Author Topic: The Idolatrous Roman "Mass": False Gospel of Roman Catholicism  (Read 2451 times)

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The Idolatrous Roman "Mass": False Gospel of Roman Catholicism
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:43:12 am »
Skip the first 13 mins because it is a sales pitch

The Idolatrous Roman "Mass": False Gospel of Roman Catholicism (Part #6 in Romanist Apostasy Series)

Skip the first 13 mins because it is a sales pitch

Romanism teaches that Christ (the "sacred victim") is immolated (sacrificed) in its Roman Mass; the communion bread is to be worshiped AS GOD & is a continuation of Christ's work of redemption.

Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin. Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, see our playlist "Dealing with Roman Catholicism, Idolatry & the Virgin Mary" at; websites:, & is joined in studio by former Roman Catholic Rob Zins, Th.M, Dallas Theological Seminary (website: http://www.CWRC-RZ.ORG). Rob Zins has authored the books, "On the Edge of Apostasy," "Romanism: The Relentless Roman Catholic Assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ" & others.

1. The Church of Rome officially teaches that in her Mass is the culmination of the worship men offer to Christ and through Him to the Father.

2. The sacrifice of Calvary, she claims, is in her control since she declares her Mass to be one and the same sacrifice with that of the Lord Jesus Christ's.

3. In contrast to the biblical Christ, Who is now reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords and sitting at the right hand of God the Father, Rome consistently portrays the dying Christ, "the sacred victim".

4. Using as her center of worship the ritual of the Mass, which all the faithful on pain of mortal sin are required to attend, Rome attempts to establish her own righteousness (grace plus works).

a. She teaches and dramatizes this by having her faithful offer themselves, together with the dying Christ, to Holy God of the Bible.
b. She teaches that in the round white wafer is contained the physical Christ and His soul and divinity. This wafer is to receive worship due to Holy God alone.

B. The Roman Catholic Church Teaches that Christ is Immolated in the Mass.

1. Vatican Council II Documents, "For in the sacrifice of the Mass Our Lord is immolated when 'he begins to be present sacramentally as the spiritual food of the faithful under the appearances of bread and wine.' It was for this purpose that Christ entrusted this sacrifice to the [Roman Catholic] Church, that the faithful might share in it both spiritually, by faith and charity, and sacramentally, through the banquet of Holy Communion.
2. The present day R. C. Church that has officially ratified the Council of Trent continues to curse all who do not hold that her Mass is indeed a propitiatory sacrifice.
3. The clarity of Christ's command stands diametrically opposed to such teaching. Christ's words, "Take and eat", were addressed not to His Father in heaven but rather to the apostles. He did not command them to "offer and propitiate".

C. The center of Roman Catholic worship and life is the Mass. The Roman Church teaches her faithful that they are to offer themselves with "the sacred victim", Jesus Christ, and to receive the same "sacred victim".

1. In Vatican Council II documents, Rome declares "Consequently the Eucharistic sacrifice is the source and the summit of the whole of the [Roman Catholic] Church's worship and of the Christian life.

2. Christ was never a victim and the idea of His being victimized is nowhere in Scripture. The whole idea of offering this "Sacred victim" is sacrilegious.

3. As Rome repeats her commands, the false gospel of offering one's self to cooperate in one's salvation is dramatized in their worship. So Rome proclaims: "Therefore the Eucharistic celebration is the center of the assembly of the faithful over which the priest presides. Hence priests teach the faithful to offer the divine victim [Jesus Christ] to God the Father in the sacrifice of the Mass and with the victim to make an offering of their whole life..." The simple truth of Scripture is "there is no more offering for sin" (Hebrews 10:18).

1. Rome teaches, "The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice: 'The victim is one and the same: the same now offers through the ministry of priests, who then offered himself on the cross; only the manner of offering is different.'

1) The Church of Rome in each Mass insists on saying that its bread is that into which Christ is claimed to have changed. His substance is claimed to be in what is "made with hands", Thus she states "we have this bread to offer which earth has given and human hands have made."
2) Rome claims that Christ is offered in her Mass. We have seen that the Word declares, "Nor yet that he should offer himself often...for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (Hebrews 9:25-26).