Author Topic: james 1:2-8  (Read 1661 times)

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clark thompson

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james 1:2-8
« on: February 03, 2013, 05:12:38 am »
                     read james 1:2-8 these are my thoughts please share yours
    2 This was written to believers and is not meant for unbelievers. We are to show Christ in our troubles because that is when the world looks at us the most. Things may not be going our way but sing praises to the Lord.
    3 When we are put to the test we grow as christians. A beliver who sits back and does nothing and takes a hold of sin at every chance and sins does not grow. It is by over coming struggles of this life that when grow for the Lord.
    4 When the Lord readys us by these struggles when can do anything that He empowers us to do.
    5 Pray to God to know what He wants you to do as long as you are not looking for something against scripture it would be good. We cann't pray for God to go against the Word.
    6 We may not like the answer He gives us so be ready for this. When He gives an answer it may be time for us to act. Sometimes we may get the answer we want but sometimes we won't
    7 People sometimes pray to God and when they get the answer they don't like it so they forget it, this is not a good thing to do if God wants you to do something you will be doing it some way.
    8 These people change their minds and jump from one thing to another so they don't think or do what they don't want to but what the Lord wants them to do. If the Lord wants you to do something you don't want to do you are divided against yourself.
better to be a servant of the Lord than to be a king in hell

JB Horn

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Re: james 1:2-8
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2013, 12:44:30 pm »
                     read james 1:2-8 these are my thoughts please share yours
    2 This was written to believers and is not meant for unbelievers. We are to show Christ in our troubles because that is when the world looks at us the most. Things may not be going our way but sing praises to the Lord.
    3 When we are put to the test we grow as christians. A beliver who sits back and does nothing and takes a hold of sin at every chance and sins does not grow. It is by over coming struggles of this life that when grow for the Lord.
    4 When the Lord readys us by these struggles when can do anything that He empowers us to do.
    5 Pray to God to know what He wants you to do as long as you are not looking for something against scripture it would be good. We cann't pray for God to go against the Word.
    6 We may not like the answer He gives us so be ready for this. When He gives an answer it may be time for us to act. Sometimes we may get the answer we want but sometimes we won't
    7 People sometimes pray to God and when they get the answer they don't like it so they forget it, this is not a good thing to do if God wants you to do something you will be doing it some way.
    8 These people change their minds and jump from one thing to another so they don't think or do what they don't want to but what the Lord wants them to do. If the Lord wants you to do something you don't want to do you are divided against yourself.
better to be a servant of the Lord than to be a king in hell

Hello Clark,
Instead of going verse by verse on my thoughts on your text, I think I will look at it more as a whole and give you my impression that way.

There are two kinds of trials we find in the Bible the first one is found in the oldest book of the Bible Job. The purpose of Job's trials were to glorify God and demonstrate his sovereignty. The second type of trials we see in the book of Jonah. Jonah's trial was away to direct Jonah to do the bidding that God had asked him to do. Or punishment for not doing as directed.

It appears that in verse 4 James is addressing the type of trials that were endured by Job. Job was allowed to be tested by Satan with the result being the glorification of God. James is telling us that we must understand the purpose of these trials, and give thanks to God because you have been allowed to participate in this way of glorifying God.

God tells us in Proverbs to pray for wisdom and we will receive wisdom. James repeats that here to those who do not understand what James is saying about these trials. The truth is that we should all pray before reading the Scriptures for understanding and wisdom.

James speaks of doubting and double mindedness. When the Bible refers to someone being double minded it is referring to a person who cannot make up their mind. Is not doubting the inability to confirm in your own mind the truth.

 Blessings Clark Thompson