Author Topic: Quotes on Tolerance  (Read 1407 times)

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Quotes on Tolerance
« on: February 13, 2014, 10:30:48 pm »

   A difference of opinion alienates only little minds.

     *I have seen gross intolerance shown in support of tolerance.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834)

      *In the world it is called tolerance, but in hell it is called despair . . . the sin that believes in nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.
Dorothy L. Sayers (1893–1957)

     It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defects of others.
François Fénelon (1651–1715)

     Love thy neighbor, even when he plays the trombone.
Jewish Proverb

      O God, help us not to despise or oppose what we do not understand.
William Penn (1644–1718)

      To understand all makes one tolerant.
Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël (1766–1817)

      Tolerance implies a respect for another person, not because he is wrong or even because he is right, but because he is human.
John Cogley (1916–1976)

      Tolerance is a tremendous virtue, but the immediate neighbors of tolerance are apathy and weakness.
Sir James Goldsmith (1933– )

      *Tolerance is another word for indifference.
William Somerset Maugham (1874–1965)

Zant Law

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Re: Quotes on Tolerance
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2014, 02:13:44 pm »
In today's society tolerance only works one way. There is a political correct tolerance, and the politically correct intolerance. We see this in our schools, and our local governments. We see this on how Christians are tolerated compared to other religions for instance Muslims.
Christians are expected to set aside all applications and references to their religious believes in the public square, at the same time Muslims and other religions are allowed to practice and preach their beliefs in the same venue.


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Re: Quotes on Tolerance
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2014, 10:13:56 pm »
In today's society tolerance only works one way. There is a political correct tolerance, and the politically correct intolerance. We see this in our schools, and our local governments. We see this on how Christians are tolerated compared to other religions for instance Muslims.
Christians are expected to set aside all applications and references to their religious believes in the public square, at the same time Muslims and other religions are allowed to practice and preach their beliefs in the same venue.

I was looking at Samuel Coleridge's statement and I think you could read that in reverse saying, 'I have seen gross tolerance shown in support of intolerance.' In other words political correctness.


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Re: Quotes on Tolerance
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2014, 09:56:17 am »
I just read a few responses to a youtube VID by Admin on the biblediscussion channel, from some anti-Calvinist. There is no tolerance with these people nothing but HATE in their post.