Author Topic: Fasting  (Read 2173 times)

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« on: October 07, 2020, 11:25:34 pm »

Prayer, Humility—Fasting was commanded only in connection with the Day of Atonement (Lev 23:27-29 ). It later became customary (Zec 7:5 ). The fast expressed humility and dependence before God. Fasts were often associated with occasions of repentance or mourning. Fasting was normally avoided on festive occasions and sabbaths, except for prolonged fasts which would involve sabbaths. Mourning should be more than a time of personal sorrow. It should represent prayer for strength and renewal before God.


1.      Spirit of, explained. Isa 58:6 , 7 .
2.      Not to be made a subject of display. Mat 6:16-18 .
3.      Should be to God. Zec 7:5 ; Mat 6:18 .
4.      For the chastening of the soul. Ps 69:10 .
5.      For the humbling of the soul. Ps 35:13 .
6.      Observed on occasions of
a.      Judgments of God. Joel 1:14 ; 2:12 .
b.      Public calamities. 2 Sam 1:12 .
c.      Afflictions of the Church. Luke 5:33-35 .
d.      Afflictions of others. Ps 35:13 ; Dan 6:18 .
e.      Private afflictions. 2 Sam 12:16 .
f.      Approaching danger. Est 4:16 .
g.      Ordination of ministers. Acts 13:3 ; 14:23 .
7.      Accompanied by
a.      Prayer. Ezra 8:23 ; Dan 9:3 .
b.      Confession of sin. 1 Sam 7:6 ; Neh 9:1 , 2 .
c.      Mourning. Joel 2:12 .
d.      Humiliation. Deut 9:18 ; Neh 9:1 .
8.      Promises connected with. Isa 58:8-12 ; Mat 6:18 .
9.      Of hypocrites
a.      Described. Isa 58:4 , 5 .
b.      Ostentatious. Mat 6:16 .
c.      Boasted of, before God. Luke 18:12 .
d.      Rejected. Isa 58:3 ; Jer 14:12 .
10.      Extraordinary Exemplified
a.      Our Lord. Mat 4:2 .
b.      Moses. Ex 34:28 ; Deut 9:9 , 18 .
c.      Elijah. 1 Kings 19:8 .
11.      National Exemplified
a.      Israel. Judges 20:26 ; Ezra 8:21 ; Est 4:3 , 16 ; Jer 36:9 .
b.      Men of Jabesh-gilead. 1 Sam 31:13 .
c.      Ninevites. Jon 3:5-8.
12.      Of Saints Exemplified
a.      David. 2 Sam 12:16 ; Ps 109:24 .
b.      Nehemiah. Neh 1:4 .
c.      Esther. Est 4:16 .
d.      Daniel. Dan 9:3 .
e.      Disciples of John. Mat 9:14 .
f.      Anna. Luke 2:37 .
g.      Cornelius. Acts 10:30 .
h.      Christians. Acts 13:2 .
i.      Apostles. 2 Cor 6:5 .
j.      Paul. 2 Cor 11:27 .
13.      Of the wicked-Exemplified
a.      Elders of Jezreel. 1 Kings 21:12 .
b.      Ahab. 1 Kings 21:27 .
c.      Pharisees. Mark 2:18 ; Luke 18:12 .


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Re: Fasting
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2020, 10:59:00 am »
I have always looked at fasting as a way to step away from the world for a while. It is kind of like if you push yourself  away from the earthly needs you bring yourself closer to God.