Author Topic: Berkeley student disavowed over Christian beliefs responds to calls to RESIGN  (Read 1323 times)

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Berkeley student senator disavowed over Christian beliefs responds to calls to RESIGN

“As a Christian, I believe that God redeems and he uses all situations for the good of those who love Him. There is so much happening, and even though it's been a really, really rough week for me, I know that God is working and I know that he is using this to strengthen the church, to awaken the church in a sense," Chow told Campus Reform.
Chow said if nothing else, she wants the controversy to further inspire dialogue within the Church. 
"I want the church to be able to dialogue even more about where we stand on this theologically,” she said, going on to acknowledge that there is a diversity of opinion amongst Christians about how to treat these issues. "I think that it's time for the church to stop being silent. And it's time for the church to start speaking up, and to back our words with actions that really reflect the love and the truth of Jesus.”