Author Topic: Did John the Baptizer Prepare Anything?  (Read 3078 times)

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JB Horn

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Re: Did John the Baptizer Prepare Anything?
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2013, 11:11:07 pm »
The Baptism of Jesus is not the topic of this Thread.  Did you need it to be?Oh really?

I have noticed with many "knowledgeable" Christians that they compulsively need to spout their canned answers, even when the question for their answer has mot been asked by anyone.  Are you doing that here, as you try to toot your own horn, Mr. Horn ... ?

(Lol.  A pun.)

Quote from: Stegley
It is also strange and unclear why John was baptizing people at all without the Text specifying why.  Remember, it is God's Word which interprets Itself, and not the imaginations and prognostications of Believers.
This board is called Bible Discussion for a reason.
If you don't want the answers don't ask the questions.


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Re: Did John the Baptizer Prepare Anything?
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2013, 08:27:51 am »
Then answer the question of the Thread, instead of just spouting whatever pops into your mind.  The original Thread did not speak about John Baptizing Jesus.  In fact, read the Text to see that at first John refused to Baptize Jesus to His face, and tried to correct Jesus' thinking on the matter.  Even though John was the greatest Prophet ever, he still had no clue of Jesus' real work on Earth.

Share your clues here.