Author Topic: Warping the Scriptures  (Read 3202 times)

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Warping the Scriptures
« on: January 15, 2012, 05:49:29 pm »
I really do not know if I am putting this out for discussion or as a statement of fact. This is of deep concern to me and it should concern all those other members of the church. I am not talking about the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church, the Mormon church I am talking about the church as the body of believers in Christ.

The Scriptures themselves tell us that eventually men will pull away from the true meaning of the Scriptures in order to glorify his own flesh. This does not mean that man will rebel against the Scriptures in an open and obvious manner. What it is talking about is man warping the Scriptures into something they are not, so that man may be pleased with himself and find it easier to live in the flesh, not having to concern himself with the way God intended them to live. I was reminded of this in some recent threads on, where the doctrine of dispensationalism was warped into replacement theology. And in doing so using the separation between Israel and the old law, and the Gentiles in the age of Grace to make a statement that the Gentiles longer have to worry about keeping the moral law, the 10 Commandments, because Christ said, "It is finished" while he was on the cross.

See what he has done is to start off by referring to something that nobody can deny, even Christ referred to the different ages. After that however the definition of the ages becomes totally warped from the Bible teachings. And once the poster has convinced the reader that God has cast his chosen people the Jews aside, then the move is made to convince the reader that God has also cast the moral law aside. And this is aided by the fact that the New Testament does set aside the laws concerning Jewish religious ceremony. Now before anybody jumps on me I want to make it clear that I understand that there are still religious sacraments which we are required to participate in, but these are specifically enumerated in the New Testament.

And that brings up another point, we are not only talking about using dispensationalism to warp the Scriptures, but even using sacraments such as Lord's supper and baptism to mislead the meaning of the Scriptures and turn the Scriptures into, what Paul called, another gospel. Another thing to be aware of is those people who preach that Paul preached a different gospel to the Gentiles and the Gospel that Christ preached to the Jews. Whenever you run across somebody that tells you this remind the person that even though Paul's assignment was to preach to the Gentiles he did in fact preached that same gospel to his fellow Jews. There is only one gospel for Jews, Gentiles, slaves, or free men.

These false Gospels have been coming to the church in many forms, be it the teachings of works, not recognizing the deity of Christ, or separating the Gentiles from the promise of Abraham. And use your common sense when evaluating these faults teachers. Does it make sense to you that if the total law including the 10 Commandments no longer is to be obeyed? Then would that not mean that there is no sin and there is no reason to repent? Without the law and the sin that it encompasses, what can the Holy Ghost use to convict you of your sins so that you will repent and ask for forgiveness?

The Bible is not meant to be secretive in it's meaning.


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 02:02:27 pm »
Hi Dude.

First I see that you posted this on all three of your boards so to keep things going and cut and paste this on the other two.

I am glad you distinguish between the different denominations and the actual Church of Christ. The trouble with Satan getting his nose under the tent, as far as the body of Christ goes, is that it diminishes the ability of the body to do God's will. I'll remind you that Christ said when he was talking to Peter that the church would prevail over Satan and any attempts he made.

So you present us with a problem but to give us no answer so maybe this is a thread for discussion and not a matter of fact. So I'll give one possible solution, that being that we each individually take on the task of moving our individual denominations or churches back to the Scripture. This is not easy if you just somebody sitting back in the pews and attending Sunday school, having no authority within the church. But what we can do is lead by the classes, separate from the church if need be, and open the eyes of the other parishioners to what is happening to the church. Of course there is always walking the walk of Christ so that others can see how it should be done thereby setting an example.

What I think we should avoid is leaving your church and migrating or attempting to migrate to a more biblical sound church. This to me seems to be the coward's way out and not something that Paul would have done. I believe Paul would've fought the good fight with Satan wherever he found him.

I really don't know what else to say to you it's not an easy topic for laymen like myself to address with any suitable answer to the problem. But I know somebody is breaking into your house no matter what what your ability or training is you're going to put up a fight for your property and your family. And I believe that's what Christ expects of us.


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2012, 10:11:21 am »
This problem is not new. Paul dealt with this in his letter to the Galatians and Christ addressed this through John in Revelations. As far as that goes look at Christ comments to the Pharisees of His time on how they had corrupted the law.



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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 07:56:49 pm »
I would like for you to clarify what you mean by some sacraments being required.  Required for what?       


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 11:04:47 pm »
I would like for you to clarify what you mean by some sacraments being required.  Required for what?     
First thing first, there are no sacraments required for your salvation but there are requirements to fulfill the request made by our Lord.
No sex outside of the sacrament of Marriage.
The sacrament of Baptism.
The sacrament that we call the Lords supper.

There are those that will tell you that the Eucharist and (or) Baptism are needed to obtain your salvation. Of course to do this you need the help of the one who preaches these gospels. In other words you need the help from man to be saved.


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2012, 03:52:34 am »
hello!   I am posting with my phone, so you will have to forgive the crude-ness of my text.  I dont know your name but I am Charles...or, Charlie.   I am very glad that you didn't try to tell me that salvation depends on stuff we perform.  Geez!  Ive debated some very colorful people about many creative ideas.   LOL!   But anyway, i just,needed to have that clarified before getting into this much.  IF you had been preaching that those things were required for heaven, I wouldnt have got into it.  ~Smile~


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2012, 09:09:33 am »
Hi Charles,
Our little team here runs 3 Christian boards and have run into all kinds of gospels. It's nothing new, look at Paul's letter to the Galatians.

There is proof in the Scriptures that you can receive the Holy Ghost before you are baptized with water but yet some denomination just won't accept it.

For they heard them speaking in tongues[a] and praising God.
   Then Peter said, “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days.


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2012, 09:30:22 pm »
Hey!  Still doing this with wife's phone for now.  Yeah, I too have run into some humdingers out there over the years; people believe all sorts of wild things about God and what He is and what He requires and expects.  Anyway, I asked Him when I was a child to help me be honest with myself always and to not believe what a church says is right or a preacher, etc., but to please show me and make it clear to me what the bible means on a thing and help me to accept those truths whether I like them or not.  AFter twenty six years of Spirit filled, theological study, I do believe the Lord has always answered that...and sometimes the truth has went against my religious grain.  But, even so, it is what it is and thats the only way it will or can work.


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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2012, 10:04:17 pm »
It appears that there are those here who can see the truth in the bible that many cannot see or understand. We can defend the truth and should as one pointed out that we should , not fear defense of it or be ashamed. People have sheep mentality and blindness ,and will follow every wind of doctrine that blows their way. Few hold knowledge revealed by the spirit of GOD that many hate and deny. Keep holy the sabbath day, a commandment from GOD, that one certain denomination takes credit for doing away with. And protestants broke away from and took the basic lies that were there and continued on spreading them never knowing they were decieved which continue to this day. Some of these doctrines which lead men to be anti christ ignorant they are doing so . Those that know the truth are few and the truth is not given by men, jesus is the truth and no man comes to christ without GOD giving him knowledge of him, nor does any man come to GOD excepty by the truth christ the word of GOD. Not by choice or will or decision,but by the will of GOD. We cannot change the minds of men,we water but GOD gives the increase, it is his will they believe or not. We can defend truth but we cannot make men believe it and we have to know the difference between professing truth and faith and forcing our faith upon others who cannot understand. Speaking the truth or professing it to those who cannot believe or understand is necessary for their judgement and so we must speak it and will be judged by it and this will cause anger and rejection but by his will it must be for their judgement and our profession of faith. scripture tells us there will come a time they will not tolerate sound doctrine. it is in our time this time .

Theodore A. Jones

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Re: Warping the Scriptures
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2012, 06:42:42 am »
"For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Rom. 2:13 You will not get anywhere close to identifying what the problem is that you know exist until you understand why that man made this statement. The law he is referencing in this statement is not the OT written code, but is a law that was added to the law after Jesus' crucfixion. No one gets into the church Jesus is head of in anyother way than by the Way of faith of obeying this law.