Author Topic: Totalitarian?  (Read 756 times)

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« on: October 21, 2018, 01:18:46 pm »
I'm starting this thread and posting my response to this private message received from Admin Dude dated Oct 18, 2018 1:57 AM to give the subscribers to this forum a chance to see what Admin Dude did to opposing viewpoints as found in the recent thread, "Does God Exist" in the Apologetics Forum. Read on only if you're willing to have your faith in this forum tested.

Bible discussion <>
Oct 18 at 1:57 AM
You have just been sent a personal message by admin on Bible discussion.

The point I was trying to make is that you obviously don't believe the bible is true. You have no reason, other then to state that fact, to even be on that forum.
Isn't that the point of the Apologetics Forum, to defend the Christian religion? It even says so in that forum's sub-title. Do you only want people who are already believers throwing softballs? How courageous is that? Can't your theology withstand a critical review?

Now if you have questions about the Bible we as believers have an obligation to try and answer your questions. But that is not the case, you stated that on your first post for the thread "does God exist".
I have many questions about the Bible, and many of the ones I asked were either ignored or after being answered just generated even more questions. If you have an obligation to answer my questions, why did you just cut me and the others off by closing the discussion? Are you afraid of my questions and where they'll lead?

If you have questions by all means ask them. Otherwise you have stated you're an atheist and we understand you don't believe and as you have made clear you don't want to believe.
You're wrong. I am a skeptic, not a mindless anti-theist who won't change his mind if presented with compelling arguments. I fully allow that my mind could be changed about the existence of God, or the validity of religion, but I won't just accept the story as a mindless theist, either. You should be happy to have a real live atheist on these boards. Isn't it an opportunity to help me see the Truth of your God and save my soul, while at the same time verifying to the rest of your subscribers that your arguments for God are strong and valid, thereby bolstering their faith?

A hint on the attitude of the posters on this board, we are for the most part Calvinist. We don't believe that we can convert you, we can only supply you with information. -Admin dude
Really. I find that hard to believe. Fat, for example, tried very hard to answer my questions. Why would he, as a Calvinist, do that unless he was trying to get me to agree with his point of view, thus converting me? Or even your own private message, here. Why bother talking to me at all, unless you want to express your viewpoint so that I might agree with you. Your actions seem to defy your words, or am I missing something?

Isn't shutting the conversation down a totalitarian act? Isn't that exactly what Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin or Communist China would do to dissidents? Can't Christianity withstand free speech? My posts have seriously brought into question your and your subscriber's beliefs and so far, I haven't seen one response that addresses the problems posed satisfactorily, not because "I'm stubborn," but because the answers made no sense. Isn't responding to my non-scriptural questions by quoting the Bible an evasion, as it is the Bible's validity which is in question? It would be like asking a thief if he stole something, and believing him when he says he didn't.

If you fear for your religion so much that you can't withstand the questions of a single atheist, aren't you admitting that your religion is as insubstantial as a dandelion, who from a single puff will be blown away?

Eagerly awaiting your answers to ALL my questions and hoping you won't just ignore them or quote scripture as though they were answers. My questions are not exclusively about scripture. If I wanted to know what the Bible says about any subject, I could look up the passages, myself (and often do). I want to know why you think what you think and quoting the Bible doesn't tell me a thing in that regard.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 01:58:39 pm by obi_donkenobi »


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Re: Totalitarian?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2018, 04:51:49 pm »
The thread that you reference to so others may understand your rant.,2537.0.html

You started your thread making the following statement.
I'm actually an atheist, and my aim is to de-convert as many Christians as possible because belief in anything supernatural is harmful to an individual and society. Belief in gods cause rifts between family members, members and groups within society and entire nations.
You ask the question, "Does God Exist?" And that answer given on the first response by Fat Yes, because, well let’s start off with the fact that you exist.That theme carried on to the rest of the thread. You were unable to give a reason for your existence finally answering the question with "I don't know" and then justifying that to be a legitimate answer.  And that's not enough he also stated, "it isn't my position that there is no god or gods; maybe there is or are." Followed by, "I am simply un-convinced that your claim for a Christian God is true."

You have refused to accept the Biblical definition of a Christian and apparently made up your own or tried to define it by using one verse out of context and the Scripture. It could be that you don't understand that the Bible was not written in English but in three languages Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Words like repent, slave, hate and love have different meanings than they have at face value in our English language.

 When you can define what a Christian is to me please give me a private message and we can go on with seeing what kind of questions you have about the Bible. Otherwise you might find that you can accomplish your stated goal at another site.

Admin Dude