Author Topic: The fallacy of Bible Apologetics  (Read 1139 times)

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Jack Koons

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The fallacy of Bible Apologetics
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:17:13 pm »
noun plural but singular or plural inconstruction
1 : systematic argumentativediscourse in defense (as of adoctrine)
2 : a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin andauthority of Christianity
First use: circa 1733

Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2013

This is a very interesting concept when considering the fact that the majority of all "Statement(s) of Faith" or "Doctrinal Statement(s)" state that the Bible is the "Sole Authority" of "Faith and Practice".

Allow me to briefly explain:

In a Statement of Faith articles are written in paragraph form (in the affirmative) saying what is believed. The articles are then FOLLOWED by a list of Bible references relating to the subject of the article.


We believe In the Deity of Jesus Christ. (Jesus is God.) John 1:1-3; 1:14; 10:30; 1 John 5:7.

To give an example of "Apologetics", I will refer to some replies made on this very forum. Under "Apologetics" there is the topic, "Give thee a Covenant of the People". Observe:

Statement by 'savedbymercy' Reply # 32

"I am not saying nothing, but only witnessing to the Truth, you either believe it or not. Now does not Rom 5:10 teach that the elect are reconciled to God by Christ's Death even while they are enemies or not !"

Statement by 'macuser' Reply # 33

"What it says is, "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life."

This is an Apologetics forum. So do you believe that we are reconciled with God without being saved? It's a simple question that only needs a yes or no answer.

Now it would help me and may be save many souls if your could work in John 3:3 into your explanation of salvation and reconciliation."

Statement by 'savedbymercy' Reply # 34

"I know that is what it says, I posted it remember ? Now do you believe it ? Those Christ died for are reconciled to God, by Christ's death, while in themselves being enemies. Do you believe that ? If not then show us why not !"

Statement by 'macuser' Reply # 35

"Yes you know what it says but do you know what it means.

You obviously don't know what the word apologetics means.

Now you posted the verse and I asked you a question about the verse and you challenge my believe in God's word, when you are not capable explaining two little words of your posted text.

Let me help you out.

Sozo was the word used for saved in your verse it translates ensure salvation

Katallasso was the word used for reconciled in your verse it translates return to favor.

I am assuming that you know what the word SHALL means.

Now that I did your work for you and hopefully educated you to the meaning of the truth please take 5 seconds and answer my question.
Do you believe that we are reconciled with God without being saved? It's a simple question that only needs a yes or no answer.

Or just maybe you don't believe the Word of God.

we shall be saved by his life"

Statement by 'savedbymercy' Reply # 36

"Do you agree or not that the Elect are reconciled to God by the Death of His Son, ,while they are enemies or Not !Rom 5:10

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Now if you do not want to address this, then you have noi business asking questions. I just answered a question of yours when I posted my response with this verse. Now do you believe it or not ? And Why. I am defending my point, now what can you do ?"

Statement by 'admin' Reply # 37


You have been asked to defend your faith by addressing a question about scripture you chose to make your claim of truth.

It is not the role of the rest of the members of this board to justify your belief, it is your role.

Please clarify your belief.


In the above example 'savedbymercy' makes his statement (in the affirmative), then gave his supportive Bible reference relating to the subject. The problem? This is 'Apologetics', not  Statement of Faith.

Notice Reply # 35 by 'macuser'

"Yes you know what it says but do you know what it means."

In apologetics, what the Bible says is not what makes it authoritative, but rather, what the Bible means.

So who determines what the Bible means?

Each major denomination does. Each major denomination has what is called a 'platform of interpretation'. So what is a platform of interpretation?

Usage: often attributive
1 : plan, design
2 : a declaration of the principles onwhich a group of persons stands;especially : a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate
3 a (1) : a usually raised horizontal flat surface; especially : a raised flooring (2) : a device or structure incorporating or providing a platform;especially : such a structure on legsused for offshore drilling (as for oil)
b : a place or opportunity for publicdiscussion
4 a : a usually thick layer (as of cork)between the inner sole and outersole of a shoe
b : a shoe having such a sole
5 a : a vehicle (as a satellite oraircraft) used for a particular purposeor to carry a usually specified kind ofequipment
b : operating system; also : thecomputer architecture and equipmentusing a particular operating system
you'll have to stand up there on theplatform for your speech
for years the publisher has usedhis newspaper as a platform for hisextreme political conservatism
Origin: Middle French plate-formediagram, map, literally, flat form.
First use: 1535
Synonyms: dais, podium, rostrum,stage, stand, tribune"

Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2013

"inˇterˇpreˇtaˇtion\in-ˌtər-prə-ˈtā-shən, -pə-\
1 : the act or the result of interpreting: explanation
2 : a particular adaptation or versionof a work, method, or style
3 : a teaching technique thatcombines factual with stimulating explanatory information <naturalhistory interpretation program>
inˇterˇpreˇtaˇtionˇal \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
inˇterˇpreˇtaˇtive \in-ˈtər-prə-ˌtā-tiv also -prə-tə-tiv\ adjective
inˇterˇpreˇtaˇtiveˇly adverb
inˇterˇpreˇtive \-ˈtər-prə-tiv, -pə-\ adjective
inˇterˇpreˇtiveˇly adverb
that's one possible interpretation ofthat cryptic remark
a sensitive interpretation of a piecethat is a touchstone for violinists
a very Freudian interpretation ofThe Nutcracker
First use: 14th century
Synonyms: clarification,construction, elucidation, exegesis,explication, exposition, illumination,illustration, explanation, road map

Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2013


A platform is a 'plan', and an 'interpretation' is an explanation. So together, a platform of interpretation is a 'planned explanation' the leaders of a particular denomination want people to believe the Bible means.

In short, the Bible says what the scholar says it means; (which may actually differ from what the Bible actually says).

That is the fallacy of Bible "Apologetics"!



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Re: The fallacy of Bible Apologetics
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 01:47:39 pm »
The thread jack is cutting up may lead to a wrong impression to the posters positions if you have a question your should read it in context.
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