Author Topic: Southern baptist ask Calvinist and Non-Calvinist to stand togather  (Read 1669 times)

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The committee was composed of Calvinists and non-Calvinists from different walks of life in the convention. The report lists areas of theological agreement and acknowledges differences between the two camps, saying "we do indeed have some challenging but not insurmountable points of tension." The committee says its goal was to "speak truthfully, honestly, and respectfully" about the issue, and that disagreements over Calvinism should not "threaten our Great Commission cooperation."

"We affirm that Southern Baptists stand together in a commitment to cooperate in Great Commission ministries," the report says. "We affirm that, from the very beginning of our denominational life, Calvinists and non-Calvinists have cooperated together. We affirm that these differences should not threaten our eager cooperation in Great Commission ministries.

"We deny that the issues now discussed among us should in any way undermine or hamper our work together if we grant one another liberty and extend to one another charity in these differences. Neither those insisting that Calvinism should dominate Southern Baptist identity nor those who call for its elimination should set the course for our life together."

Southern Baptists, the report says, should "not only acknowledge but celebrate the distinctive contributions made by the multiple streams of our Southern Baptist heritage."

"These streams include both Charleston and Sandy Creek, the Reformers and many of the advocates of the Radical Reformation, confessional evangelicalism and passionate revivalism," it says. "These streams and their tributaries nourish us still."

Both sides of the theological divide, the report says, have extremes that should be rejected.

"We must stand together in rejecting any form of hyper-Calvinism that denies the mandate to present the offer of the Gospel to all sinners or that denies the necessity of a human response to the Gospel that involves the human will. Similarly, we must reject any form of Arminianism that elevates the human will above the divine will or that denies that those who come to faith in Christ are kept by the power of God. How do we know that these positions are to be excluded from our midst? Each includes beliefs that directly deny what The Baptist Faith and Message expressly affirms."

SBC leaders, entities, churches and even prospective ministers all have a role in ensuring that a debate over Calvinism does not divide the denomination, the report says.

"We should expect all leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention and all entities serving our denomination to affirm, to respect, and to represent all Southern Baptists of good faith and to serve the great unity of our Convention," the report says. "No entity should be promoting Calvinism or non-Calvinism to the exclusion of the other. Our entities should be places where any Southern Baptist who stands within the boundaries of The Baptist Faith and Message should be welcomed and affirmed as they have opportunities to benefit from, participate in, and provide leadership for those entities.

clark thompson

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Re: Southern baptist ask Calvinist and Non-Calvinist to stand togather
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 05:56:27 pm »
good I wish more could stand together with different views,