Author Topic: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?  (Read 4032 times)

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Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« on: September 29, 2013, 11:29:34 am »
Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?

There a lot of people call themselves Christians that believe these are the same god. I give you Pope Francis.

My belief is that if you use the Bible as a reference you'll see that this is impossible.

What say you?

JB Horn

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 12:58:20 pm »
Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?

There a lot of people call themselves Christians that believe these are the same god. I give you Pope Francis.

My belief is that if you use the Bible as a reference you'll see that this is impossible.

What say you?

The problem you run into Fat, is that the other side is going to claim that the Bible used by Christians and Jews is inaccurate, or altered. The funny thing is they're going to take you back to Abraham and claimed that they are true descendants of the covenant, yet they do not believe in circumcision.


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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 01:13:16 pm »
The problem you run into Fat, is that the other side is going to claim that the Bible used by Christians and Jews is inaccurate, or altered. The funny thing is they're going to take you back to Abraham and claimed that they are true descendants of the covenant, yet they do not believe in circumcision.

The Moslem would say that, I Reference Christians that take this view. The Moslem would agree that Jews and Christians do not worship their god.

How many times have you heard from Christians that we all worship the same god?

Francis Drake

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 05:25:54 am »
The Moslem would say that, I Reference Christians that take this view. The Moslem would agree that Jews and Christians do not worship their god.

How many times have you heard from Christians that we all worship the same god?

The answer is essentially no.
However, despite anything the Koran might say, anyone who cries out to his creator is crying out to the God of the bible. That is what Romans1 tells us


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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2013, 10:19:58 am »
The answer is essentially no.
However, despite anything the Koran might say, anyone who cries out to his creator is crying out to the God of the bible. That is what Romans1 tells us

Of course we all have the same God but all do not worship the same God.
Hinduism has their own creation god, as do other religions.

There is a distinction between the God that died on the cross for his sheep and all other gods. 
I think the question or a test would be does the true God, our God, allow these people in His holy presence.

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:23 KJVA)

JB Horn

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 11:44:13 am »
Of course we all have the same God but all do not worship the same God.
Hinduism has their own creation god, as do other religions.

There is a distinction between the God that died on the cross for his sheep and all other gods.
I think the question or a test would be does the true God, our God, allow these people in His holy presence.

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:23 KJVA)

So we are to say the Muslims worship a God that does not accept their worship. And there for He is not their God, even though they say their god is the God of Abraham.

There are false gods who's existence is proven only by being worshipped, because without worship they would not exist. This is not the case with your question, because they portray him to be a God he is not.

clark thompson

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2013, 05:27:14 pm »
Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?

There a lot of people call themselves Christians that believe these are the same god. I give you Pope Francis.

My belief is that if you use the Bible as a reference you'll see that this is impossible.

What say you?

No it is clear they are very different. No true Muslim will admit Jesus is the same is Allah and true Christians will admit Jesus as Lord.


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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2013, 07:43:51 pm »
No it is clear they are very different. No true Muslim will admit Jesus is the same is Allah and true Christians will admit Jesus as Lord.

Exactly, one god can not have two opposing doctrine  or scripture.

Francis Drake

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2013, 07:43:39 am »
Exactly, one god can not have two opposing doctrine  or scripture.

But people who claim to worship Christ have countless different doctrines. As witnessed here on this forum!

Francis Drake

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2013, 07:47:01 am »
So we are to say the Muslims worship a God that does not accept their worship. And there for He is not their God, even though they say their god is the God of Abraham.

There are false gods who's existence is proven only by being worshipped, because without worship they would not exist. This is not the case with your question, because they portray him to be a God he is not.

False gods don't suddenly come into existence just because they are being worshiped. Satan existed prior to Adam bowing down to him.


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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2013, 09:12:30 am »
Exactly, one god can not have two opposing doctrine  or scripture.
But people who claim to worship Christ have countless different doctrines. As witnessed here on this forum!

Yes, but they are fallible. Do you believe a god can be fallible?


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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2013, 09:23:28 am »
Quote from: JB
So we are to say the Muslims worship a God that does not accept their worship. And there for He is not their God, even though they say their god is the God of Abraham.

There are false gods who's existence is proven only by being worshipped, because without worship they would not exist. This is not the case with your question, because they portray him to be a God he is not.
False gods don't suddenly come into existence just because they are being worshiped. Satan existed prior to Adam bowing down to him.

JB, Drake

The moon exist but it was not a false god until people worshiped it. The fact still remains that it is not a god, but a false god. And only has that status because it is worshipped.

JB Horn

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2013, 10:48:02 am »
False gods don't suddenly come into existence just because they are being worshiped. Satan existed prior to Adam bowing down to him.

JB, Drake

The moon exist but it was not a false god until people worshiped it. The fact still remains that it is not a god, but a false god. And only has that status because it is worshipped.

But the Muslims say they worship the God of Christ, but classify Christ as a prophet and not a god. They do not believe in His resurrection, but neither do the Jews.

Muslims don't worship the God of John 3:16.

Francis Drake

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2013, 05:17:54 am »
But people who claim to worship Christ have countless different doctrines. As witnessed here on this forum!

Yes, but they are fallible. Do you believe a god can be fallible?

Sorry Fat. I don't really understand your question. But---
Of course the One true God of all creation is infallible. However there are countless differences of opinion as to his attributes and commands. It is as if they are different gods, not one Jesus.
As such He can appear fallible, because what we declare about him, or believe of him changes depending on who you speak to.

Francis Drake

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Re: Is the God of Mohammed and the God of Christ the same God?
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2013, 05:26:15 am »
False gods don't suddenly come into existence just because they are being worshiped. Satan existed prior to Adam bowing down to him.

JB, Drake

The moon exist but it was not a false god until people worshiped it. The fact still remains that it is not a god, but a false god. And only has that status because it is worshipped.

No Fat, this is wrong. Satan, and the demons, all existed and had rebelled against God long before they were worshiped by mankind. Satan saw himself as God just as Isaiah says.

Isaiah14v12"How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! 13"But you said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. 14'I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'…

He didn't do this because mankind worshiped him and made him a god.