Author Topic: GENEROSITY  (Read 2486 times)

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JB Horn

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« on: August 18, 2020, 11:27:26 pm »
From:The Handbook of Bible Application

GENEROSITY (Giving, Kindness, Sharing)

What are the biblical guidelines for generosity?

BIBLE READING: Exodus 35:4-36:7

KEY BIBLE VERSE: Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work. (Exodus 36:6-7 , niv)

Generosity means giving cheerfully. God did not require these special offerings, but he appealed to people with generous hearts. Only those who were willing to give were invited to participate. God loves cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7 ). Our giving should be from love and generosity, not from a guilty conscience.

Generosity means giving enthusiastically. Those whose hearts were stirred gave cheerfully to the tabernacle. With great enthusiasm they gave because they knew how important their giving was to the completion of God’s house. Airline pilots and computer operators can push test buttons to see if their equipment is functioning properly. God has a quick test button he can push to measure the level of our commitment—our pocketbooks. Generous people aren’t necessarily faithful to God. But faithful people are always generous.

BIBLE READING: Acts 11:19-30
KEY BIBLE VERSE: The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea. (Acts 11:29 , niv)

Generosity flows out of a concern for those in need. There were serious food shortages during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius (A .D . 41-54) because of a drought that had extended across much of the Roman empire for many years. It is significant that the church in Antioch assisted the church in Jerusalem. The daughter church had grown enough to be able to help the established church.
The people of Antioch were motivated to give generously because they cared about the needs of others. This is “cheerful” giving that the Bible commends (2 Corinthians 9:7 ). Reluctant giving reflects a lack of concern for people. Focus your concern on the needy, and you will be motivated to give.

BIBLE READING: Leviticus 19:1-37
KEY BIBLE VERSE: When you harvest your crops, don’t reap the corners of your fields, and don’t pick up stray grains of wheat from the ground. It is the same with your grape crop—don’t strip every last piece of fruit from the vines, and don’t pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and for those traveling through, for I am Jehovah your God. (Leviticus 19:9-10 , tlb)

Generosity takes preparation. This law was a protection for the poor and the alien (foreigner) and a reminder that God owned the land; the people were only caretakers. Laws such as this showed God’s generosity and liberality. As people of God, the Israelites were to reflect his nature and characteristics in their attitudes and actions. Ruth and Naomi were two people who benefited from this merciful law (Ruth 2:2 ).
God instructed the Hebrews to provide for those in need. He required that the people leave the edges of their fields unharvested, providing food for travelers and the poor. It is easy to ignore the poor or forget about those who have less than we do. But God desires generosity. In what ways can you leave the “edges of your field” for those in need?


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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 11:17:14 pm »
Generosity flows out of a concern for those in need.



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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 12:38:36 pm »

That kind of answers the question, if you do good works for the Selfish purpose of racking up points in heaven, is that really a positive?


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« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2020, 07:24:10 am »
Love you neighbor.

That is where the generosity should be coming from.
We are also commanded to held the stranger, be the good samaritan.


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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2020, 07:53:30 am »
“But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.””
James‬ 2:18‬ NASB‬‬

Your Generosity is a sign of God’s Generosity through you. You are made in His imagine, act like it!


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« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2020, 07:41:15 pm »
“But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.””
James‬ 2:18‬ NASB‬‬

Your Generosity is a sign of God’s Generosity through you. You are made in His imagine, act like it!

When you find yourself enjoying helping others you will know you’re on the righteous path.