Author Topic: Join Anti-Israel Journalist in Exploring Jewish Roots?  (Read 1490 times)

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Join Anti-Israel Journalist in Exploring Jewish Roots?
« on: December 02, 2012, 03:11:14 pm »

In what has described as “an affront to religious Jews and religious Christians everywhere,” ABC News has chosen journalist Christiane Amanpour to host a two-part primetime special about the history of the land of Israel. says Amanpour is vehemently anti-Israel and anti-Christian.
Titled “Back to the Beginning”, ABC News invites viewers to embark on “the ultimate road trip” as Amanpour “travels to the lands of the Bible to explore the powerful stories from Genesis to the Birth of Jesus.”

While the veteran news correspondent has said that she was reminded of a “totalitarian regime” while visiting a conservative Christian ministry, she was exceedingly unsympathetic to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in a previous feature,"God's Jewish Warriors." Writing about that feature, Andrea Levin of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) explained that “it's Israeli settlements, in the Amanpour script, that are the great enemy of mankind and all those with any link to them, however indirect, whether Christian or Jewish, secular or religious, are part of a putatively evil nexus."