Author Topic: THE SIFTING OF JESUS’ FOLLOWERS- John 6:60-71  (Read 4937 times)

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JB Horn

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« on: September 24, 2022, 05:30:34 pm »

By F. B. Meyer

John 6:60-71

The teaching of this chapter involves a deliberate act of Christ to arrest the revolutionary movement that was gathering around His person and making Him its figure-head, Joh 6:15. He therefore set Himself to teach that these people had misconceived the meaning of His ministry, which was not intended to raise a standard of revolt against Rome, but to lead to a spiritual revolution. The effect of His words was precisely what he expected, and must have shattered any ambitions that had begun to stir in the hearts of His disciples. In Joh 6:41 the men who the night before wished to crown Him, murmured at Him. In Joh 6:52 they strove among themselves. In Joh 6:60 many of His disciples said that His sayings were hard to be understood, and still harder to be obeyed. In Joh 6:66 many went back. And now as the shades of evening began to fall and the synagogue was almost empty, he was left alone with the little company of twelve, who had sorrowfully watched the overthrow of their hopes. Christ’s pathetic question-Will ye also go away?-elicited from Peter a reply which proved that the inner meaning of His words had already broken upon their souls. “Thy words give us and nourish within us the eternal life.”