Author Topic: The Liberal Media and Pope Francis Align Against “Conservative” Catholics  (Read 1345 times)

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The Liberal Media and Pope Francis Align Against “Conservative” Catholics

Pullella’s take on the Open Letter, however, is drearily shallow: “The letter attacks Francis for allegedly softening the Church’s stance on a range of subjects. They say he has not been outspoken enough against abortion and has been too welcoming to homosexuals and too accommodating to Protestants and Muslims.” In the same vein, WABC News (as I heard on the radio today) characterized the Letter as a protest against “openness to LGBTQ relationships.”
But the Letter has nothing to do with such emotion-laden jargon as “welcoming” and “accommodating” and “openness.” As if Francis were being “attacked” just because he is a nice person whereas his critics are mean-spirited Pharisees, as the not-so-nice Francis routinely denominates orthodox Catholics in the endless stream of demagogic denunciations he has uttered over the past six years.
What the Open Letter is really about is a Pope who seems determined to undermine the foundations of the Catholic religion even in matters as fundamental as the Sixth Commandment, thus endangering both the temporal and eternal welfare of the very people he is supposed to be “welcoming” and “accommodating” when in truth he is leading them down the primrose path. 
Thus, the Letter abundantly documents the following errors of Francis, especially those stemming from his disastrous Amoris Laetitia, which essentially legitimates sexual relations outside of marriage in cases where the participants deem themselves incapable of doing otherwise:……