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A look at PSALMS 1:3
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:16:55 pm »
“A tree.”—There is one tree, only to be found in the valley of the Jordan, but too beautiful to be entirely passed over; the oleander, with its bright blossoms and dark green leaves, giving the aspect of a rich garden to any spot where it grows. It is rarely if ever alluded to in the Scriptures: But it may be the tree planted by the streams of water which bringeth forth his fruit in due Season, and “whose leaf shall not wither.”—A. P. Stanley, D. D., in “Sinai and Palestine.”

“A tree planted by the rivers of water.”—This is an allusion to the Eastern method of cultivation, by which rivulets of water are made to flow between the rows of trees, and thus, by artificial means, the trees receive a constant supply of moisture.

“His fruit in his season.”—In such a case expectation is never disappointed. Fruit is expected, fruit is borne, and it comes also in the time in which it should come. A godly education, under the influences of the divine Spirit, which can never be withheld where they are earnestly sought, is sure to produce the fruits of righteousness; and he who reads, prays, and meditates, will ever see the work which God has given him to do; the power by which he is to perform it; and the times, places, and opportunities for doing those things by which God can obtain most glory, his own soul most good, and his neighbour most edification.—Adam Clarke.

“In his season.” The Lord reckons the times which pass over us, and puts them to our account: let us, therefore, improve them, and, with the impotent persons at the pool of Bethesda, step in when the angel stirs the water. Now the church is afflicted, it is a season of prayer and learning; now the church is enlarged, it is a season of praise; I am now at a sermon, I will hear what God will say; now in the company of a learned and wise man, I will draw some knowledge and counsel from him; I am under a temptation, now is a fit time to lean on the name of the Lord; I am in a place of dignity and power, let me consider what it is that God requireth of me in such a time as this. And thus as the tree of life bringeth fruit every month, so a wise Christian, as a wise husbandman, hath his distinct employments for every month, bringing forth his fruit in his season.—John Spencer’s Things New and Old, 1658.

“In his season.” Oh, golden and admirable word! by which is asserted the liberty of Christian righteousness. The ungodly have their stated days, stated times, certain works, and certain places; to which they stick so closely, that if their neighbours were perishing with hunger, they could not be torn from them. But this blessed man, being free at all times, in all places, for every work, and to every person, will serve you whenever an opportunity is offered him; whatsoever comes into his hands to do, he does it. He is neither a Jew, nor a Gentile, nor a Greek, nor a barbarian, nor of any other particular person lie gives his fruit in his season, so often as either God or man requires his work. Therefore his fruits have no name, and his times have no name.—Martin Luther.

“His leaf also shall not wither.” He describes the fruit before he does the leaf. The Holy Spirit himself always teaches every faithful preacher in the church to know that the kingdom of God does not stand in word but in power. 1 Cor. 4:20 . Again, “Jesus began both to do and to teach.” Acts 1:1 . And again, “Which was a prophet mighty in deed and word.” Luke 24:19 . And thus, let him who professes the word of doctrine, first put forth the fruits of life, if he would not have his fruit to wither, for Christ cursed the fig tree which bore no fruit. And as Gregory saith, that man whose life is despised is condemned by his doctrine, for he preaches to others, and is himself reprobated.—Martin Lather.

“His leaf also shall not wither.” The Lord’s trees are all evergreens. No winter’s cold can destroy their verdure; and yet, unlike evergreens in our country, they are all fruit bearers.—C. H. S.

“And whatsoever he doeth, [or, maketh or taketh in hand] shall prosper.” And with regard to this “prospering,” take heed that thou understandest not a carnal prosperity. This prosperity is hidden prosperity, and lies entirely secret in spirit; and therefore if thou hast not this prosperity that is by faith, thou shouldst rather judge thy prosperity to be the greatest adversity. For as the devil bitterly hates this leaf and the word of God, so does he also those who teach and hear it, and he persecutes such, aided by all the powers of the world. Therefore thou hearest of a miracle the greatest of all miracles, when thou hearest that all things prosper which a blessed man doeth.—Martin Luther.

A critical journal has shown that instead of “Whatsoever it doeth shall prosper,” the rendering might be, “Whatsoever it produceth shall come to maturity.” This makes the figure entire, and is sanctioned by some MSS and ancient versions.

Explanation (last clause)
Outward prosperity, if it follow close walking with God, is very sweet; as the cipher, when it follows a figure, adds to the number, though it be nothing in itself.—John Trapp.


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Re: A look at PSALMS 1:3
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 03:55:31 pm »
psalms 1:3
He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

The followers of Christ should plant themselves firmly in the Scriptures. For the word is an everlasting fountain that will allow Christ disciples do forever produce fruit.

Other verses that point to the same idea.

Psa 92:12 The righteous thrive like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon. 13 Planted in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courtyards of our God. 14 They will still bear fruit in old age, healthy and green,

Psa 52:8 But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God's faithful love forever and ever.

Jer 17:8 He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn't fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.

Joh 15:4 Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.