Author Topic: Not a Christian Nation?  (Read 1185 times)

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Not a Christian Nation?
« on: January 30, 2014, 03:27:29 pm »
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Re: Not a Christian Nation?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2014, 05:43:23 pm »
There are more rumors about George Washington than perhaps any present that has lived. Everything from chopping down a cherry tree to having wooden teeth. These are fables not to be proven true. But even in early history rumors got around pretty far.

Today many Liberals spread the rumor that Washington was perhaps either a Theist who believed in God and not the Bible. . other want to say Free Mason. . They want to disprove that Early America had Christian roots.

So when people try to convince Obama this was a Christian nation he wants to deny those claims. . Because Obama does not want to listen to anyone in Washington DC. He neither thinks he has to answer to God. . although he has a few times opened up the Bible to bring out some verses as for example the Connecticut shooting to find a Prayer in the Bible. . mostly though he makes up laws that are contrary to God’s word. .

So if anyone tells him but Obama our Nation used to not be this way, then Obama says but this was never a Christian nation to begin with.. He said he was a Christian back in 2008. came into office opposed most of Christian voters turning his back on them.. Obama used to attend before his first election a Church that teaches anti American themes. . pretty much for that reason at that time I was opposed to him. How can I support someone anti American running for president?

He has been a part of Islam in some of his upbringing school. . But he appears to be more Socialist. Have you wondered? Has it been his purpose to tear down America from the inside so that when he gets out this country will be collapsed?. Obama wants everyone to forget this was a Christian nation only because he wants people only to listen to the president. Everyone who wants all the glory will always try to take God out of the way like he and other dictators have before.