Author Topic: Standing up to political correctness  (Read 2015 times)

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Standing up to political correctness
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:58:25 pm »
When I talk about the church in this post I am not talking about the whole body of Christ, but about the small individual congregations. After all didn't Christ say that his church would stand against the gates of hell? (matthew 16:18)

Satan always uses a lie that will sound reasonable to man, to convince man to do his bidding. The big lie of the age is that God will let some people get away with sin. In saying this they are saying that there's more than one way to get to heaven. And of course the conclusion that they will eventually ask you to come to is that we must tolerate, in the church, points of view that disagree with Scripture.

Cancer usually starts with just a few cells and then quickly grows to consume the whole church. And this is exactly what political correctness does within the church. Take for instance the question of same-sex marriage. The cancer starts small, maybe just allowing a openly same-sex couple to attend the church and to partiacapate in the church activities.
After a while their participation seems normal and acceptable to the congregation. Once they have become familiar to the church members, they will ask to join the membership. How the church should put itself in a bind, they have not objected to the way this couple lives and have embraced them as fellow Christians. This is despite the fact that any reading of the Scripture even with a liberal slant, makes it obvious that this couple cannot be Christian. But the dilemma is that they have in fact accepted their lifestyle as a Christian lifestyle and now what grounds can they use to refuse their membership?

Of course now that we have a same-sex couple as members of the church, how can you refuse to allow them to take their marriage vows together? And once they are a married couple and members of the church, how could you refuse them leadership positions within the church?

I'm using the example of homosexuals only to make the point of political correctness being a cancer to the church body. And the reason I use this as an example is because it is the most obvious and easy to observe.

This cancer can take the form of a variety of church doctrine falsehoods stemming from lies of Satan. Good people do not go to heaven just because they are good. Our Lord tells us that there is only one way to salvation and that the road is narrow, and wide is the road to destruction.

Remember that Adam took a bite from the for bidden fruit because of peer pressure, even though at the time there was only one person, Eve, to apply that pressure. It is easy for men to fall to the pressure of the outside world as we see dozens of time throughout the Scripture. Peer pressure is used very effectively by Satan in his attempt to spread his cancer throughout the church.

Also notice when Adam was confronted by our Creator and asked about his sin, he blamed God himself for giving him, "this woman." To try and focus the blame of your transgressions on to another party, even that of Satan, will not justify your sin.

There are a few pastors that are very public about standing up for the word of God and not bending to outside pressure or political correctness. These pastors are becoming under great pressure from the media and political pundits. They are being slandered in schools and other government run organizations, as intolerant hatemongers.

We have been forewarned by Christ that true believers will be punished here on earth for their beliefs. These pastors that are under attack should stand strong in the gap for their Lord, and we should stand with them giving them all the support that we can.


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Re: Standing up to political correctness
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 11:26:54 pm »
Don't get me going on this PC stuff. I can't find a church in my area that has not bought into this seeker friendly church BS that Rick Warren has been selling.


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Re: Standing up to political correctness
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 10:50:59 pm »
And please don't get me going on Dr. Warren  >:(

Zant Law

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Re: Standing up to political correctness
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 01:47:46 pm »
It's amazing that political correctness started out from nothing more than a tolerance for other people's belief. This is pretty much what the First Amendment of the Constitution dictates as a law of the land.

What's happened here is the redefining of the word tolerance.

To tolerate something, means that we allow it to continue even though we disagree with it. That (it) can be a religion, a cultural activity or a political speech that we disagree with but we allow it to continue.

So by definition we cannot tolerate something that we agree with, or believe in. But this is how far the evolution of the word has come, it now stands that if you believe in something that conflicts with another person's belief that makes you intolerant and bigoted.

It's amazing with today's liberal he will openly admit that he cannot tolerate Christianity because Christians will not accept other religions to be as valid as Christianity.