Author Topic: The Genesis Flood - Global  (Read 1108 times)

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Alexander Winslow

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The Genesis Flood - Global
« on: February 03, 2014, 05:12:29 pm »

Here are some questions to answer for those who maintain that the Genesis Flood was merely a ‘local’ event:

(1) How could a ‘local’ flood cause Noah to build an ark when all he had to do was move to a new location?

(2) How could a ‘local’ flood cause Noah to take the other creatures into the Ark when all they had to do was flee from the oncoming threat to a place of safety?

(3) How could a ‘local’ flood cause the waters above the expanse (Genesis 1:7) to disappear?

(4) How could a ‘local’ flood cause the waters of the original sea basins (Genesis 1:9, 22) to cover the tops of the mountains (Genesis 7:19) without a global addition of ocean waters which now cover two thirds of the planet?

(5) How could a ‘local’ flood account for the vast ocean waters which today cover two thirds of the planet, when during the antediluvian period only a few sea basins existed?

(6) How could a ‘local’ flood produce a wind (Genesis 8:1) when no wind existed before the Genesis Flood due to the fact that it takes sun- power to produce wind, therefore only when the naked sun appeared was it possible for a wind to clear the waters?

(7) How could a ‘local’ flood introduce rain and a rainbow (Genesis 1:5; 9:13) which had never been experienced on the earth prior to this?

(8) How could a ‘local’ flood change the seasons from ‘two’ to ‘four’ introducing cold and heat, summer and winter and day and night [darkness] (Genesis 8:22) never before experienced?

(9) How could a ‘local’ flood suddenly bring about the necessity for man to eat meat (Genesis 9:3) when originally he did not do so (Genesis 3:18, 19) before the Deluge?

(10) How could a ‘local’ flood cause wine to ferment causing Noah’s intoxication (Genesis 9:21) after the Deluge?

(11) How could a ‘local’ flood increase man’s ape-like appearance which began with the birth of Enosh (The Hebrew Aggadah records that during the time of Enosh [weak mankind] man’s features began to take on an ape-like appearance) without a global environmental change?

(12) How could a ‘local’ flood produce a sudden sign of ageing in the human race and reduce the average age of mankind from 930 years; in  Genesis 6:3 God foretells the drop in life-span to 120 years and confirms in Psalm 90:10 that man’s average age from then on would be 70 years, except where some might reach eighty?

For all this to occur, requires a complete change of the ‘global’ environment; God would certainly not need to inform Noah nor any of the rest of us of these matters if the Global environmental status had remained unchanged!

Yours in truth
