Author Topic: Did Jesus die as our substitute?  (Read 1224 times)

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Did Jesus die as our substitute?
« on: December 22, 2018, 06:19:45 am »
The theory of substitutionary atonement began in the 11th century by a man named Anselm. He concluded that because of the enormity of sin man caused only a divine being could satisfy what God required. For that reason Jesus came and took the sin upon himself instead of mortal man. A noble thought but does it align with scripture? Can you cite a single scripture that says Jesus took our place on the cross?

I recently read where the scapegoat (as used under the Law) is an example of what Jesus did on the cross, but the scapegoat was set into the wilderness after the sacrifice of atonement had been made for sins. The scapegoat symbolized to the people that their sins were being taken away from them through the activities on the day of atonement. Jesus is seen in the sacrifice of atonement and not solely in the scapegoat.

In fact, the scriptures never liken Jesus to scapegoat. Jesus is likened to the sacrifice. Further, the sins were not literally transferred on to the scapegoat. We know that the blood of bulls and goats did not take away sins (Hebrews 10:1-4). The sins remained with the people. The scapegoat simply symbolized God overlooking these transgression until the true sacrifice of Jesus could come. In the same way, Jesus did not literally carry our sins on him, rather, Jesus' sacrifice, resurrection, and ascension shows that our sins have been taken away from us.

Consider what I say.....


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Re: Did Jesus die as our substitute?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2018, 08:00:15 am »
But the sacrifice goat never arisen from its death. Christ is represented by both goats, get it? The sins are no more.


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Re: Did Jesus die as our substitute?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2018, 11:12:56 am »
I recently read where the scapegoat (as used under the Law) is an example of what Jesus did on the cross, but the scapegoat was set into the wilderness after the sacrifice of atonement had been made for sins. The scapegoat symbolized to the people that their sins were being taken away from them through the activities on the day of atonement. Jesus is seen in the sacrifice of atonement and not solely in the scapegoat.

So where are your sins? If you sins were not put upon Christ then where? My sins have been carried away never to be seen again.

There’s a lot of symbolism in the Scriptures, for instance why did Christ demand that John baptize Him for  remittance of sins, when He was sinless.

You have a white robe, there is no sin to be seen in you, you were dead but now you live. You can die in sin or you can die in Christ. Some body has to atone for your sin.

It is finished He said.


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Re: Did Jesus die as our substitute?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2018, 04:36:50 pm »
You have asked some very interesting questions; So where are your sins? If you sins were not put upon Christ then where?

I discussed what Jesus did on the cross in the post; was Jesus forsaken by the Father? I would ask you to read it and if you still have a question about what happened to our sins I will be happy to try to answer it for you.