Rev. J. C. Ryle
“Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed, and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”
The title of the tract now in your hands has been chosen with special reference to its subject. It is a tract of warning against one of the greatest dangers of these last days. It is not a warning about things that I fear your doing, but about things that I fear your believing; it is not a warning against vice and immorality, but against false doctrine in religion: and it is a warning founded on the express words of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If the Chief Bishop of the Church has thought it good to give men warnings, it cannot be wrong in His ministers to do the same.
Every word spoken by the Lord Jesus is precious. It is the voice of the chief Shepherd. It is the Great Head of the Church speaking to all its members,—the King of kings speaking to His subjects,—the Master of the house speaking to His servants,—the Captain of our salvation speaking to His soldiers. Above all, it is the voice of Him who said, “I have not spoken of Myself: but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak” (John xii. 49). The heart of every believer in the Lord Jesus ought to burn within him when he hears his Master’s words: he ought to say, This is “the voice of my beloved” (Cant. ii.

And every kind of word spoken by the Lord Jesus is of the greatest value. Precious as gold are all His words of doctrine and precept; precious are all His parables and prophecies; precious are all His words of comfort and of consolation; precious, not least, are all His words of caution and of warning. You and I are not merely to hear Him when He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour, and are heavy laden;” we are to hear Him also when He says, “Take heed and beware.”
Reader, I am going to ask your attention to one of the most solemn and emphatic warnings which the Lord Jesus ever delivered. You will find it in the text which stands at the head of this tract: “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” I wish to erect a beacon for all who desire to be saved, and to preserve some souls, if possible, from making shipwreck. The times call loudly for such beacons: the spiritual shipwrecks of the last few years have been deplorably numerous. The watchmen of the Church ought to speak out plainly now, or for ever hold their peace.
In considering the words which form the subject of
this tract, there are four points which I desire to enforce on your notice.
I. First of all, I will ask you to observe the persons to whom this warning was addressed.
II. Secondly, the dangers against which we are here warned.
III Thirdly, the peculiar name under which those dangers are described.
IV. Fourthly, some safeguards and antidotes against the dangers of which our Lord Jesus Christ warns us.
I offer up my prayer to God that He with whom alone is all power,—without whom ministers preach, and write, and speak in vain,—may send down the Holy Ghost upon all who read this tract. I pray that every reader may lay it down more thoroughly acquainted with the dangers by which we are surrounded, and the best safeguards against those dangers,—more careful over his own heart, and more thankful for the truth as it is in Jesus.
I. First of all, I ask you to observe who they were to whom the warning of the text was addressed.
You will observe that our Lord Jesus Christ was not speaking to men who were worldly, ungodly, and unsanctified, but to His own disciples, companions, and friends: He addressed men who, with the exception of the apostate Judas Iscariot, were right-hearted in the sight of God; He spoke to the twelve apostles, the first founders of the Church of Christ, and the first ministers of the Word of salvation: and yet even to them he addressed the solemn caution of our text, “Take heed and beware.” There is deep instruction here for all who profess to love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. It tells us loudly that the most decided servants of Christ are not beyond the need of warnings, and ought to be always on their guard. It shows us plainly that the holiest of believers ought to walk humbly with his God, and to watch and pray, lest he fall into temptation, and be overtaken in a fault. None is so holy, but that he may fall,—not finally, not hopelessly, but to his own they are yet in the body, and yet in the world. They are ever near temptation: they are ever liable to err, both in doctrine and in practice. Their hearts, though renewed, are very feeble; their understanding, though enlightened, is still very dim: they have need to live like those who dwell in an enemy’s land, and every day to put on the armour of God. The devil is very busy: he never slumbers or sleeps. Let us remember the falls of Noah, and Abraham, and Lot, and Moses, and David, and Peter; and remembering them, be humble, and take heed lest we fall.
Reader, I know not into whose hands this tract may fall; but as a minister myself, I may be allowed to say that none need warnings so much as the ministers of Christ’s Gospel. Our office and our ordination are no security against errors and mistakes. It is, alas, too true, that the greatest heresies have crept into the Church of Christ by means of ordained men. Neither Episcopal ordination, nor Presbyterian ordination, nor any other ordination, confers any immunity from error and false doctrine. Our very familiarity with the Gospel often begets in us a hardened state of mind: we are apt to read the Scriptures, and preach the Word, and conduct public worship, and carry on the service of God, in a dry, hard, formal, callous spirit; our very familiarity with sacred things, except we watch our hearts, is likely to lead us astray. “Nowhere,” says an old writer, “is a man’s soul in more danger than in a priest’s office.”
The history of the Church of Christ contains many melancholy proofs that the most distinguished ministers may for a time fall away. Who has not heard of Archbishop Cranmer recanting and going back from those opinions he had defended so stoutly, though, by God’s mercy, raised again to witness a glorious confession at last? Who has not heard of Bishop Jewell, signing documents that he most thoroughly disapproved, and of which signature he afterwards bitterly repented? Who does not know that many others might be named, who, at one time or another, have been overtaken by faults, have fallen into errors, and been led astray? And who does not know the mournful fact that many of them never came back to the truth, but died in hardness of heart, and held their errors to the last?
Reader, these things ought to make us all humble and cautious. They tell us to distrust our own hearts, and to pray to be kept from falling. In these days, when we are specially called upon to cleave firmly to the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, let us take heed that our zeal for Protestantism does not puff us up, and make us proud. Let us never say in our self-conceit, “I shall never fall into Popery or Neologianism: those views will never suit me.” Let us remember that many have begun well and run well for a season, and yet afterwards turned aside out of the right way; let us take heed that we are spiritual men as well as Protestants, and real friends of Christ as well as enemies of anti-Christ; let us pray that we may be kept from error; let us never forget that the twelve apostles themselves were the men to whom the Great Head of the Church addressed these words: “Take heed and beware.”
II. I now propose, in the second place, to explain what were those dangers against which our Lord warned the Apostles. “Take heed,” He says, “and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.”
The danger against which He warns them is false doctrine. He says nothing about the sword of persecution, or the open breach of the ten commandments, or the love of money, or the love of pleasure: all these things no doubt were perils and snares to which the souls of the apostles were exposed; against these things, however, our Lord raises no warning voice here. His warning is confined to one single point: “The leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” We are not left to conjecture what our Lord meant by that word “leaven.” The Holy Ghost, a few verses after the very text on which I am now dwelling, tells us plainly that by leaven was meant the “doctrine” of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
Reader, let us try to understand what we mean when we speak of the “doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.” Without a clear understanding of this point the whole tract you are now reading will be useless.
The doctrine of the Pharisees may be summed up in three words,— they were formalists, tradition worshippers, and self-righteous. They attached such weight to the traditions of men that they practically regarded them as of more importance than the inspired writings of the Old Testament; they valued themselves upon excessive strictness in their attention to all the ceremonial requirements of the Mosaic law; they thought much of being descended from Abraham,—they said in their hearts, “We have Abraham for our father;” they fancied because they had Abraham for their father that they were not in peril of hell like other men, and that their descent from him was a kind of title to heaven; they attached great value to washings and ceremonial purifyings of the body, and believed that the very touching of the dead body of a fly or gnat would defile them; they made a great ado about the outward parts of religion, and such things as could be seen of men; they made broad their phylacteries, and enlarged the fringes of their garments; they prided themselves on paying great honour to dead saints, and garnishing the sepulchres of the righteous. They were very zealous to make proselytes. They thought much of having power, rank, and pre-eminence, and of being called by men, “Rabbi, Rabbi.” These things, and many such-like things, the Pharisees did.