Author Topic: A prayer by F. B. MEYER  (Read 840 times)

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A prayer by F. B. MEYER
« on: June 05, 2019, 12:00:47 am »
A prayer  by F. B. MEYER

I pray, O my Father, that you would help me to have a simpler and more confiding faith. May I trust more than I know and believe more than I see; and when my heart is overwhelmed within me, lead me to the Rock that higher than I.
Heavenly Vine! Pour your vital sap through all the arteries of my soul, that I may bear much fruit for your glory.
Grant, O Lord, to me and all your saints, the fullness of joy from your presence and the treasures of goodness which are at your right hand.
I bring to you, O Lord, my desires, and pray that you will cleanse them by the searching fires of your pure Spirit, that I may desire only those things which you have chosen and prepared for me.