Author Topic: Is God sadistic?  (Read 1299 times)

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Is God sadistic?
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:17:09 pm »
I wanted to comment on a post made the other day, which is no longer available, concerning God and the killing of women and children.

Occasionally we get people on the board that feel God is cruel or as describe in the post as sadistic. These posters usually assume that God has no right to discipline mankind or abolish His own creation. There seems to be no understanding that the reason of mankind existence is the pleasure of his creator. The idea that God created man for His glory and no other purpose, baffles the self-centered pleasure driven mouthpieces of Satan. The same people are quick to demand retribution from others whenever they feel that they have been wronged. And why should it be different with God?

To the verses that people like to point to showing that God is uncaring and unfeeling, are Deuteronomy 20:16, and Joshua 6:21. In these verses the Jews are ordered to destroy all living things within city walls. Of course the people pointing out these verses don't point out the reason of this destruction. They should start out by reading Deuteronomy 9 and reading the above verses in context.

You notice in the majority of the charges, Sodom and Gomorrah are not mentioned, likewise the 200 million humans that were destroyed in the flood, and none saved but eight. The reason of this is because most people understand those stories and realize that the destruction of these people was because they had become totally corrupt and sinful. The same thing is happening when God orders the cities put to death, including all living things within the walls. It's the same kind of discipline that was given to the world at the time of the flood and to Sodom and Gomorrah at the time of their destruction.

The bigger mystery is why has God allowed any of mankind to survive the destruction they deserve. And the mystery that God would come down to this Earth and be nailed to a cross and suffer so that we, the unworthy, could be forgiven and become part of His family.

When God was on this earth he washed the feet of his followers and he asked forgiveness for those who nailed him on the cross and mocked him, how can people like awood397 call Him sadistic?


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Re: Is God sadistic?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 12:38:05 am »
He is a righteous God that makes judgement on the unrighteous. He is a gracious God that gives grace to the unworthy.

Who is worthy of His grace? None!

clark thompson

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Re: Is God sadistic?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 05:21:29 pm »
He is a righteous God that makes judgement on the unrighteous. He is a gracious God that gives grace to the unworthy.

Who is worthy of His grace? None!

We are made righteous by Christ thru grace.