Author Topic: God's Legal Prcedent  (Read 1214 times)

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Alexander Winslow

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God's Legal Prcedent
« on: January 29, 2014, 05:54:07 pm »
For six thousand years, Almighty God has been putting his 'Legal Precedent' into place, this however, will not go into effect until the end of the Sabbath Millennium of the Christ. Lord of the Sabbath is what the Son of man is and this is the Sabbath Millennium of which all the Sabbaths under the Mosaic Law were foreshadows of.

                                                           GOD’S LEGAL PRECEDENT REVEALED!


While the Ransom is the Key to Salvation, God’s Legal Precedent is the Key to his Purpose for the whole of creation.
Since the creation of Adam, six thousand years of human history have produced a long record of suffering, tears and death. During this period the Devil and men alienated from God have had full opportunity to work out their wicked schemes.

By his course of action in Eden Satan has set himself up as a rival ruler, challenging the supreme authority of Almighty God. By inducing men to serve him, he has become their ruler and their god. Because of this he is referred to in the scriptures as the ruler and ‘god of this world’. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

By allowing Satan, his demons and rebellious men time to carry out their schemes to their limit, God has therefore taken a long-range view of matters; a view which will eventually benefit all creation throughout eternity.

Examining the scriptures in connection with this, the realization of the incredible potential of this new Theocratic arrangement becomes clearly manifest. “Only if you are of the ‘anointed’, are you Abraham’s seed; heirs and instrument of the promise.” (Galatians 3:29) NMTCS This potential to be born into the family of God (Galatians 4:6) and receiving total power as immortal spirit creatures means that they will be given jurisdiction over the entire creation!
What will happen then? The scriptures indicate that life shall be imparted to billions and billions of dead planets, as life has been imparted to this earth. As creation continues under the directive of Almighty God, this Heavenly Theocratic New Jerusalem shall rule for all eternity! Revelation 21 and 22 show that there will then be no pain, no suffering, no evil, because we shall have learned to choose God's way of good. It will be an eternal life of accomplishment, constantly looking forward in super-joyous anticipation to new creative projects, and still looking back also on accomplishments with happiness and joy over what shall have been already accomplished.
We shall never grow tired and weary. Always alive, full of joyous energy and vitality with the strength and power of perfect humans endowed with everlasting life!

                                                    Earth will achieve universal distinction

Even the influence of Almighty God will extend to the realm of this earth. His heavenly throne will be established over the whole of creation.
After speaking of the various resurrections, it is recorded: "Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power." (I Corinthians 15:24)
The influence of this wonderful majesty reaching down and enveloping the whole realm of the earth is described here: "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them [in spirit], and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God." (Revelation 21:3)
Further still in Revelation 22:3 we read: "And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it.” Heavenly Jerusalem and his servants the Heavenly Great Crowd shall render him sacred service day and night; as they did initially in Revelation 7:9, 14, 15.
The reference to God and the ‘Lamb’ incorporates Almighty God the Creator and the composite body of the ‘Anointed-ones’ with the ‘Lamb’ at its head.
The atonement [at-one-ment] for Adamic sin, having already been accomplished by the original sacrifice of the Anointed One [Liberator]; now the at-one-ment for the whole of Creation shall at last be completed. Under Almighty God, first there was the accomplishment of ‘World Government’ on the shoulders of the Prince of Peace, (Isaiah 9:6, 7) the scriptures inform us that the earth has been formed for the express purpose of being inhabited by mankind. (Isaiah 45:18) Therefore except for the heavenly ‘anointed-ones’ and the heavenly ‘great crowd’ mankind will remain on the newly-formed earthly Paradise, under a ‘Universal Government’ on the shoulders of the New Jerusalem [Israel of God].
With God's great master plan of seven thousand years finally completed, the ‘mystery’ of the ages is almost revealed. However due to the fact that this seven thousand years is the last seven thousand-year period after the completion of the six seven-thousand year periods of the six creative days, altogether this completes forty-nine thousand years which according to God’s pattern and parallel under his own Jubilee Law brings in his one thousand year Jubilee Sabbath which with all things having now been accomplished; a Jubilee Sabbath to the Creator will be enjoyed by all creation. All things then being complete according to the Divine Will and Purpose of Almighty God, we at last arrive at:


God’s Purpose Accomplished

Once God’s purpose regarding this is accomplished, should the situation ever arise at any future time whereby any free moral agent abuses his freedom of choice and calls into question God’s way of doing things; would it be necessary for God to grant him time to make good his theories or charges? Would God allow wickedness to exist again for thousands of additional years? Absolutely not!

Having on this occasion allowed rebels to continue for their allotted time of six thousand years, God will have established a clear Legal Precedent that can be applied anywhere in the universe and throughout eternity.

It will already have been amply proved that nothing that is out of harmony with the Creator can prosper, that no independent scheme of man or spirit can bring benefits; but instead that chaos will inevitably be the result. God will then be fully justified before all intelligent creatures in swiftly crushing any rebel.

To all eternity our earth will bear a distinction which no other planet throughout endless space will ever enjoy, even though [as stated] it will never be the only planet which will ever be inhabited. The Creator will place inhabitants on thousands, millions, even billions of other planets in due time, each with its own heavenly administration under the directive of the Israel of God.

But Earth will be the only planet where issues were raised by rebellious men and spirit creatures, where they were settled, and where the Legal Precedent was established that can be used as a touchstone everywhere else. Not just in the universe, but in the whole of creation.

Even though the experience for humans has been a painful one, it will also prove to be a beneficial one due to the issues which will finally be settled by it. Almighty God will have established once ‘for all time’ a Legal Precedent that can be used for the benefit and happiness of living creatures throughout the endless ages of time ahead of us.

Yours in Truth,



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Re: God's Legal Prcedent
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 07:04:20 pm »
When you use somebody's work please give them credit.

The Divine Plan Of The Ages: And The Corroborative Testimony Of The Great Pyramid In Egypt God's Stone Witness And Prophet (1886) By Charles Taze Russell

Jehovah's Witness