across the border in Ephraim, and builds the permanent capitol where no city had been: Samaria. (1Kings 16: 16- 25). Then more kings from Issachar ruled from there, after him.

On the surface, it appears as though Judah's blessing to rule over Israel until Christ's return (Genesis 49:10) was broken early on when Israel declared independence from Judah, but we find that he is actually prophesied to rule over Israel through a surrogate. That is only possible if they cease to recognize Judah as their king.

As you can see, the explicit prophecy that we uncovered through deductive reasoning was indeed correct, down to the last detail. Let there be no doubt, Jacob was a prophet. Even though we had to go through a lengthy exercise to reveal a very elaborately concealed message, we were able to do so.

This is just the beginning. These patterns, and others that follow, repeat again and again, long after Biblical history ends.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 07:10:13 am by Excaliburst »


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2016, 08:00:40 am »
In generic terms, this is an exercise of substituting meanings for symbols supplied in one part of the Bible for the same symbols in the rest of the Bible. The product it yields, is a secondary narrative with vital information that  augments the story on the surface and exposes hidden prophecies, while demonstrating how prophecies that we thought were broken and could never be fulfilled, actually were fulfilled, by adding missing information to the prophecy.

I will disect these Blessings by applying logic and reason to the written Word, while testing conventional literary devices. This will establish the clear existance of very specific (not generalized) prophecies, and demonstrate that they are later fulfilled in subsequent books within the canon, confirming the deduction. These Blessings are like a puzzle within the puzzle, with an answer sheet to check your work. Solving the puzzle is the first step in solving many other unanswered questions, and many yet to be asked.

Using your logic comparing the serpent of Genesis 3 and the symbol of the serpent of Numbers 21 we should be looking at Satan for our salvation.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2016, 08:12:07 am »
The problem is that we have been following the serpent. Israel asked for a king, but continued following the Judges...

Let’s now look at verse 16, and Dan. (NIV Genesis 49:16) “He will provide justice as one of the tribes of Israel." This is the tribe that is not listed among “all the tribes of Israel” in Revelation, Chapter 7.

Irenaeus of Lyons, the man credited with the first canonization of the Christian Bible, explained this omission by saying that the Antichrist is to come from Dan. He cited Jer.8: 16 as the reason for this belief. (NIV Jeremiah 8:16)  “The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there." 
His is a perfect example of how one need not have all of the pieces in place to arrive at the truth. When we consider the symbols, there is much more evidence to support that claim.

Though Gen.49: 16 clearly states, “as one of the tribes of Israel”, Dan will not always be counted among them. The reason is verse 17: Dan is a serpent, the same serpent that was cast down to Earth from Heaven. The spirit of the serpent, the accuser, the betrayer, a.k.a. Satan, is established here among man (and specifically among Israel). Just as there was no place in heaven for the spirit of the serpent, there will be no place in heaven for that spirit in the end. Just as Dan was unable to take possession of his allotted inheritance in the ancient kingdom, he will not receive an inheritance with God.

In the Book of Revelation, 12,000 saints are taken from each of twelve tribes. Levi, the tribe of the priesthood, who did not have a territory of their own, but was promised an inheritance with the Lord, is represented here. As are both of Joseph’s sons: Manasseh and Ephraim (as head of the tribe of Joseph), but of course, Dan is not included. This honor of representation among these is at least part of the promised inheritance.

Compare and contrast the life of the Danite, Samson, with that of the Judahite, Jesus; who is called Christ. Each was born of miraculous conception, complete with angelic guidance: one to a virgin, the other to a barren woman. Yet, Samson became a brawling, fornicating bully who went out of his way to pick a fight with his enemies. He killed thousands during his lifetime, and even more upon his death. Jesus on the other hand, could settle any argument without resorting to violence. He taught people to love their enemies. Jesus saved thousands during his lifetime, and many times that upon his death.

The name Dan means judge, and Samson brought judgement, while Jesus said he did not come to judge. Some of Jesus’ contemporaries, noting the similarities between the circumstances of their births, even expected him to lead a violent revolution as some kind of Supersamson. Yet, he refused to use force, period. Samson was the archetype of the Antichrist, just as surely as Jesus was the Antisamson.

The Antichrist precedes the Christ from beginning to end. The one who comes first is the first born of man, but the firstborn of God is the first one to do God’s will, and not his own, or another’s. This is why God calls Ephraim His firstborn, and not Reuben, Judah, nor even Manasseh.

Adam (the first to sin) preceded Abraham (the first to have faith), Cain preceded Abel, and so it was for Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob. To fit this pattern, the Antichrist must precede the Christ in the flesh. Jesus could not be the Christ if the Antichrist had not already come before Him! The pattern ends when the ultimate Antichrist precedes the ultimate return of the Christ.

Verse 17 tells us what Dan will do “in days to come”(v.1). He (NIV Genesis 49:17) “will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horses heels so that its rider tumbles backward”. The point upon which we will first concentrate, is the objective of Dan’s attack(s): to cause the rider to tumble.

The word “rider” does not appear again in the blessings, so if we are convinced that the answer is in there, we must broaden our search pattern to include implied references. When we do so, one and only one, answer emerges: The rider must be the one who is referred to as the owner of mounts. Judah owns both a donkey and a colt, so he is the object of Dan’s wrath.

Right here, the book of Genesis predicts that one of the lost tribes will persecute the Jews throughout history, and in a very particular manner... just as Jeremiah had said, and Ireneaus had referenced.

This struggle between the king and the serpent is common to many cultures. They represent order, and chaos, in the rise and fall of man’s civilizations. These are echoes of the War in Heaven that brought order out of chaos there.

We see here that it is cyclical, and that the serpent also brings chaos out of order. His accusations lead to judgement against the present leader. Thus, by bringing down one ruler, he sets the stage for the next. The new king must slay the dragon, or bring order to the chaos he created, to gain the throne. This is how God uses the Devil to test and discipline his chosen people Israel, as well as the way he chooses their leaders for them.

This is also the pattern where the one who is over the other twelve, is to be betrayed by one of the twelve, that Judas fulfilled in his betrayal of Jesus. (NIV John 6:70-71) The explicit manner in which one tribe will betray the other occurs much later in post-biblical times.

When they settled the land under the leadership of Joshua, the divisions of the armies of Israel (and their attendant Tribes) remained grouped as in battle, except for Judah and Dan. These two leaders were given new assignments during their occupation of the land they were to settle and drive out the inhabitants. Judah is told to leave the 1st division, and settle between the 2nd and 3rd divisions; that is, to move from the frontier, to the heart of the new nation.

Dan was supposed to move from the 4th division to be a hedge between the vineyard and the garden, but instead, returns to the 4th division where he can enjoy the privilege of rank. Then, to make matters worse, they massacred a people with whom God was not angry, and whom He had not warned; thus bringing upon Israel the wrath of God, and the surrounding nations!

The geographic location that the tribe of Dan was allotted for their territory was intended as a buffer zone, or hedge, between the nation’s major rival factions; the principal heirs: Judah and Ephraim. He was appointed to administer justice as Judge from there; settling any and all disputes between the leaders and the representatives of the people; and like a hedge, prevent the vineyard and the garden from encroaching upon each other (or usurping each others power).

 (NIV Isaiah 5: 5-7)
5.  Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.
6.  I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned nor cultivated, and briars and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it."
7.  The vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of his delight. And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.”

The evidence is clear that Jacob was using the same symbolic language of the prophets, which is consistent throughout the Scriptures. The story continues.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2016, 01:30:33 pm »
The Types and Symbols
of the Bible
by George Kirkpatrick


We have been asked to put together a short study guide on the types
and symbols used in the Bible.  This is by no means an in-depth study
of these terms, but a ready guide to promote a deeper study of each

Every term in the Bible has a meaning, such as numbers, directions,
colors, metals, names, places, etc.  As we understand the hidden
meanings of these terms we can unlock the mysteries hidden from the
beginning of time.

We pray this little tool guides you in your deeper search for the
truths of God's Word.

Table of Contents

Chapter One   Numbers   
Chapter Two   Colors         
Chapter Three   Parts of the Body      
Chapter Four   Directions   
Chapter Five   Clothing Materials      
Chapter Six   Metals         
Chapter Seven   Heavenly Bodies   
Chapter Eight   Trees   
Chapter Nine   Animals
Chapter Ten   Additional Symbols
Addend      Study Helps

Chapter One          Numbers

   We can gain much insight by studying the numbers in God's Word,
        not to the text only, but in their prophetic revelations.

Number One     Beginning   God

   In the beginning was God, the one true God   
      Genesis 1:1
   The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost are one   
      I  John 5:7
   There is one God and one holy nation      
      Ephesians 4:6, I Peter 2:9

Number Two   Witness, Division

   In the mouth of two or three witnesses      
      Matthew 18:16 
   The Bible is divided into two testaments

Number Three   Complete

   All God's creation is complete in three:
      Father, Son, Holy Spirit
      Spirit, Soul, and Body
      Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
      Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

Number Four   Creation

   The four elements
      earth, air, fire, water
   The four directions
      north, south, east, west
   The four seasons
      Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
   The four divisions of the day
      Morning, Noon, Evening, Midnight

Number Five   Grace

   The favor of God's grace
   God informed Paul, His grace was sufficient   

Number Six   Man

   The earth was prepared for man in six days
   Man was created on the sixth day
   The number 666 is the completeness of man, the best
   man can do without God
Number Seven   Spiritual Perfection and Revelation

The book of Revelations beautifully reveals the Number Seven
   Seven churches
   Seven Spirits of God
   Seven golden candlesticks
   Seven stars
   Seven lamps
   Seven seals
   Seven eyes
   Seven horns
   Seven angels
   Seven trumpets
   Seven heads
   Seven crowns
   Seven plagues
   Seven gold vials
   Seven mountains
   Seven kings

   God's Spiritual perfection comes in His revelation of the
   number seven

Number Eight   New Beginnings, Resurrection

   Jesus' transfiguration was on the eighth day
   Circumcision was to be on the eighth day
   Eight souls were saved in the flood

Number Nine   Judgment

   The number nine consists of 3 x 3
   It is the completeness of completeness
   Nine is also one short of coming into God's divine order

Number Ten   Perfection of Divine Order

   Decade    Ten years            10   
   Era      One hundred years   10 x 10
   Millennium   One thousand years  10 x 10 x 10
   Noah was the tenth generation
   The Ten Commandments
   One tenth = The Tithe
   Ten plagues in Egypt
   The ten virgins
Number Eleven   Disorder, confusion

   After Judas' betrayal, there were only 11 apostles
   Before the Holy Spirit could come on the Day of
    Pentecost, the twelfth apostle had to be appointed

Number Twelve   Perfection of Government

   The twelve patriarchs
   The twelve apostles
   The twelve foundations of the Holy City
   Twelve persons anointed of the Holy Spirit in the Old

Number Thirteen   Satan, Rebellion

   All the names of satan are divisible by thirteen
   Israel rebelled against God thirteen times in the wil-

Number Fourteen   Deliverance and Salvation   

Israel was delivered the fourteenth day of the first month
Matthew records 14 generations from Abraham to David
14 generations from David to the carrying away into Babylon
14 generations from the carrying away into Babylon to Christ,
The Anointing which is our deliverer

Number Fifteen   Completion of God's Grace,  Kingdom

The Completion of God's Grace   3 x 5

The fifteenth day of the first month is the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, the symbol of the sinless body

The fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Feast of
Tabernacles.  The Feast of Tabernacles marks the end of the
sixth day of man and the beginning of the seventh day of the

Number Sixteen   Love

There are sixteen titles for Jehovah in the Bible
In I Corinthians 13:4-8 there are sixteen attributes of love

Number Seventeen   Victory

In Romans, chapter eight, there are seventeen things listed
which cannot separate us from the love of God

In Hebrews, chapter twelve, there are seventeen differences in the Old Covenant compared with the New Covenant
Number Eighteen   Bondage

In Judges, Israel was held in bondage for eighteen years, first by Eglon and then by Ammon

Jesus healed the woman who had been bound by satan for
eighteen years

6 + 6 + 6 = 18      The best carnal man can accomplish

Number Nineteen      Faith

There are nineteen people listed in Hebrews, chapter eleven, the
faith chapter

Number Twenty      Redemption,   Time of Waiting

The Israelite men were chosen to go to war at the age of twenty

At the age of twenty, the children of Israel were to make an
offering for their souls.

Jacob waited twenty years for his wives and possessions
Number Twenty-Two   Light

There are twenty-two bowls of oil which hold the oil for the

There were twenty-two thousand priests to serve the tabernacle.

There are twenty-two sections of light in the 119th chapter of

There are seven divisions of 22 verses in the book of

Number Twenty-Three   Death

There are twenty-three things listed in the book of Romans,
chapter one, verses 28;32 which makes one worthy of death

Number Twenty-Four   Priesthood,
            Higher Form of Government

There are twenty-four elders around God's throne
There were twenty-four courses of the priesthood in the

Number Thirty      Maturity

Joseph was thirty when he stood before Pharaoh
David was thirty when he began to reign in Hebron
John the Baptist began preaching repentance at the age of thirty
Jesus began His ministry at the age of thirty

Number Thirty-three   Promise

Jesus was thirty-three when He went to the cross
He was thirty-three when He arose, giving us the promise of eternal life

Number Forty      Trials, Probation, Testing

Israel was tested for forty years in the wilderness
Jesus was tempted for forty days in the wilderness
Jonah preached judgment to Nineveh for forty days
In the book of Judges, Israel was given forty years of rest under
Othniel, Barak, and Gideon

Number Forty-two      Completion of a Journey

Israel had forty-two campsites from Egypt to their promise land
There are forty-two generation from Abraham to Christ
Forty-two mocked the ascension of Elijah to Elisha

Number Fifty      Holy Spirit and Freedom

The word pentecost means fifty
The Holy Spirit was given fifty days after Jesus' resurrection
Fifty is the year of jubilee

Number Sixty      Pride and Arrogance

The image Nebuchadnezzar set up was sixty cubits high

Number Sixty-six      Idol Worship

The confusion of man (11 x 6) who makes an idol out of self
Number Seventy      Restoration

The descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japeth after the flood was
Seventy descendants of Jacob were in Egypt at the time of
Israel was restored to their promise land seventy years after the
Babylonian captivity

Daniel's seventy weeks will complete the time when the Most
Holy will be anointed

Number One Hundred and Twenty   
   Complete Dispensation of Time

Moses lived three complete generations of time     3 x 40 = 120
   Forty years under the law of Egypt
   Forty years under grace, after he killed the Egyptian
   Forty years led by the Spirit of God

Number One Hundred, Forty-Four      
   God's Perfect Government

12 x 12 signifies God's ultimate creation of government

Number One Hundred, Fifty-three   Fruit Bearing

Jesus' disciples caught one hundred and fifty-three fish when
they fished on the right side of the boat

Number Two Hundred         Insufficiency

Two hundred pennyweight of bread was insufficient to feed the

Number Six Hundred         Warfare

Pharaoh pursued Israel with six hundred chariots
The Danites sent six hundred men of war to take Josiah
Goliath's spear weighed six hundred shekels of iron
Number Six Hundred and Sixty-six   Man's Best

Six, six, six   3 x 6 = 18 is the best man can do without
God, which only brings God's people into bondage
Six, six, six is the number of the beast, the great anti-

Number One Forty-Four Thousand   
   God's Perfect Government
God's Kingdom rulership, with His firstfruit company

   Chapter Two      The Colors


Red, Scarlet

   Holy Spirit


   Kingdom glory


   Life, growth

   Dignity, honor
   half truths



The Colors of Light

When light is put through a prism it breaks down into the light
spectrum which consist of the colors:

   violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

   Our God is the light of life.

   Chapter Three   Parts of the Body

   thoughts, mind, intelligence
   symbol of Christ's headship

   center of life
   seat of emotions

   the life of the flesh

   Spiritual vision
   light of the soul

   Spiritual hearing
   entrance to the soul
   receptor of faith

   symbol of glory

   thought, reasoning
   memory, imagination
   seat of the mind

   Symbol of breath

   seat of God's government, eldership

   symbol of emotions;    Love, hate, etc

   strength of the body
   enabler of ministry

   tools of ministry and giving

   support and strength of the body

   symbol of equalizing our walk

   symbol of reverence and humility

   the power to crush

   our walk in God

   symbol of strength in action
   reproductive part of the body

   symbol of the motives of the heart

   the inner man
   symbol of mercy

Chapter Four   Directions


   toward the throne of God and true worship
   symbol of power and authority


   symbol of quietness of the earth


   the new day
   God's light and glory


   symbol of evening
   setting of the sun
   end of the age


   going toward God
   going forward


   going away from God

Chapter Five      Clothing Materials


   symbol of warmth and comfort


   symbol of righteousness and purity
   does not cause sweat
   symbol of rest


   symbol of weakness of man

Chapter       Six   Metals

   symbol of God
   kingdom glory

   the price of a soul

Brass, Copper, Bronze
   symbol of sin
   judgment of sin

   inflexible rule


   heaviness of the heart

   symbol of the work of men's hands
   false worship

Chapter Seven      Heavenly Bodies


   symbol of life


   a light reflector
   symbol of judgment and darkness
   without God, lifeless


   symbol of Abraham's heavenly seed
   Spiritual Israel
   ministers of the gospel
   light bearers

Falling Stars



   measurement of time
   children of light
   New day (hope)


   spiritual darkness

Chapter Eight      Trees

   power, majesty

   symbol of calamity

   symbol of a broken heart


   symbol of Spiritual Israel, the church

   symbol of victory in Christ

   symbol of fragrance and beauty

   symbol of abundance and joyfulness

Shittah, Acacia

   symbol of Christ's humanity

   symbol of Christ's resurrection

   symbol of Christ's weeping and heartbreak

   symbol of God's blessing

Chapter Nine   Animals

   wisdom in preparation


   cruel men

   worldly kingdoms

   host of people
   yet produces honey

Bull   Bullock


   burden bearer

   destructive power

   destructive power


   early riser

   wisdom in hiding


   Holy Spirit

   rising above

   souls of men

   evil spirit
   satan's kingdom

   evil men

   sin, sinners

   small but destructive

   evil host

Hart   Deer

   conquest   war

   evil spirits
   night bird


   destructive power

   lonely person

   male sheep or goat

   evil spirits
   evil men

   evil spirits
   evil men

   God's people




Turtle Dove
   Holy Spirit

Wild Ass
   man's unregenerate state
   stubborn, self-willed
   running wild

   false teachers

   instrument of judgment

Chapter Ten      Additional Symbols

   safety, security, and hope



   symbol of frailness of the human flesh

   human frailness

   symbol of worldliness

   symbol of the world

   God's purifying and testing

   divine judgment

   symbol of the Word of God

   strength and power   
   power to bind and loose
   to lock and unlock

   symbol of the spirit of man
   symbol of the Spirit of God
   lamp of God

   sin and death

   destructive power of darkness

Mirrors (glass)
   reflection of the Word of God in our lives

   symbol of kingdoms

   Holy Spirit anointing

   mourning, sorrow
   incorruptible life

   symbol of multitudinous seed
   earthly seed of Abraham
   unsaved multitudes

   power, authority, and rulership

   restless masses of humanity

   the Word of God

   resistance to authority

   man's efforts and works

   man's temporal existence

Thorns and thistles
   symbol of the curse

   spiritual idolatry
   false doctrines

   symbol of dry places without God


Study Helps
   The following study helps will provide you with comprehensive
        tools in gaining deeper insight into the Types and Symbols
        of the Bible:

The Arithmetic of God
   PO Box 573     King Mountain, NC 28086

The Symbols and Types
   Bible Temple Publ
   7545 NE Glisan Street
   Portland Oregon 97213-6396

Numbers in Scripture
   Kregel Publ

A Dictionary of Scriptural Proper Names
   Loizeaux Bros     Neptune NJ

The Strong's Concordance
   Thomas Nelson, Publ

The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament   
   Volumes I & II
   Moody Press

Vine's Expository dictionary
of New Testament Words
   Bethany Press

Unger's Bible Dictionary
   Moody Press

Chronological and Background Charts
of the New Testament
   H. Wayne House

Chronological Charts of the Old Testament
   John Walton

The Interlinear Greek English New Testament


Vital Words to the Body of Christ

Freely We Have Received, Freely We Give



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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2016, 01:40:30 pm »
These are the richest of all, both in the detail of their predictions and in the abundance of the historical confirmation of their truth. We shall confine ourselves to the simple facts concerning Israel's remarkable destiny.
The Old Testament records for us how God made distinct promises to Abraham (about 1800 B.C.) which meant, among other things, that his descendants would become a people (Israel) who would take possession of the land of Canaan, later called Palestine. About 1400 B.C. the people of Israel were brought out of Egypt at the Exodus under Moses, and 40 years after began to take possession of the land promised to them. But while they were still in the wilderness, before they entered the land, they were solemnly warned by God through Moses of the fate which would overtake them if they turned away from their God to worship idols and imitated the ways of the pagan Canaanites. The 28th chapter of Deuteronomy is a most remarkable prophecy -- and was a terrible warning -- of the calamities which would come upon the Israelites if they were disobedient. The reader is recommended to read the whole chapter for himself. Here we have space only to outline the main features:

"But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments ... the Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known ... And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all the nations whither the Lord shall lead thee ... The Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even to the other ... And among these nations shalt thou find no ease ..." (Deuteronomy 28:15,36-37,64-65).

Again the prophecy is quite clear. Israel were to be scattered among the nations, there to live in very uncomfortable circumstances, the object of scorn and contempt. How forcibly their history has proved the truth of these words! The scattering of the Jews throughout the world began in the days of the Assyrians in the 8th century B.C. The process continued through the Babylonians in the 6th century. After a partial return from Babylon in the days of the Persian kings, a community of Israelites lived in their land from about 500 B.C. to the days of Christ, successively dominated by the Persians, the Greeks and their successors, and finally by the Romans. In A.D. 70, 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, there occurred the most terrible devastation of all. The city of Jerusalem was sacked by Roman armies because of rebellion; the temple was burned and the Jews were scattered as captives over the Roman world (see cover illustration). There they have been found ever since, literally "from one end of the earth to the other".

And they have indeed, until very recent times, found "no ease". Suffering persecution and at times extermination-the pogroms in Russia in the 1 9th century and Hitler's policy of genocide in the 20th are only the most recent examples -- the Jews have everywhere been subject to vilification and derision, so much so that their survival as a recognizable race is one of the marvels of history. Again we note the fact that this prophecy of Israel's fate has remained true for over 2500 years. Who could have foreseen that, despite all the scattering and the persecutions, the Jews would remain for centuries a recognizably distinct race, right up to the present day?

But there is more ...
But the most incredible feature of the prophecies about the destiny of Israel is yet to be told, for the prophets also clearly foretell an unexpected change in Israel's fortunes. Consider, for instance, these predictions through the prophet Jeremiah, delivered nearly 600 years before Christ:

"For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah . . . and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it" (30:3).

"Now therefore thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel ... Behold, I will gather them out of all the countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger ... and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely: and they shall be my people and I will be their God ..." (32:36-38).

"I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first. And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity . . . (33:7)

Again there is no doubt about what the prophet is saying. The process of Israel's scattering and persecution is to be reversed. The Jews are to return to the very land from which they were expelled over 1900 years ago, and to dwell there in comparative peace. The three brief quotations from Jeremiah, given above, could be multiplied many times over by similar declarations from Isaiah and Ezekiel.

We have little need to go into great detail to show how these prophecies of Israel's restoration have been most accurately fulfilled. The Zionist Movement was active among the dispersed Jews in many countries in the late 19th century. The establishment of Palestine as a National Home for the Jews in 1917 led to a rapid increase in their numbers in the Land. When this provoked the hostility of the Arabs, the Jews fought off an attempt to suppress them in 1948, and established their own Jewish State. This was enlarged in 1967 after a second attempt in the Six Day War; as a result Israel recovered much of their ancient historical territory, and Jerusalem became the capital of their State under their own rule, for the first time in 2500 years. In short, the emergence of an independent Jewish State in the Middle East has been a most unexpected development. Less than 100 years ago no political observers would have thought it possible.

We are not here concerned with the "politics" of the situation. We are concerned solely with Bible prophecy. There are other things the Bible has to say about the Jews. The prophets tell us, for instance, that there is to be a great crisis in the Middle Fast, and that Israel will be brought to repentance before their God. Only then will the prophecies of final restoration and peace come to pass. Here we wish solely to emphasize that the prophets foretold the return of Israel to their land, and we in this century have actually seen their predictions begin to be fulfilled.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2016, 03:12:31 pm »
Israel and Judah are not interchangeable. They have separate Blessings and separate prophecies. They are inexorably linked, to be sure. But to confuse one with another leads you down a false path.

(Ezekiel 37: 15-24)
15 The word of the Lord came to me: 16 “Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it, ‘Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, ‘Belonging to Joseph and all the Israelites associated with him.’ 17 Join them together into one stick so that they will become one in your hand.

18 “When your people ask you, ‘Won’t you tell us what you mean by this?’ 19 say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to take the stick of Joseph—which is in Ephraim’s hand—and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and join it to Judah’s stick. I will make them into a single stick of wood, and they will become one in my hand.’ 20 Hold before their eyes the sticks you have written on 21 and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. 22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms. 23 They will no longer defile themselves with their idols and vile images or with any of their offenses, for I will save them from all their sinful backsliding, and I will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be their God.

24 “‘My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd. They will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees. 25 They will live in the land I gave to my servant Jacob, the land where your ancestors lived. They and their children and their children’s children will live there forever, and David my servant will be their prince forever. 26 I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever. 27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the Lord make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.’”

The  fulfillment of this prophecy began over two centuries ago, and it was not in the Middle East. But the Israelite people turned away from God, once again. This is the turning point for the true Israel to awaken from ancestral amnesia and learn their true identity, by looking at their history through the eyes of God and His Prophets.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2016, 05:38:50 pm »
I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2016, 06:28:52 pm »
More I skim this the more it seems to me we are approaching a pitch for replacement theology. One has to accept that God's covenants are not everlasting before you accept this heresy. Is this where we are going Excalibur?

Quote from: Everyone has a stick
Black people are the true Israelites from the tribe of Judah. They argue this from various passages in the Old Testament including Deuteronomy 28 (cf. Leviticus 26) which references ships (Deut. 28:68), serving in bondage (Deut. 28:48), mockery (28:37), and being defeated before one's enemies (28:25). Also, Lamentations 5:10 describes the Israelites who had skin as black as an oven. Therefore, to the Hebrew Israelites, this is conclusive proof that the original Israelites were black.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 06:43:56 pm by macuser »


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2016, 07:05:57 pm »

Black Hebrew Israelites, now that is one group that is exciting to argue theology with. We get them now and then on this board but they don't seem to stay long.


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2016, 07:38:33 pm »
More I skim this the more it seems to me we are approaching a pitch for replacement theology. One has to accept that God's covenants are not everlasting before you accept this heresy. Is this where we are going Excalibur?

Quite the contrary. I am referring to the actual, genetic, Lost Tribes of Israel. Kin to the Jews, but separated from one another millennia ago. Though lost to history, they live on, and have lived out a prescribed pattern of history, which was written from the very beginning... and demonstrating that God's Covenants are indeed eternal.

Lifting the Veil of Moses
Part 2: The Lost Tribes

Dan, as previously mentioned, was the one tribe that was unable to take possession of his allotted inheritance, (which was to have been between Ephraim and Judah). Although Jacob (Israel) may have seen some animosity between his sons, it was most likely that the blood feud really began when the men of Judah betrayed the Danite leader, Samson. It appears that this is what caused the Danites to quit trying to take possession of their allotment and choose easy pickings elsewhere.

After the death of Samson, there is a break in the action to introduce us to Micah (Judges chapter 17), who’s priest joins the Danites as they abandon Zorah and Eshtaol (both of which become towns of Judah) and move north. They blamed Judah for the loss of their inheritance. They chose to take some territory in the north, (which was as far as possible from Judah).
The first town they took, they renamed “Dan”, signifying their claim to the northern frontier. The Scriptures point out, and then repeat the claim twice more, to stress the point that the inhabitants of that town were “unsuspecting”.

God warns a people to repent before he removes them from the land, which is what Israel was supposed to have done, as the instrument of God. Dan brought upon Israel the wrath of God and the surrounding nations, and in turn, Assyria removed Israel when they would not repent.
The Danites were driven from that land ten years before Samaria finally fell in 722 BC, after a three year siege.

During this decade long decline of the kingdom, there would have been some who saw what was happening; who then chose to set out after Dan, rather than face the coming invaders. With Egypt capturing territory in the south and Assyria doing the same in the east, the only direction for refugees to flee would have been north. The prophet Jeremiah confirms their exodus in chapter 16. Dan marked the trail well for them to follow, as a proper scout should.

The question of the fate of the lost tribes has been debated for centuries. Many believe they were all either killed, or captured, enslaved and dispersed to various places and absorbed into other populations, and thus wiped out as tribes. The number of recorded captured is but a small fraction of what the total population would have been. Even if millions died in war, and only a small percentage of them escaped, there could still have been tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of refugees that fled to safety. The Scriptures and history both suggest that the tribes live on. (NIV Isaiah 11:16) “There will be a highway for the remnant of his people that is left from Assyria, as there was for Israel when they came up from Egypt.“

Archaeologists and anthropologists have evidence that the Danites migrated through, if not to, Europe, and the British Isles. Known as Tuatha de Danaan, or the children of Dan, and reputed to live underground, they were the earliest known rulers of the region, and collected tribute from the local populations, prior to Roman conquest. Could this be the origin of the Spanish and Italian title, “Don” (one to whom tribute is paid)?

The structures found at the various sites, were man-made caves (possibly the origin of our words: dungeon, and den?). These sites have a peculiar similarity about them. The names of the sites, or the region in which they are found, or a major landmark visible from the sites, have contained within them, the remnant of the name Dan. Armed with this information, it is possible to reconstruct the migration pattern from a modern, reference quality, Atlas.

The ancient Hebrew was written without vowels, which were supplied by the reader according to the context. In order to allow for more than 2700 years of linguistic evolution, migration, and territorial conquest; our search parameters should be as follows: We will look for any name that includes “D” then “N”, with any vowel, or combination of vowels, or no vowel at all, in between.

As a control, search Africa and Asia first. Names that fit the profile are few and far between with no discernable pattern to them, except that the few in Asia are mainly in the north (Russia). The total number of these occurrences on those two continents is less than the number found in the U.K. alone. The pattern begins unexpectedly soon as one ranges out from the ancient kingdom toward the north. Lebanon and Syria each have at least one town that fits the profile, and Turkey has several.

It is in the region of the Black Sea that we find a startling discovery: the four major rivers flowing into the sea, still known today as the Don, the Dnepper or Dneiper, the Dnester, and the Danube! The plains to the north of the sea have several towns that fit the profile, but it is when we trace along the Danube, that an obvious migration pattern emerges.

They were either the first settlers, or met little, or no resistance, during their advance. They settled the choicest spots, all near fresh water, and especially: the confluence and effluence of rivers. At the confluence, they usually settled on the peninsulas formed where the two rivers meet. Their settlements near the end of the rivers were just far enough inland so that their water would not become brackish at high tide. They also settled at sharp bends in a river, or high ground between rivers that come close yet never meet.

The settlements remain close to the Danube for a while, then spread almost due west and north, from about Austria, fanning out to the edge of the continent and beyond. Places with familiar names like: Gdansk, Dresden, Baden-Baden, Verdun, Brandenburg, Wiesbaden, Dunkirk, Donegal, Edinburg, Dundee, Aberdeen and London; whose city gate is flanked by two statues depicting the symbol of that place: the Dragon.

With the exception of a few sites in northern France, this pattern of Dan artifacts closely resembles the distribution pattern of the Germanic family of languages. We are probably looking at the migration pattern of the fair-skinned across Europe (Jacob's twin brother had red hair and hair on his knuckles). They are called Caucasian, for lack of a better name, because when looking backward through history toward their origin, the trail vanished at the Caucasus Mountains. No evidence was found suggesting a “White Adam”, yet the evidence of how, and why they came to be there was also unclear.

Before you put up a wall, thinking this is going to be white supremacist propaganda, let's be clear: God chose the lowliest people in the caste system of the ancient world to demonstrate to the world that they could accomplish great things by following him. Being "God's Chosen People" had nothing to do with genetic superiority, or any other kind of inherent advantage beyond their relationship with God, and the covenant He made with their forefather.

However, Encyclopaedia Britannica does tell us of a so-called, “horde of nomads” who crossed over the Caucasus and settled in the plains north of the Black Sea, beginning in the late 8th and throughout the 7th centuries BC. They established a civilization that lasted nearly four hundred years. The Danites had completely lost the territory of Dan by 732 BC (the late 8th century BC), so this is precisely when you would expect to find a flood of refugees from the Holy Land, and in the most logical place for them to have migrated. We have a convergence of data at the very same region were the migration pattern of Dan first begins to take shape.

These "nomads" were fierce warriors, and their equestrian skills astounded those with which they came into contact (the horses of Dan that made people tremble?). They were known to others, and to history, as Scythians, and scythes (according to Britannica, believe it or not) meant tribes. Leaving no written history, the Scythians are something of an enigma. We do know, though, that they were enemies of Assyria, who drove the Israelites out of Samaria and the  Kingdom of Israel.
The tribe of Dan must have been among them, in order for that name to be so firmly established where the "Scythians" settled, especially the names of the rivers. The Sarmations eventually drove them out of the Black Sea basin. With these enemies advancing from the north and east, the “Scythians’” only escape was west, up the Danube.

Most of the sites on the islands of the North Atlantic where Tuatha de Danaan’s presence has been confirmed, were apparently not traditional settlements, but rather resembled frontier outposts, or perhaps hunting lodges, used seasonally as base camps. It appears as though the main body of the tribe, after surveying all of  Western Europe, went north and settled in Denmark (and Norway) and Sweden, together referred to as Scandinavia (All of Dan’s Land?). In the lands named after Dan, individual sites fitting the profile are virtually non-existent, except on the circumference, such as some between Sweden and Finland, suggesting the original border of the territory of Dan, only a handful of miles west of today’s border.

One of the best tools available to us, when trying to piece together the history of a particular time and place, without a complete written record, is language. It is the closest thing to a genetic marker that one can find among inorganic artifacts. We can often confirm, or establish what is then confirmed by other means, what factually happened by tracing the spread and evolution of languages.

Even when written records are available, man’s record of his own history “is but a fable, agreed upon”. It is often the case that the language record is found to be more accurate. It can reveal the true scope of influence that one culture had over another, as well as tell us where the people who spoke a given language migrated.

There is a peculiar, yet unexplained, Semitic link to the Germanic family of languages. Here we see a reasonable explanation for the occurrence of Semitic words and phrases, found to be in use in Europe centuries before the Jews arrived. Their now distant cousins, the Lost Tribes of Israel, of whom the Jews had not heard for almost a thousand years, had arrived long before them.

The only problem establishing this link between the Lost Tribes of Israel, and the Scythians, is that Britannica says that the Scythians were of Iranian stock. Perhaps such a conclusion is in error. Consider that, according to The Timetables of History, by Bernard Grun, (based upon Werner Stein’s Kulturefahrplan), Scythian raiders were present in Syria, and Palestine, in the decades following, but apparently not before, the fall of Samaria. Hmmm...

The Caucasus Mountains are about 500 miles from Tehran, north by northwest. Palestine is over 700 miles (as the crow flies) to the west by southwest, at least 90 degrees off course. If these were Iranian nomads, migrating from Iran to the Black Sea basin, then what were they doing so many hundreds of miles to the west of a logical route between those places? To get to Palestine, a direct route from Iran would take them through Assyria, an enemy of the Scythians, as well as the Israelites. Going around Assyria and Israel by traveling west would be a logical disconnect, with the barrier of the sea.

What could cause a nomadic people to enter the war zone, so soon after the fall of Samaria? They certainly could not have expected to settle in the land that Assyria had just captured. Also, how often do “nomads” establish stationary civilizations that last for centuries? On their first attempt?

Then, take into account, that the language spoken in the southern slopes of the Caucasus today: Georgian, is a form of Aramaic that uses some borrowed Greek letters.  Aramaic is a Semitic language, like Hebrew, and not related to Iranian. It is the language of the region that bordered the kingdom of Israel to their north and east (Canaan). It is also a language that was spoken by Jesus, and his apostles (who also wrote in the Greek), and by the Samaritans who repopulated the land of Samaria in Israel’s absence.

This evidence suggests that the “Scythians” came from the south and west, of the Caucasus, not southeast of there. They were most probably the refugees from the fall of Israel, and her capital, Samaria. Dan probably switched from Hebrew to Aramaic (which were very similar Semitic dialects), long before they left Israel, to converse and trade with their non-Israelite neighbors, and perhaps, to spite Judah, but most likely, they would have done so to cover their tracks from the pursuing Assyrians. It was not uncommon for the common people to speak both languages. Whether in combat, or commerce, the early Israelites apparently did not require interpreters when conversing with anyone who spoke Aramaic.

Semite is the Biblical term for “children of Shem”, one of the three sons of Noah. After the flood, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, represent the populations that would inherit the three continents of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Hamitic languages are found in Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan; so Ham evidently, went south. Ham means "dark", by the way.

All of the Israelites are Semites, and they are the fair-skinned who went north and inherited Europe. How ironic, that when Dan says that the Jews aren’t white, like he is, Judah’s response is to call him “anti-Semitic”. Dan and Judah not only despise each other; they both resent and deny that they are even related.

Isn’t it also ironic, that the Bible, on the one hand, records the disappearance of a race of people closely related to the Jews, who themselves, were not lost. While on the other hand, there is the historical, but unexplained, appearance of a race of people who look more like the Jews than any other race with traceable lineage?

At the time that the Caucasian label was coined, the archaeological record, as it was, had not yet proven the reliability of the Biblical record. Likewise, our understanding of the Scriptures had not yet proven their true historical value. The “Caucasians” predated the Jews in Europe by many centuries, and the lost tribes were just that, lost (but not gone). The time has finally come for the lost tribes of Israel to awaken from their ancestral amnesia.

The language trails, and the migration trail of Dan, do seem to corroborate each other, but there are other possible links as well. We have a few hints of a character profile of the tribe of Dan, besides the thunder of his horses’ hooves and stirring up war that Jeremiah reveals. For example, there is the evidence of a tradition of craftsmanship in precious metals and stones, etc. that surpassed the skills of the other tribes, (Ex. 35:34-35 and 2 Chron. 2:14), and an apparent fascination with ships and sailing (Ju. 5:17).

Dan’s northern position put them in close proximity to the sailors and craftsmen of Phoenician/Minoan stock from whom they likely acquired these skills. This could also explain the remarkable resemblance between Viking and Phoenician ships, whose influence on the seas was separated by both time and distance.

The Viking descendants of Dan later ruled the seas and collected tribute from Western, and Eastern Europe, again during the Dark Ages, just prior to the establishment of the monarchies that would rule over Europe for most of the next millennium, repeating the pattern of Tuatha de Danaan and the Romans... the same pattern of the Judges ruling over Israel until a kingdom is established.

Now that we know where Dan went: let’s look at what history has to say about the Jews in places where he waited by the roadside as a “viper along the path” in order to ambush Judah upon, or after, his arrival. In other words, the places where Dan left his mark, on his way from the Holy Land to Scandinavia (the trail of Dan): Europe.

The Columbia History of the World devotes an entire chapter to the Jews in Medieval Europe. It states that the Jews migrated in waves from the east. They essentially remained together in the urban centers, engaging in commerce as merchants, bankers, brokers, craftsmen, tradesmen, and the like, but were not known to have spread to rural areas as farmers or herdsmen.

They eventually became an integral part of the local economies. As those economies went into recession, as all economies will, there was always someone there to say, ”Look at the Jews. They were the last to arrive, and with nothing. Now they have their hands into everything and have made themselves rich off of our land and our labor”. These charges did not fall on deaf ears, and as a result the Jews were expelled from England in 1290, Normandy in 1296, France in 1306 and again in 1394, and Spain, in 1492.

Columbia also points out that these expulsions were just a few of the more notable occurrences of a peculiar pattern of persecution that plagued the Jews in Western Europe. While those in Eastern Europe were by no means immune to the problem; “for those in the west, the Middle Ages did not actually end until 1917.”

This is a small consolation, since it was scarcely a dozen years later that Europe and the Western World fell into the Great Depression. Again the Jews were blamed. Except this time, the regime that rose to power was bent on world conquest. This meant that there would be no place left on Earth to exile the Jews. So, extermination became the order of the day. Thus, between 1933 and 1945, during the twelve and one-half year reign of terror known as the Third Reich, at least 6 million Jews (perhaps as many as twice that number) were slaughtered.

By the way, remember the horse, whose role was withheld earlier? The blessings of Joseph, the vine (or wild colt) are the blessings of economic prosperity and expansion. This is the blessing of Abraham that Jacob bestowed upon Ephraim and Manasseh. It was the accusations of the spirit of Dan, regarding the economy (“Judah is stealing your inheritance, just like they stole ours!”), which caused the wild colt to throw off its rider! (Hos.10:11, Is.9:21)

Around the time of Israel’s war of independence from Judah, the prophet Hosea echoed the Lord’s displeasure with them both, and after listing their transgressions and punishment, he uttered this ominous pronouncement, (NIV Hosea 6:11) ”Also for you, Judah, a harvest is appointed.” Could there ever be a more notable harvest of Judah than the one that we call The Holocaust?

The Holy Bible didn’t merely predict the most significant attempt at mass genocide the world has ever witnessed. It also told us who would do it to whom (Dan > Judah), as well as: why (revenge and inheritance dispute), how (accusations regarding that inheritance), and even where it would happen (along the trail of Dan). And, as you see in the Almanac of the Prophets, the when of it all was predestined.

Believing that Judah is responsible for the loss of his own inheritance, the spirit of Dan simply cannot bear to see Judah receive his inheritance. He continues to self-righteously go out of his way, and to any length, to blame and punish Judah in revenge for the betrayal of Samson, and the loss of his own inheritance, just as Samson himself would have done. He will not forgive and he cannot forget.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 08:25:42 pm by Excaliburst »


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Re: Lifting the Veil of Moses
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2016, 10:58:55 pm »

We must keep in mind the fact that the Lord cast Israel afar off to the isles of the sea, and then, through the prophet Isaiah, commanded silence for a certain period, or until the people should have renewed their strength. This same prophet, in the first verse of the forty-ninth chapter, again addresses the people who dwell in the isles as follows: "LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar"; and then makes the declaration: "Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified."

Israel, as we know, was cast out of her land for idolatry, and Baal-ism was one of her chief idolatries. Before she was cast out she seems to have acquired the habit of attaching the name of the god Baal to places and cities, for on the ancient maps of Palestine we find Baal-meon, Baal-gad, Baal-ath, Baal-shalisha, Baal-Tamar, Baal-peor, Baal-hazor, Baal-zephon, Mt. Baal­ah, and others.

But surely these people carried that same proclivity with them to the islands, for in Ireland this name of the god Baal is found just as frequently, if not more frequently, a circumstance which shows that this idol was honored and worshipped by her eastern colonists. The Rev. T. R. Howlett furnishes us with the follow­ing list of Baal-it-ish names found in Ireland: Baa-y-­Bai, Baal-y-gowan, Baal-y-Nahinsh, Baal-y-Castell, Baal-y-Moni, Baal-y-ner, Baal-y-Garai, Baal-y-nah, Baal-y-Con-El, Baal-y-Hy, Baal-y-Hull-Ish, Baal-Nah­Brach, Baal-Athi, Baal-Dagon.

Regarding the evidence given by these names, How­lett says: "These certainly are memorials of the Baal worship once prevailing in Ireland. In them we have not only the name of Baal, but its conjunction also with other Hebrew names. How can this be accounted for, except as they were so called by emigrants from Phoenicia and Palestine?

One thing that particularly marks the Hebrew origin of these names is their attachment to places but not to persons. The Canaanites and Phoenicians, attached the names of their gods, Baal, Bal, Bel to persons, as Eth-Baal, Itho-bal, Asdru-bal and Han-i-bal. These were family names among the heathen nations sur­rounding Israel. In like manner, we find among the chosen people the names of their God associated with and forming a part of family and personal names; as "El" and "Jah," in Isra-el, Ishma-el, Lemu-el, Samu-el, Ezeki-el, El-isha El-ijah. Baal never found favor among the Hebrews as a personal name, though used freely for localities. They gave it to their towns, but not to their children. Its use in Ireland is proof of the Israelitish origin of the earliest settlers -- philological evidence of racial unity."

But this custom of thus using the name of Baal has long since passed away from the descendents of those who settled in "INNIS PHAIL" -- an Island Wonderful -- and her sister isles. These islands need no longer keep silent, for their people have renewed their strength and thus the isles are yielding up their secrets. Hence, we should not be surprised that the name of Baal is no longer in the mouth of their people. By the mouth of the prophet Hosea, whom the Lord used to declare that he would hedge up the way of Ephraim Israel, so that she could not find her paths, he also says: "I will take away the names of Baal-im (plural of Baal) out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name," (Hosea 2:17).

But just prior to this saying the Lord has given a prophecy, of which this is but a part, the sequence of that which precedes it, and which reads as follows: "Behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilder­ness [the hitherto uninhabited country], and speak comfortably to her heart [Margin]. And I will give her vineyards from thence [there], and the valley of Achor [sorrow] for a door of hope; and she shall sing as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi [my husband]; and shalt call me no more Baali. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth."

All idolatrous names were taken from the mouth of Israel, not so much because they had reached that God-appointed place where they were to be moved no more, and where the children of wickedness were not to waste them as at the first, but because they had passed out from their former sorrow through the door of hope, which was caused by the fact that their Lord had spoken comforting words to their hearts, and because she could look up in love to him and say, "Ishi -- my husband." The reason for this heart-experienced hope will become clearer as we proceed with the prophetic history of this people, whose centralization of racial life and power is in those islands which are northwest of Palestine.

But in this same forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, after letting us know that Israel is located in the isles, the prophet foretells some events in the future history of that island nation. Among these predicted events we find the following: "Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One: In the time of favour [grace] have I heard thee, and in the day of salvation [the Christian era] have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and I will appoint thee, as a people of the covenant, to establish the earth, to cause [thee] to inherit the desolate her­itages."

In this quotation we have, for the sake of clearness, followed in part both the King James and the Isaac Leeser translations. The italicized phrase is from Leeser, and is remarkable for its clearness, especially in its use of the article a before people, because Eph­raim-Israel, although not all the people, is distinctly a people, of the covenant; and as a people of the covenant she is appointed to establish, people, or cause to be inhabited, the desolate, uninhabited places of the earth. These desolate localities are given to Israel as an in­heritance, and she has needed them in fulfilling the des­tiny of the Birthright Kingdom of Israel -- that of be­coming many nations, or a company of nations.

But we must now notice the word covenant, since it is used in the phrase as a people of the covenant. The Hebrew word for covenant is Beriyth, which in Judges 8:33 and 9:4 is used as a proper name, and, for that reason, it is simply transferred into the English text without being translated. It is given there as the name of one of the idols of Israel, namely: Baal-beriyth, and means Baal of (the) covenant. Also the Hebrew words Ben-iysh Yemiyniy are translated "Son of a man of Jemini. Thus Ben means "a son" lysh, "a man," and Yemiyniy, Jemini. The anglicized form of these words are Ben, ish and jamin, and, taken together, they mean "A man of Benjamin, or a Benjamite."

We have brought you through this group of words to show that ish in Hebrew means a man. Now take the Hebrew word which is translated covenant, which in its original form has no vowel, but which in its Anglicized form retains the vowel i to preserve the y sound, and we have Brith, which joined with ish is Brith-ish, and means "A covenant man." Today the BRITISH people, or men of the covenant, are called Britons, and are dwelling in the British Isles!!!

We are told that the people of Waels call themselves, in ancient Welsh, "Bryth y Brithan," or Briths of Briton," which means "The Covenanters" of "the land of the Covenant." The first form of this phrase is almost vernacular Hebrew.

It is also unmistakably recorded in British history that the earliest settlers in Wales and southern England were called Simonii. They came by the way of the sea in the year 720 B. C. At this time there was the great­est influx of the Tuatha de Daanan to Ireland, and this synchronizes with the deportation of the Israelites of the commonwealth of Ephraim to Assyria, and the flight of Dan and Simeon from the seaports and coast country of Palestine. That Simonii is the plural of Simeon we need scarcely mention.

But all evidences of the fulfillment of this prophecy are not philological, for Isaiah, still addressing the Israelites who dwell in the islands, predicts the follow­ing: "For thy waste and desolate places, and the land of thy destruction [the destruction of their identity], shall even now be too narrow [pressed, straightened] by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up [the Assyrians] shall be far away.

The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears: The place is too straight [small, crowded, cramped] for me; give a place to me that I may dwell," (Isa. 49:19-20).

Here are a people called Israel who are living in the isles of the sea. They have lost one company of people, and yet their children say that the place is still too small, cramped and crowded, because there are too many inhabitants for such a small country. Conse­quently they ask the Mother Country to give them a place also. Or, according to Leeser's translation, they say, "Make room for me to dwell," and the Mother Country must do it, because it is she to whom the Lord has given the desolate heritages of the earth.

Mark this! It is also said of the mother country, or Mother Israel, that she "lost" her first children before other of her children asked for territory in which to dwell.

England is the only country on the face of the earth where these conditions obtain. Her first child was called New England, but she LOST it, and now it -- together with that which, for various reasons, has been annexed -- is called The United States of America.

But, after losing her American colonies, her work of colonizing non-populated portions of the world kept right on; until today through the power of these colonies she holds possession of Prince Edward's Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Van­couver's Island, New Foundland and Canada. All of these are unitedly called the Dominion of Canada, and to these are added the six States of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, British India, the Fiji Islands and parts of Africa, Egypt and China. So that now the sun never sets on the realm of the United Kingdom.

But we should expect this, and even more, for ac­cording to Jer. 31:9-10, the Israel which is located in the Isles is none other than Ephraim, the Abrahamic Birthright People, of whom the Lord says: "I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first born."

Ephraim, as we have shown, was the second son of Joseph. But when the birthright blessing was given to Joseph in his sons, Ephraim, the younger, was set be­fore Manasseh, the elder. They were to remain together, however, until they grew into a multitude in the midst of the earth. After that they were to sep­arate; then Manasseh was to become a "great" people, or nation, and Ephraim was to become "a multitude, or company of nations."

The people in the British Isles did certainly grow together until they became a multitude of people in the earth, and then they separated. The separated people has become a great nation, and those who were left in the isles have become a multitude of nations. The government of the separated people is democratic, the people in the isles still live, as they ever must, under a monarchy, but the two peoples are, as Joseph's two sons were, brothers; and they even call each other "Brother John" and "Brother Jonathan." There are no other nations on earth who thus brother each other.

The facts recorded above are also in fulfillment of another prophecy given by dying Jacob concerning Joseph, which reads as follows: "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [water], whose branches run over the wall," (Gen. 49:22).

An objector has said: "But I believe the words 'a multitude of nations' means a multitude of different nationalities." If this be the true meaning of these words, then surely England, with her sixteen nations in British India, her Indians and Esquimaux of British America, her Fiji Islanders and New Zealanders, and her subjects of still other nationalities, which are absolutely too numerous to mention -- surely England is a multiplicity of nationalities. Still we do not believe this to be the meaning of the words under discussion, but we do believe that this fact of England's thus ruling so many nationalities, and of America's holding dominion over the Sandwich Isles, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Philippines is the fulfillment of a promise that Israel shall inherit the lands and labor of the heathen, which is given as follows:

"He brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness: and gave them the lands of the heathen; and they inherited the labour of the people; that they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the Lord," (Psa. 105:43-45). The Bible follows Anglo-Saxon conquests, and some of the people in all these nations both receive and keep the law of God.

We must remember that Ephraim and Manasseh, as the representatives of the house of Joseph, both together received the birthright blessing under the hands of the dying patriarch, and that since they thus jointly hold the birthright blessing, even though Eph­raim was set before Manasseh, we may expect that they shall hold many of its blessings in common. Take, for instance, the blessing pronounced upon the land of Joseph, as given by Moses on the day of his death, which is only an enlarged edition of that which was given by Jacob on the day of his death, and which is as follows: "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven [rain], for the dew, and for the deep [ocean] that croucheth beneath [his vessels], and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and the precious things put forth from moon to moon, and through the chief [best] things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the everlasting hills, and the pre­cious things of the earth and the fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let this blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. His glory is like the firstling [firstborn] of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of an uni­corn [the unicorn is in the national seal of England] with them he [Joseph] shall push the people together to the ends of the earth; and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh," (Deut. 33:13-17).

This promise of wealth on land and sea, of abundant harvests, of rare gems and precious stones, of the richest and the greatest mining interests in the world, is fulfilled in England and America. It is also true that these nations, not only push the aborigines of their possessions into the ends, or corners, of their coun­tries, but they also push the people of other nations with whom they war into corners. Concerning Amer­ica and her aborigines, we need only say, "Lo, the poor Indian," and ask, Where is he? And then ask the same question concerning the aborigines of the countries which fall into the hands of England. Just here the alien testimony of the Russian Vernadsky is pertinent. He says, "Britain is a spider whose web en­compasses the whole world within her own domin­ions. She has all the resources of all the continents. Her empire is stronger and vaster than any coalition of other states. She is a standing menace to all other powers, and her increasing strength is destructive to the balance of power. Nevertheless, unsatisfied and insatiable, she is grasping for more territory. Yester­day she seized Fiji; the day before she took the Dia­mond fields; today she annexed Transvaal, and to­morrow she will clutch Egypt. It is only too clear that the power of Britain is too great to be compatible with the general safety, and that the aggressive empire, unless speedily checked, will establish a universal dominion over all the people of the earth."

Our reply to this expressed fear concerning Brit­ain is "universal dominion," is that England alone will not gain this, but that England and America will yet form an alliance and that then they shall push the people to the ends of the earth, for it is foretold that they, Ephraim and Manasseh, "together" shall do this, and also that, "Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the whole WORLD with fruit," (Isa. 27:6).

The fulfillment of these promised blessings, which were pronounced upon the land of Joseph, by the people in the isles and their "separated" brother, is the cause of the fulfillment of another prophecy given by Isaiah concerning this same people, which is as fol­lows: "Be still, ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom the merchants of Zidon [Palestinean seaport], that pass over the sea have replenished. And by great waters [same place as in Ezekiel's riddle] the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river is her revenue; and she is the mart of nations."

The Sihor is a river in Egypt. Israel dwelt in Egypt for four hundred and thirty years, hence they were formerly from Egypt, latterly from Palestine, now in the isles of the Great Waters!!! Moreover, the birthright holders were born Egyptians. Thus the Lord says, "When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt." It is for these reasons that, in the Bible, the Ephraim Israelites are in two places called Egyptians.

This fact of calling Israel out of Egypt is doubly true in the case of Israel; first in the fact that when Israel was a child (a young nation), the Lord called her out of Egypt; second in the fact that the Lord's son, Ephraim his first born was called out of Egypt. This was also true again, after the flight of Joseph and Mary into Egypt with the babe under the protection of an angel, for it is again written, "Out of Egypt have I called my son."

But there is another prophecy in Isaiah which has been most wonderfully fulfilled in the history of Ephraim and his brother Manasseh, i.e., England and America, the long lost house of Joseph. It is the following: "The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim, and the inhabitants of Samaria," (Isa. 9:8-9).

Here we have the names of Samaria-Ephraim-Israel, the birthright kingdom, used prophetically. In con­nection with these names is the fact that the Lord sent a word to Jacob, and that it lighted not upon Judah, but upon Israel, and that all the people of Ephraim "shall know" this.