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The Christmas Story.
« on: December 04, 2017, 12:16:59 am »

John 1:1
Jesus Christ, Word of God—Jesus is explicitly called the Word (Greek logos ) in this verse and in v. 14. The idea of Jesus as Word is one of the most significant insights about Christ in the New Testament. Word of God has roots in the Old Testament word of the Lord revealed to and through the prophets. By the word or speech of God the world was formed and the will of God accomplished (Ge 1). Another Old Testament idea related to word is the notion of wisdom, the personified knowledge of God (Pr 1:20-33; 8:22-26 ). These Old Testament ideas are given full meaning and substance by John’s declaration that the Word became flesh (Jn 1:14 ). The Greeks tended to associate word ( logos ) with mind, rational thought. They talked of a rational pattern implanted in the universe. John used the term logos to build a bridge of understanding between the Greek and Hebrew cultures, uniting all of these ideas in applying them to Jesus. Jesus is God’s plan for the world, God’s action agent who secures what God wants done, the application of God’s wisdom. Christ unites creation and redemption. As the Word became flesh, Jesus was God in human form communicating God’s will in all He said and did. He embodied ultimate truth. To communicate or proclaim about God is to point to Jesus. Only in Him can life and the universe be seen as rational and meaningful. Human speech cannot adequately communicate God. The Word become flesh can, did, and does show us the Father.

John 1:1-4
Revelation, Jesus Christ—Jesus is the Word of revelation alive in human flesh. His revelation did not begin at birth in Bethlehem. He has been actively revealing God since creation in which He was active. He shows the nature of the life God creates.

John 1:3
Creation, the Trinity—All three members of the Trinity were present at the creation. The Father spoke the world into being. The Spirit was hovering over the waters (Ge 1:2). All of it happened, however, through the agency of the Son, the Word made flesh. The world was created in order that its inhabitants might bring glory to the Creator. This can be done only as we give full allegiance to the Son, who was with the Father from the beginning and is the Father’s final Word concerning Himself (Heb 1:1-2 ).

John 1:4-5
Jesus Christ, Light—Life involves conflict between God, who is good, and evil powers. Evil is darkness, shutting out opportunity to see or know good. God is the source of light which exposes evil for what it is. Jesus is that light in person exposing the evil of the world and pointing the way to God. Compare 8:12; 12:46; 1 Jn 2:8 .

John 1:4
Jesus Christ, Life—Life is more than physical functioning of the body. Life involves personal relationship and meaning. Full life includes relationship with God. In this sense Jesus is the source of life. He lived the fullest human life ever lived. He is the link to the Creator of life. By His death, He enabled sinners to inherit eternal life. Compare 5:26, 40; 10:10; 14:6.

Frank T

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Re: The Christmas Story.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2017, 05:55:55 pm »
I like the way the Scriptures compare light and darkness to life and death. Think of what it would be to spend eternity in complete darkness compared to spending eternity in light, being able to see all around you.